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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. That corner is a pain, you really have to send it in and hope you can stop in time. Some cars I find like you the front washes out and in others the back steps out and I've never found a happy medium between the 2. I used to like the new Supra that's not called a Supra (FT01? FGT01? something like that), it's a bit slow on the straights so if someone's in your tow you're in trouble but over the mountain it was fantastic. There's been a number of updates since I regular raced though so the balance of Gr3 cars has probably changed. For the ghosts, I thought there was an option to have them reset every sector. I'm certain I was using it trying to beat Lewis Hamilton's times though maybe it's something specific to that mode.
  2. I do really like Powerwolf, I think I might have posted some of their songs in the what are you listening to thread. Resurrection by erection is probably their oddest song. The rest are mostly about werewolves and shit, you know normal things 😄
  3. @JBR-Kiwi You might already know this but you can download the ghosts of the top 10 times so you can see how they achieve their times. Bathurst is definitely one of those tracks that, over the mountain section, you feel like you drive the same but can make or lose loads of time. I should be on earlier tonight to get some practice in as Bathurst is all about getting in to a rhythm.
  4. I was more thinking odd than nonsensical but both work. A new one; Resurrection by erection Raise your phallus to the sky and you never die It's resurrection by erection To be fair the whole song is worth checking the lyrics of.
  5. BOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh well, it should provide a close race then if we’re all in the same car.
  6. Awesome, I said last week that I’m looking to Bathurst / Mount Panorama turning up. So many people are going to end up in the walls. Goodwood is great fun too, so tricky to get right as there is no run off just grass. Also N300 features the 250gto and E-Type so we can recreate the Revival 😄
  7. But I'll miss your dulcet tones 😢 Though ti is funny how much talking distracts you from racing 🤣 Yeah you did back out of it early, especially given T1 at Interlagos is one of the best overaking places on the lap. Obviously this isn't racing like GTA or Wreckfest but you were plenty alongside to have the right to challenge the corner. Though TBH I'm glad you didn't get passed as the 2 main overtaking places are T1 and T4, both preceded by long straights and your car was quicker in a straight line than mine and I don't know if the tow would have been enough to overcome that. So I could have ended up stuck behind you with little chance to overtake you. It is good to see everyone getting closer, less than 2 seconds covering us all and taking my pole out then it's less than a second covering everyone this week. It's getting close enough, I'm really thinking I might have to start doing some practice on Monday nights 😆 As you said though, it's the consistency and getting out of rhythm that lets you down and I think this is true for Phil, Mike and Pete too. It comes with practise and experience so the more races we do, especially as we're generally sticking with gr3 & gr4. the better you will get.
  8. It's a shame that for one reason or another everyone couldn't make it on for one race but it was still a good night of racing 🙂 It was good to see you there @Spacedeck You were a lot closer than I expected given your controller troubles so hopefully with a new controller you'll be in the mix. Race 1: Gr.3 Autodrome Lago Maggiore II This was an interesting race, for those not in the know the II at the end signifies that the circuit is being raced in the reverse directions. So going in to practice with little experience of the reverse layout but plenty experience of the normal way round, I thought it would be easy to adapt - it wasn't. The track drives completely different in the reverse configuration with plenty of tightening bends, blind corners and a few tricky braking zones. I believe the Peugeot RCZ and Renault RS01 are topping the time sheets of qualifying and as I have an aversion for FWD, I took the Renault. I couldn't get on with at first while I was learning the circuit so tried the BMW M6 which is nice and stable as well as the Nissan GTR which I was faster in but I found round Maggiore I was getting too much understeer. As I knew the track better, I went back and tried the RS01 and it went much better, you can carry a lot more speed in to certain corners with the Renault than either the M6 or GTR. The Renault almost has to be driven like the R8, get the back end sliding a little to help you through the corners, too little and you understeer too much and you're in trouble which does make it interesting throwing it in to T1 or through the fast chicanes in