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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. You're watching the wrong comedies then Steve. Have you seen 21 Jump Street? The Hangover? (not sure the hangover would be your kind of film though). I do agree that there are too many shit comedies nowadays. Same goes for TV shows. You ever seen Bob's Burgers? It's terrible. Honestly the ad alone made me want to fall asleep. Reviews? 8.1 on IMDB. EIGHT POINT ONE. Unfuckingbelievable.
  2. $$$$$$ For $50 ($35 for the Pi itself and $15 for the memory card and whatever) you have an emulator for all the old games you want. There's a dedicated OS for Pi with everything you need. Also, they fit in anything. I bumped in to a project somewhere where a guy had installed one inside something like this. I may get a Pi to tinker around with. I have a thing for cheap, small tech.
  3. I still can't get my head around the fact that they made a sequel. What the hell were they thinking? Also, Seth Rogen is the most stereotypical one trick pony in the stable. Every film is just "dick, balls, dick, cock, balls". It's fucking pathetic.
  4. Not me but I'd love a MAME box (don't tell Lee, he'll murder a dolphin). There are loads of guides and info all over the net and MAME can run on a raspberry Pi.
  5. That's exactly who it is. Well done!
  6. I dunno. Kyla's always banging on about going on one of these things. I just don't see the point. It's an artificial habitat which floats on something that will kill you if you fall in to it, which is infested with things which will kill you if you fall in their territory, so you can see the same people day in and day out, shit in a shit toilet, and see the crap every day for days, if not weeks on end. Thanks, fly me to the bahamas instead and let me have my own holiday. I'm going on a cruise soon btw.
  7. It's not a demon, it's a psycho. Come on Steve, know your evil shit
  8. Not enough lolz in this thread so here you go Billygoat: That said, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I was subjected to all sorts of fucked up shit when I was a kid (real shit, not video game shit) and I turned out just fine. In fact looking back on my life my father wouldn't even have batted an eyelid at any of this stuff so it just proves you're a good dad by being concerned. I suggest staying away from frisbees and boomarangs for a while though!
  9. Good. What a bunch of idiots.
  10. Fucking hell Adam, long time no see! Nice chatting to you again apparently
  11. Didn't we have one of these? I dunno. Either way, I want this noise in my life.
  12. This is fucking disgusting behaviour. Anyone who films this shit needs to learn how to hold a fucking phone. Dicks. Also, a JEEP goes for much, much more than $20k. Overpriced pieces of tat.
  13. I'm on it too. Done three dungeons or summat, I only downloaded it 'cos Tommy was whining like a little girl who wants an ice cream mentioned it in passing I'll have a go again later.
  14. This guy has done some serious research! Looks good.
  15. Holy. Fucking. Shit. RIP COD.
  16. If you're gonna leak something, then take a step back and take a proper fucking photo. All this bullshit of corners and wee bits of posters is bullshit. Just fuck off.
  17. Yep. I looked in to it as well and changing it would be a monumental task. It's staying as it is. Sun's out.
  18. I do this every year, slate CoD before it's even close to being launched. I then wait until it comes out, buy it, play it for a bit, bitch and moan about it, put it on the shelf and that's that. It's a cycle. I'll do the same next year too.
  19. Iron Banner 4lyfe.
  20. Chivalry.
  21. Red Orchestra 2 was one of the best FPS games I've ever played and it was set in ww2.
  22. Not without fucking up the rest of the CSS, no The software is poorly coded tbh. I went through some of the files this afternoon to try a few tricks and the coding looks like it was done by a 6 year old.
  23. Doesn't work like that sadly. It's position is dependant on everything else on the page, so simply adding the background to counter for it will simply shove the rest of the site around, plus it'll look a mess on various devices. I wish it was that simple! I#ll figure it out, don't worry
  24. Removed redundant "please remove us from adblock" announcement. Removed dead Adsense ad at the bottom of the page. Changed root to "forum" so anyone going to Forevergaming.co.uk automatically redirects to "forum" instead of "blog". Still to do: Try center the logo. Not sure how to do this, seems to be a mission but I'll give it a shot tonight. Can't think of anything else right now, if you can let me know and I'll change it.
  25. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, a USB3 drive won't work in a USB2 PC unless it's got updated drivers. I'm surprised MS distributes their software on USB3 tbh, when the majority of PC users still have USB2 and probably won't know the difference. Also, sorry I didn't get back to you last night, I was called out just as I got home and it turned in to a ballache resulting in me getting home at 1:30 am and feeling like a zombie today
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