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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. You're no Leonardo DiCaprio then
  2. Tommy that's the forum saying that it wants money. It's basically begging. Since I've renewed the licence we also have the option to upgrade to IPS4 which is apparently the dog's bollocks. I'm going to look in to it this weekend and roll it out. This will mean that the software will be 100% fresh with no bugs, issues or malware. If I don't find a way to fuck it up
  3. I am seriously struggling to resist the urge to buy the seaon pass. This game just gets better and better the more I play it and the support is on a whole different level. This is certainly not what I'd expect from Ubisoft so it's a really pleasant change.
  4. Does a bear shit in the woods? Of course I'm getting it
  5. We're not going anywhere dude. As long as I'm alive, this place will be here
  6. This is what I posted on the freeforums site: I've made my stance clear, I will under absolutely no circumstances allow the FG name to be tainted by a split, drama or a free forum stuffed with ads or spam in my inbox because of it. I've already had a quick nose around the new forum and found a shitload of functionality missing from the free stuff so if folks want to roll with that then that's cool, but I will not allow the last few years to be thrown in the bin because of a technical glitch. Back to business as usual folks, much love as always, Dids
  7. Hi, remember me? I used to work here a while ago. Well, I'm back! I've renewed the licence and am in talks with tech support about getting a clean bill of health. Numerous sites which do virus scan thingies (real ones, not the ones that tell me the site's infected and that for $500m I can sort it) give us an all clear but there are a few question marks which are now in the hands of tech support. I'll update as I go. As for the SFW theme, if anyone has any suggestions please drop them here and I'll implement what I can so you lot can all look like you're doing work whilst actually browsing the forum. STAY AWESOME FG!
  8. Apologies for the issues guys. I have actually been busy trying to resolve it, and it's been a bit of a mission but I *think* we should be in the clear now. Basically the hosts found some malicious code on the site and their servers pulled it automatically which is why we had a server error. The site only auto backs up once a week which is why we lost that much content. Please be vigilant over the next few days and if you see anything untoward, let me know as soon as possible. We are apparently on a new shiny server now so that may make the site run a bit smoother but only time will tell. Once again apologies for the outage, hopefully it's resolved once and for all!
  9. Omg rich. Just omg. This film looks fucking awful, as do many of her films. However, anyone saying that Melissa Mccarthy is shit in everything hasn't seen Spy.
  10. BAHAHAHAHA! Omg that's brilliant.
  11. I agree Steve, I'm a sucker for a brain-off stupid film.
  12. Steve will love it. He loved the grey too, another film which I thought was crap. Different strokes for different folks and all that. I'd imagine that Steve would turn 21 Jump Street off, whereas I loved it.
  13. Diddums

    BF1 Gameplay

    That's exactly what it is. Chopperbitches are a pain in the arse, j seriously hope we don't see a return in BF1.
  14. Nein. That was my post, so I don't know why it's showing as Dave posting it. I don't know what the hell is going on, maybe it's a time thing, no idea. I'll have a look after work if Bart doesn't manage it. Today's a ballache, I'm down a bunch of engineers and work is being a PITA.
  15. Hahaha, it looks like these guys may be starting to hit the final nails in the CoD coffin. I've got mixed feelings about it because a) I have so many fond memories on CoD, b ) it keeps the dregs of the gaming community away from other games, but then it'll hopefully mean that other people spend more money on other games which will mean more development cash for other titles. I dunno. We'll see.
  16. I'm trying to blame you for me being shit at R6. Just roll with it
  17. It amuses me that my play style irritates you so much I'm always flanking. Always. One second you'll have a Mercy healing the whole team and the next second she'll mysteriously die. Roadhog is my flanker, he can get round the back of a team and seriously fuck shit up and because he can heal himself, I can stay there for ages. I don't see why this is such a waaaaaa topic. If I'm rolling support it'll be (as of last night) Lucio, who is also great fun. Stop moaning about my play style. I already stopped playing R6 because you kept whining, keep that shit away from Overwatch. Ta.
  18. Nice find Christy, Lucio's one will definitely come in handy. And Roadhog obviously doesn't need any tips or tricks, cos he's a badass anyway.
  19. Honestly Bart it wasn't like that, we didn't want to go too large nor did we want to wait. There were only 5-6 people involved and had we needed more or any thing else, you can bet your bottom dollar I would've held a hat out. We weren't excluding anyone, just keeping it short and sweet As always this was a gift from EVERYONE here, not just certain individuals. That's how family works
  20. Oh and I must mention both the florist and the Bistro, Christine's Florist was absolutely fantastic. They really went above and beyond, picking up the voucher from the Bistro on the way home last night. Excellent service, well done!
  21. Glad you guys like 'em Dave. Crispy's idea, I was on logistics and planning and a few others helped out, if they want to be named they're more than welcome to pop in. We didn't go too far and wide because time was of the essence, this needed to happen sharpish, the idea was conceived on Thursday night. We really are a fantastic family here, thanks to all of you for being awesome I just hope the restaurant is ok, I was poking and prodding like hell the other night but went for this in the end based on reviews and it looks like a nice place. This is it for those curious http://bistroonthequay.co.uk
  22. Fuck 'em. Dicks.
  23. Good stuff Tommy. At the rate people are getting this game, I can smell a tournament coming on!
  24. Yep, exactly. Honestly if one of these morons approached me in the street with one of these "pranks" they'd be going home in an ambulance.
  25. Bastion can be an absolute bell to kill if he's positioned well and his team are decent. Even then it's all about spotting that tune window of opportunity and nailing him.
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