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Needless to say, @Rumelylady and moi are both engulfed in Forbidden West.  

Yes, it plays damn near flawlessly.  

Yes, it looks beautiful, especially in performance mode on Ps5.  

Yes, it’s going to be one hell of a ride. 🤘🏻

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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On 2/19/2022 at 5:04 AM, Riff Machine said:

Needless to say, @Rumelylady and moi are both engulfed in Forbidden West.  

Yes, it plays damn near flawlessly.  

Yes, it looks beautiful, especially in performance mode on Ps5.  

Yes, it’s going to be one hell of a ride. 🤘🏻

I really can't wait to play this, i've only heard positive things about it

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Spoiler Free but a small complaint.  


I ran into a story beat yesterday that I wasn't a big fan of.  I'm sure most won't be bothered by it but it kinda ruined a bit of the world for me.  


I still love the hell out of this game, and fully intend to finish it.  Just a minor annoyance.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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How is everyone getting on with this?


I'm loving it so far, without saying too much, I'm about 20 hours in and level 19 and just headed out west from the base.  It feels very similar to HZD but IMO that's a good thing as there hasn't been changes for changes sake.  I'm not sure if they've changed the machines or I'm just out of practise but I am finding it much harder using a bow than I remember.  The machines seems to close up so fast once they know where you are that a bow is only good for stealth.  Still it's great fun overriding a machine and sitting back as all hell breaks loose 😄


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I'm really enjoying it.  I did get a bit annoyed with a story beat, but getting a bit further, it kind of makes sense.  I hope the update that just dropped fixes some of the bugs and glitches I've noticed.  I've had the game crash 4 times last night alone from either finishing a quest to fast travelling.   I've also got stuck in some environments during some sections which forced me to reload and auto save. 


Those little gripes are minor at best though.  This truly is a lot more of what made Zero Dawn so damn good.  One of the first things I did though was remap mounting and dismounting to triangle.  Mostly due to be so use to using that input for just about every open world game in the past year or two. 



*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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12 hours ago, phil bottle said:

I'm working my way through Zero Dawn, I'll probably avoid this thread in case of spoilers 🙂

It should remain spoiler free.  I don't think anyone here will ruin the experience for you @phil bottle

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Agreed, it's no fun spoiling it for other people.  I will probably post some spoilers once I'm further in the game but that's what spoiler tags are for.


Though on a not really spoiler note, I saw my first Thunderjaw earlier so wandered over debating whether to try and take it on.  I got close and it was an Apex Thunderjaw so I noped right outta there 😄


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Just an FYI to those playing right now.  I ran into a bug during a quest called "Ancient Relics" for the Oseram salvager north or the main tenakth settlement.  You have to collect relics needed to create armor in 2 locations.  The location north of bleeding mark is bugged.  My advice?  Before getting this quest, go to both areas and collect all the purple relics found in old war machine and vehicles.  The other area is just east of the mentioned above settlement near a ravager location.  There's 3 in the first area and 4 in the ladder.  Once you've got them, then go get the mission and you'll complete it right away.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Thanks @Riff Machine though pretty sure that’s the mission I just picked up.  Where you have to go talk to a second salvager who gives you more contracts?  I just got the Bellowback kill but stopped for food so will be trying to figure out the relics later.  Hopefully it works for me.


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Yup, definitely was the mission I picked up but thankfully it worked for me so seems it's a temperamental bug.  Though if it means anything, I did collected the relics and all the other steps before returning to the Oseram woman.


Sadly this concludes my week off with the game but still managed to get 30 hours in and hit level 29 so not bad.  The only annoying thing for me is the only purgewater I have is traps and I have nothing that deals plasma damage.  I know there's a few merchants who sell weapons though so think I need to check them out.  Plus I'm not far along the main story line as, without spoilers, I still haven't collected the first of the 3 things you need to collect for the base.


Turns out, I also suck at machine strike 😞 


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I finally started playing this last night after picking it up at the weekend (and waiting for the 98gb download since i used the free ps5 upgrade 🙄) and I am already addicited and remember why i enjoyed Zero Dawn so much. I only managed to soend about an hour and a half on it but instantly remebered the controls and how fun it is to take down the machines. Really looking forward to where the story goes and getting to explore the world and missions 🙂

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It’s been a fun ride so far.  Destiny has interfered a bit with my play through, but I’ll get back into it over the next few days.  

Another thing that annoys me is why is there no block button when in melee or just in general?  

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Fantastic game. I’m taking my time. Exploring a lot. I’m at level 35 and been clearing side quest as I get to them. Really enjoying the machine over rides this time. Been using that play style recently. The skills in that tree make it so damn fun. 

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See all that makes me want to do is rewatch Avatar 😄 


I was reading about some of the good weapons earlier and it makes me want to try and get them before continuing the main story as I’m still missing a couple of elements.


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On 3/7/2022 at 6:36 PM, Greboth said:

See all that makes me want to do is rewatch Avatar 😄 


I was reading about some of the good weapons earlier and it makes me want to try and get them before continuing the main story as I’m still missing a couple of elements.

Most will take a while to get. There’s three you can get from the arena. Only one is worth having out of them imo. 

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Played and completed it. I didn't enjoy it as much as the first game. It just didn't "wow" me as much.

I found combat to be super annoying as well. Most enemies can jump huge distances and once you're knocked down you're screwed as they just keep knocking you down.



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On 3/14/2022 at 5:11 AM, MrBiron said:

Played and completed it. I didn't enjoy it as much as the first game. It just didn't "wow" me as much.

I found combat to be super annoying as well. Most enemies can jump huge distances and once you're knocked down you're screwed as they just keep knocking you down.


I agree with regards to the combat.  I'm at the last main quest right now and I've finished all the side quests save for a couple hunting grounds.  I found the staff, which was really good in HZD , felt so weak in this one.  My biggest gripe about combat though is why is there no block button?  The dodge is really bad and enemy projectiles seem to just track to where you are at times that make it pointless.  And, yes, certain enemies had a common habit of spamming the hell out of projectiles to make it almost impossible to get up.


I did enjoy it for the most part, but I also feel the first one was better.  The story for this really went fucky at times and it really sucked me out of it.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Ok, I just finished this and I am 100% disappointed with the direction the story has gone.  I enjoyed some of the new NPC characters introduced, considering they were all more interesting then Aloy herself, and a few of the new machines were interesting, it's just a shame the story was quite meh. 


Ghost of Tsushima is by far the better experience IMO.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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