the middle of the lap. Still on to qualifying and I manage to stick it on pole with, I think, my fastest lap of the night of 2:00.315 followed all close together of Kiwi 2:01.435, Phil 2:01.981 and Lee 2:02.236. I think both Phil and Lee messed up their fastest laps else would have been faster but I'll let them tell their side. The race started with a rolling start which always helps out with getting a clean start. My first few laps were a little tentative but still fast enough to pull a small lead on Kiwi. A mix of Kiwi making a mistake and me setting the fastest lap on lap 3 gave me some breathing room. After that it was pretty much just drive clean to take the win easy right? Well no, All of us were OK for fuel for the 10 laps but tyres were questionable, being in the lead I knew I couldn't pit unless everyone else did as I would lose too much time and the win like in Suzuka. So staying out was tricky, the first 5 or 6 laps weren't too bad but my rears were suffering. By lap 8 onwards, the rears were really suffering and I was struggling to keep the ass in line through the fast corners and traction out of the slow corners was non-existent. Thankfully, the tyre wear seemed to slow everyone down roughly equally so I could manage the gap to second place even if there were a few moments I thought I was going in to the wall. Results: Race 2: Interlagos Gr.4 Following the first race, we thought we'd another race from the daily races which was a choice of Gr2. at Nurburgring or Gr.4 at Interlagos. Knowing some people don't have a Gr.2 car makes that choice easy. Going in to practice, it was a mixed bag of not knowing what car to use. Lee looked up the top 10 qualifying times which I think was the Peugeot again or Audi TT - whatever, another FWD car so a no from me 😆 I tried a few cars through practice and it was a choice of fast in sector 1 and 3 and suffer through the infield of sector 2 or slower in sector 1 and 3 but be better through sector 2. The Lamborghini was very quick in Sector 1 and I was consistently fastest in it but by the end of Sector 2, I'd be down on the fastest and I'd make some of it back in Sector 3 but never enough. This ultimately made my choice for me as I know the GT86 Gr.4 has a good front end on it to help through sector 2. So on to qualifying, Not much to say for this, it was a quick 10 mins of qualifying ending with me on pole with a 1:40.314, Lee making the front row in 2nd with 1:41.061, Kiwi 3rd on a 1:41.573 and Spacedeck with controller problems in 4th with a 1:42.045. On to the race, another race with fuel and tyre wear but it was quickly apparent neither were high enough to warrant taking a pit stop so a pure spring race. A rolling start again made things easier (maybe we should always do a standing start?) and again a couple tentative laps to begin with especially as Lee was right on my tail. At the end of lap 1, Lee was right on my tail coming out of the final corner with his superior straight line speed and drafting he got along side. I covered the inside line hard to make Lee have to go the long way round which is possible at Interlagos as the outside of T1 quickly becomes the inside of T2. I don't know whether Lee braked too early or was being a gentleman but I managed to hold the lead. Unfortunately Lee made an error on Lap 2 (I think it was) giving me some breathing space and allowing me to take the normal racing line and get in the flow and set faster and faster laps with lap 3 being a high 41, lap 4, mid 41. lap 5 low 41 and the fastest lap of the race on lap 6 of 40.745 to extend my lead to a comfortable margin. I think over the rest of the race Lee made a few more mistakes allowing Kiwi to catch him with Kiwi being victorious in that battle and taking 2nd, Lee following in 3rd and Spacedeck in fourth.
  9. Ghosts and Advanced Warfare take the crown for worst CoD’s. Maybe it is as I know a lot of people rave about BO1 but it’s the worst Treyarch game for me. BO2 was the best Treyarch CoD, BO3 was alright too and BO4 the alpha and beta put me off it the same as this.
  10. Meh. The modern Modern Warefare is in my opinion has been the best CoD for a while. It still has problems most notably the disparity in what you see to what others see leading to the jumping round every corner. Plus there’s a few rubbish maps. However for the most part the maps were mediocre to good and had good enemy visbility, the balance of weapons is decent meaning a variety of weapons can be used rather than just one OP class and on the weapon front quick scoping is less of an issue. Movements were fluid and the graphics were a step too. I highlight all that because in all the areas I think MW improved on, Cold War has regressed on. I know it’s only a beta so things can still change but it’s too late for things like map design, animations etc. so don’t think I’ll be getting this one. Maybe it’s just me though as generally I don’t rate Treyarch CoD’s.
