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    phil bottle


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2017 in all areas

  1. I don't know, my travelling options are limited. I get a nosebleed if I travel further south than the river thames and the same if I travel further north than watford.
    3 points
  2. Only if Diddums is driving. I'd drive with Dave to the gates of hell (or Birmingham as the locals call it). Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Used to love this....in a dark room on your own...the click as the mob gate opens...hairs on the back of your arms standing up straight
    2 points
  5. Right it's just popped up on my dashboard. Downloading now
    1 point
  6. tronic44

    Countering Pharah

    Great video about how to counter Pharah and which character to do that with. It's probably not who you think it is.
    1 point
  7. Good man! I went from the thread, not from people have said cos I can't remember who I've spoken to
    1 point
  8. Greboth

    PvE vs PvP Changes

    Unlike Chris' suggestion they can't just ignore PvP, it is a big part of Destiny and there are a good chunk of players who almost solely play PvP. We were discussing this the other night and I apologise now as I can't remember the exact numbers but it is something like 60% of the community have ever tried a raid while only 20% have completed one. Obviously there are the strikes and NF's etc. but it gives some indication that, to a good chunk of the player base, PvE isn't that important. I can't really comment on super charge time as I've not played enough control to know how it works in that. In the competitive mode, I don't see a problem with how slow the supers charge as arguably supers actually ruin the game mode as you either it is use your supers for an insta-win round or supers are used simply as counter to other supers. I can see (but haven't exeprienced so may be wrong) that in control with more kills and more points from capturing objectives that supers will build quicker. I don't think it is clear cut as seperating PvP and PvE out to seperate mode and the game will instantly be better. It would still take careful balancing and arguable more balancing than currently due to effectively having 2 game modes. Bungie would also have to be careful not to run into the situation of there being PvP weapons and PvE weapons - a gun that is powerful in one should be powerful in the other. On balance though I do think they should seperate them out, we saw in D1 that in trying to balance PvP and PvE shotguns became OP to fuck then became uselss and Hand Cannons followed a similar path.
    1 point
  9. Looking at this so far it seems people who are yes are: Lee @GazzaGarratt Greboth @Greboth Rich @tronic44 Stretch @Stretch616 Tam @burnfitbillyboy Crispy @crispymorgan Bob @Baabcat Charlie @Venom Come on people, I'd like to know who else is in. I can start looking at stuff to try and package it up but rather know how many we can get there first.
    1 point
  10. until
    Let's have another Black Ops night and see if we can get more than 6 for some gun games and other stuff like shotgun only, etc. If we get just 6 and below we can play SnD, TDM, Dom, etc. Make sure you tell us what you can do so we know numbers.
    1 point
  11. Currently on sale for £9.99 and free on Steam this weekend to try out. Wasn't a fan of the multiplayer but as a single player shooter, really highly recommend.
    1 point
  12. GazzaGarratt

    Countering Pharah

    I do like chasing Pharah in the sky as you do more damage and also eating her bullets. However, we don't pair up with a DPS character like Soldier. Lets try that next time. Tactics. Now that's something we don't do too often!
    1 point
  13. Let's be fair,he is a bitch😏
    1 point
  14. Capn_Underpants

    Hello everyone

    Why do you hate me? You never join my party invites anymore. Via the FG App
    1 point
  15. tronic44

    Hello everyone

    Hey Rico, good to see you made the jump dude
    1 point
  16. Plumbers Crack

    Hello everyone

    Welcome Rico!
    1 point
  17. NCA-Paendrag

    Hello everyone

    Try and keep it simple please. We don't like these walls of texts! Welcome man, hope you feel right at home here
    1 point
  18. GazzaGarratt

    Hello everyone

    RICOOOOO! Glad you made it buddy For the newer FGers you should tell us abit about yourself; what games you like, dislike, etc? Hell, I don't even know! Hope you enjoy the FG ride
    1 point
  19. I don't like your attitude Via the FG App
    1 point
  20. Same here....me and Grebo can help sort you out
    1 point
  21. Diddums

    Last movie you watched

    Hacksaw Ridge. War flick based on the battle of Okinawa and one very unlikely hero. Mel Gibson's directorial debut with Spiderman as the main role. This film is a 10 for me. Absolutely superb and no film before it has conveyed the shit that the boys went through like this one, not for me anyway. Spiderman was absolutely fantastic, and if his heroic deeds were even only 10% of what Hollywood portrayed then he deserved every single medal thrown at him, especially as his fight wasn't only on the battlefield but began way before it. @Drifter you'll love this one, trust me.
    1 point
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