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FG into 2019 - Updating Roles

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Hi All,


We've had a fantastic year in 2018 and whilst we've managed to achieve a lot of things this year, I can't deny its been a hard slog. Thank you to every single one of you that has been a continued support, this place really wouldn't exist if you all didn't contribute and enjoy being a part of this place.


With a new year starting, there are many things that people have asked for and at the same time there's been many changes I'd love to see but life has a funny way of getting in the way of these things (plus, my brain can only stay active so long into the night).


This is also coupled with regular people wanting to keep the support going and chip in to play more of a role in making FG something bigger, better and greater for all of us. This is something i've been wanting to do for some time and its great we can now do this. We'll now have a team of people that deserve to be called admins that will help make changes and drive things forward alongside myself.


@crispymorgan, @tronic44 and @phil bottle will become new admins with immediate effect. I think all the regulars know these guys and they are all very much deserving FGers that will get this place continually moving in the right direction. I'm also delighted to say that @Diddums is going to play much more of a role going forward too, just like the good old days, which i'm extremely happy about :D


Does this mean what I've been doing over the past few years will change? Not at all. In fact I think things will significantly get even better because with a team of people that are FG through and through, you will see new features, content, people...everything. I won't ever give up on this place and neither should anyone else. Our home is here to stay.


There'll be more specifics on what things we can plan to change and make better here coming over the next few weeks.


For now though, I hope you can support me by saying well done and a massive thank you to the guys stepping up and becoming part of the Admin FG Team.




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Lee has done a superb job this past 12 months. Spreading the load helps individuals take a step back when they need to focus on life stuff. The other guys can then handle the site stuff. We've picked up a few amazing members recently and I'd like to contribute to build on that and make this an even better place to find like minded people to play games with, whilst still maintaining that feeling that everyone on the forum is a friend.  And of course diddums had an infectious energy that will keep us all smiling, and I'm really glad to see him keeping involved, even if only to issue himself a ban for the umpteenth time.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Good to see you bumders pulling your weight around here. Has Leigh shown you where the kettle is yet? 


I like mine black, strong and sweet. I want it to look me in the eyecand tell me it loves me before I put it in my mouth.


But in all seriousness, Leigh has done a superb job lately and I reckon with you guys on the team many more good things will happen. I'm stepping back from the shadows a bit too now that I'm a bit more settled in my job.


Congrats folks, welcome aboard and here's to an epic 2019!



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Thanks Lee and everyone else, i'm looking forward to making this the best year we've had.


Our job isn't just to help implement changes that we want, it's also changes you want. So if you guys feel like there's anything that can be improved or think there's something new we can try then let us know. Crispy said it best, we don't want to lose the family feel we have here but want others to become members and feel the love too. 


As others have said it's great to have Dave back out of the shadows, he'll bring a great amount of experience, ideas and general amazeballsness.


Congrats to the other admins and i love forward to working closely with you all ❤️



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I know how hard it is to keep the "family feel" and as crispy said the feeling that everyone is a friend as forums grow so good luck guys.

Lee you've done a fantastic job good to see you've got some good help and @Diddums to fall back on. 😉

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