  11. Basically it depends on who the camera is focusing on. If it’s a Chinese person speaking Chinese to another then it’s in English. The only time you have subtitles is if it’s from an American’s perspective and they’re speaking Chinese. But they have a camera effect to show when they switch to a “dubbed” Chinese (it isn’t actually dubbed as the actors are speaking English, I just can’t think of a better word)
  12. Looks pretty good and I like the idea of cards. Though I do wonder if it will become too cluttered once you have a few games, parties, big friends list etc.
  13. Season 2 of this recently started and wondered if anyone else is watching it? It’s made by the same people as Banshee and so share some similarities but it’s based on the writings of Bruce Lee. The story is good but isn’t anything amazing but the sets, fight scenes and overall style really make it enjoyable to watch. Plus I really like how they get around subtitles for most of the show. Season 1 Trailer
  14. Played Richard in 4400, Cottonmouth in Luke Cage, Greenbook, voiced the uncle in Into the Spiderverse. He was also the upper city bad guy from Alita and he was in True Detective (I think season 2). I do really like him as an actor but not sure he’s the right build for Blade. He’s also mid 40’s so question if he’s too old but will wait and see. I didn’t realise there was a series, just watched a trailer and it looked terrible 😆
  15. Come one, come all lets go racing!
  16. Who are you kdding Rich with won’t always have to drive back? I’ve been looting with people we drive the car to go next door 🤣 It would be good to have a walk in entrance though I think it’s a little in flux until we’ve settled on the design off the base, the height of the walls, how many walls, wall thickness, are we putting bars on top of the trap trenches etc. I agree with the storage though the original base plan was to have bulk storage and forges on the bottom floor of the base for the most common things like stone, clay, wood and smelting iron, steel etc. With the forges in their current position for adhoc stuff like brass which we never have enough of for bulk or suddenly needing more of a resource. I think the current set up is being used though because a) people are lazy but also b) because we’re still building and figuring out the base we’re using alot of resources and time so aren’t getting a backlog of resources to need bulk storage yet. Though I think (hope) we will soon as the base is getting through horde nights a little less damaged these days. Then we can move on to doing it all again when building secondary bases around the map 😆
  17. So yeah, horde night 91 didn't go too well again. Traps not down and not enough ammo makes horde night hard! Most of the night wasn't too bad as the zombies for some reason decided to focus on trying to dig under the perimeter wall making it easy to burn them all with molotovs. Eventually their focus turned though and they managed to get through the 3 wide hardened concrete wall with a couple getting in to the base. Thankfully this was at the end of horde night so was a relatively easy job of mopping up the few stragglers. So I straight away set to crafting 20 something blade traps and I know Lee has put some (all?) of them down so hopefully with them down, maybe some other traps and some spikes the base will fair a bit better come the next horde night. Maybe even worth upgrading as much of the inner most 3 wide wall to steel reinforced concrete being is our last line of defence. GGFG and thank you to you too for running the server for as long as it took for us lot to realise how good the game is. I don't know what it is about this time but I'm enjoying it a lot more than previous times we've played. But a bigger/better server is always a good thing, it would be awesome one horde night if we could get everyone on. Though maybe once we have a decent array of traps and a good supply of bullet 😆
  18. The races were fun last night, still annoyed about the reset as it cost me the chance of the win. Though unnecessarily pitting didn't help either but I didn't want Lee to moan about me not pitting again 🤣 Still, I suppose I should accept I can't win them all. The official classification from this weeks races;
  19. Nice update Lee 👍 It’s good to know the base held up pretty well especially as with 5 of you the horde would be pretty large. It is time to focus on traps but I don’t know if we can make enough before the next one but we can try. Though on the trap front, the walls were built with 3x3 traps in mind but due to the needed thickening of our base wall the trench is now only 5 wide. So we’ll need to rethink our trap design. Which isn’t a bad thing as we probably should use a mix if traps and turrets. On the ammo front, I managed to get on for a little before gt sport wednesday and last night and just looting. With some help from Crispy and Rich Plenty of brass, door knobs and radiators found 🙂 I think by the end of last night we had ~1600 bullet casings with enough brass melting down to maybe double that. With time for more looting before the next horde too. Now just turn all the casings in to bullets. Now I’ve also maxxed lucky looter and with a few books read. Even though I occasionally use bullets while looting, I always seem to come back with more than I left which is a bonus.
  20. Listening to a new band and one of their songs opens with the line; “This is a song about death, mead and a goat” It stands out as an odd lyric but it can’t be the weirdest so what have you got. From this song if you want to listen.
  21. Depends if we can throw molotov’s through iron bars. As that would allow us to walk over the whole base. Also might help stop jumpers - though we’d have to make sure they can’t jump on top of the iron bars with us. Glad the gaps / path finding works. Time to make lots of traps for next time.
  22. Ippolito caused the crash that put Corberi out of the race. The fight afterwards is what it is, plenty of drivers over the years have had a punch up. But for his Corberi's dad to get involved too (especially considering Ippolito is only 16) and throwing things at other drivers is just crazy.
  23. This thread isn’t meant so much as a this is what is happening, more communicate the ideas we’ve had so anyone can join in the build without needing everything verbally explained. A garage would be cool, I can add it to the image later so we have a rough idea of where we would need to dig. I assume the garage would connect with floor 1 or were you thinking depeer? The spinning blades were just used as it’s easy to make a visual representation of them but the trenches could be filled with any traps you want. Can the auto turrents shoot down? If so, could we place them on the walls? especially the outside wall so they could start shooting new waves coming in. As for watch towers, that’s a good idea. If we can’t throw molotov through iron bars we will need places to stand out over the traps so that could be the solution.
  24. So work has started on the new base in earnest and there is quite a bit of the walls built already but I know a few people don't know about the new base and the plan so of course I thought I'd create a pretty picture. The basic walls are in place though for the most part, though a lot of blocks are still cobblestone blocks so need upgrading to concrete and hardened concrete. There are forge's and cement mixers on the second level with a few small storage crates full of stone, sand and clay for us to make the materials to upgrade blocks. There is also food, drink etc. and nailguns which are the best tool for upgrading blocks. The basic plan is that there will be walls with mis-aligned gaps in so zombies will try and path find to us in the middle and make them walk passed lots of traps. I don't know what we could put in the corners with the question marks? Originally I was thinking traps but I don't think they would be much use - maybe the auto gun turrets? what's the range on them does anyone know? There is also the thought we could over all the traps with iron bars so we could shoot down on the zombies but I don't know if you can through molotov's and grenades through iron bars. The base could be expanded further too if we need it to include more walls, traps, spikes etc. Though I'm thinking that we should probably leave the base as it to see how it copes with a horde night. I've also included a side view of the base so people know the floor;# Floor 1 is bedrooms; Not really useful in this game but nice to have a little personalised area of the base. Floor 2 This has a few forges, workbenches and cement mixers on which are being used currently. I think the plan is for some of these to stay there to be used ad hoc for crafting with a little storage of things to be used for these ad-hoc crafting. Floor 3 Bulk storage and bulk crafting. Certain items like stone, clay etc. we will get lots more of than other resources so all the additional stuff can be stored down there. With forges dedicated to smelting iron, lead etc. This is from @phil bottle plan so I'm hoping I have got it correct but I don't think any one is precious about the plans so any input is welcome. On this still be to worked out is a garage, we keep picking up vehicles come horde night but it would be good to have somewhere proper to store all our vehicles.
  25. No, I took a break from them but hadn't realised it had been so long since I had done any work on them. Definitely time to get cracking with some more 🙂
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