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Second episode.


Man, it's getting intense and I think they've squeezed as much as they can out of the 'setup' stage.


Next episode is going to be all out carnage. I really dont know who and what is going to happen, they've left every conversation open ended so you could guess every way possible could happen. Daenerys was NOT happy at the end of that episode.

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As the battle scene was very well done and intense, was I the only one that was a little disappointed in the episode. I left more questions to be answered than anything. Like what the fuck is Brans deal. 

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3 hours ago, TigerBurge said:

As the battle scene was very well done and intense, was I the only one that was a little disappointed in the episode. I left more questions to be answered than anything. Like what the fuck is Brans deal. 

No by the end I was just waiting for the twist to get here already. 


Angry Joe makes some good points tbh



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I loved the episode. My only rant was that it was too dark in many minutes, although that didn't detract from the major parts of the fight.


I'm still wondering whether or not there is only 1 dragon left as we only see 1 at the end. I'm with you Chris @TigerBurge as Bran seems to be getting even stranger by the second. I'm really wondering that the hell he'll be doing in the last 3 episodes.


What got me the most is that the Whitewalkers are completely gone - at the end of episode 3. We now have 3 full feature films left to see who takes the Iron Throne. For me, that seems a lot of airtime to fill, especially as the first 2 episodes were all about the setup for the Winterfell battle.


@techno, Joe really makes some good points and I do enjoy his videos but this one for me was just too far. I think you can just overcomplicate things and by hyper-critical the longer you have time to reflect. The initial reaction from most people was it was an amazing episode. Sometimes you have to not punch too many plot holes in it.

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@GazzaGarratt you know me and story lines, plot etc I don't really buy into most of it, with the amount of time between series half the time im wondering who the fuck people are let alone what they've done 😁. However the biggest issue other than it being too dark is I like angry Joe expected that the white walkers were the main threat and as you say there's so much time to fill. The episode reminded me of Lan of steel all the build up and then last minute ...oh he's dead job done, really that was it???? I mean we all knew something had to happen and that was my problem, it would have been so muchore different if it was the last episode kind of winner takes all ie the iron throne. This series has had so many jaw dropping set pieces over the series this was a little underwhelming for me personally. It does actually go to show how much quality has gone before that you can be disappointed even a little in that episode.

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[mention=312]GazzaGarratt[/mention] you know me and story lines, plot etc I don't really buy into most of it, with the amount of time between series half the time im wondering who the fuck people are let alone what they've done [emoji16]. However the biggest issue other than it being too dark is I like angry Joe expected that the white walkers were the main threat and as you say there's so much time to fill. The episode reminded me of Lan of steel all the build up and then last minute ...oh he's dead job done, really that was it???? I mean we all knew something had to happen and that was my problem, it would have been so muchore different if it was the last episode kind of winner takes all ie the iron throne. This series has had so many jaw dropping set pieces over the series this was a little underwhelming for me personally. It does actually go to show how much quality has gone before that you can be disappointed even a little in that episode.
Yes, I do know you and storylines [emoji6]

I actually get your last sentence and agree there's been more draw dropping moments prior to this. Playing devils advocate with myself, the darkness meant that it felt more like you were in the fight and trying to scurry around and work out who's still alive. It did had some intensity to it.

My mate I've just played footy with has said he hopes we'll find out more of his background even though he is dead which I think is a given. A good theory is that he could have been a Targaeryan because how did he survive the Dragon's flames?

Oh, another thing I was gonna say was people might feel Arya is OP and killing all the key people but if it gives the majority of fans a good feeling then what the hell is wrong with that? She is the ultimate badass and has made the series are far better with all the stuff she's done.

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I had no problem with Ayra killing the Night King.  The Faceless men are considered the best assassins and Ayra has been fully trained by them.  Of course she’s a badass and should be the one to kill the Night King.  Maybe the only one who could kill the Night King.


Mellisandre was a bit of a huh? There was a big thing about her leaving but returning to Westoros one last time.  However that apparently just to light a few fires and remind Ayra she’s an assassin.  We didn’t see what Mellisandre was up to though so I’m hoping she did more than just that.


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A more light hearted look/review 




Finding out the book material finished a while back probably explains my pov that things have been a little bit lacking in the story starting from season 7. I was quite disappointed with it, and wasn't at all surprised at what happened.

Like most long running series there comes a time for it to end maybe it's good that this is the last season before it goes full Dexter. 

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Last episode wasn't as great but how could it be following the great war. Its back to GoT Throne politics which is what the show has always been about but just feels weird because we've had that battle already.


Daenaerys is turning very fast, kind of a little too fast but we only have 2 episodes to go now so something big has got to start happening. The big showdown between Jon and Daenaerys perhaps? Jamie is gonna die me thinks now he's going back to Cersei but not sure if he's going to try and kill her or just protect her with his life.


I still enjoyed the watch, just not as good as the week before.

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Well ... FUCK!!!


Ep5 spoilers...



So Dany has gone full mad queen, surely she’s going to die in the last episode? Unless she goes further and kills everyone and rules a world of ashes and rubble.  In fairness, whoever ends up on the throne, there isn’t much of Kings Landing left.


I really though Arya would have killed Cersei but maybe Dany is now on her list after that ending.


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2 hours ago, Greboth said:

Well ... FUCK!!!


Ep5 spoilers...


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So Dany has gone full mad queen, surely she’s going to die in the last episode? Unless she goes further and kills everyone and rules a world of ashes and rubble.  In fairness, whoever ends up on the throne, there isn’t much of Kings Landing left.


I really though Arya would have killed Cersei but maybe Dany is now on her list after that ending.


Quite difficult to work out what will really happen next imo.


Dany's arc has always been made out that way so I'm a little surprised some folk on social media are saying that didnt think she'd do it. It was set up perfectly in the last episode.


It was more realistic that Cersei died the way she did for me too, given what had happened to Kings Landing. Yeah, would've been a gory end I'm sure for her if she was captured or stopped by Ayra but she may have the final laugh as you say.


I'm starting to feel like Sansa could be the new queen. Apart from the obvious talk of Jon having to kill Dany. Jon never has wanted a throne or to be King. For the first time I could see him giving his life for his family.


But even now...what about Tyrion?!?! Hilariously, the twist could be him on the Throne! His arc has been fantastic and his heart is completely in the right place and he'd know how to rule.


Next weeks episode has a ton of stuff to sort out.

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5 hours ago, Greboth said:

Well ... FUCK!!!


Ep5 spoilers...


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I really though Arya would have killed Cersei but maybe Dany is now on her list after that ending.

Towards the end I was thinking Arya would kill Dany after all she has more lives than a cat, however im glad she didn't get to kill cersei.

Im not surprised she laid waste to the city, where else could the story go ( they had an hour and odd to kill) 😉. No wonder armies use air superiority.


Im also thinking Tyrion for the throne.


Oh and where did the dothraki suddenly appear from?

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Fucking hell, felt sorry for the kid thrown off the tower after he saw the brother and sister fucking.

I just finished episode 2, 1st season. Not bad so far. Lots of tits.

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I think that Dany knows that she won't get to be queen and that The Bastard could end up as king so she just thought "fuck 'em! If I'm not ruling Kings Landing then there won't be any Kings Landing to rule".


I also thought the episode dragged on. Sure some bits were cool but I found myself skipping a load of guff. 10 fucking minutes of people shouting "ring the bells!" had me shouting "somebody ring the bells for fucks sake!" at the screen.


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Well, I got up super early thinking it would be redeemed by a superb last episode.


Whilst it had an ending that I would've been happy with the whole episode was just....nothing. Most have said it but its been clearly lacking episodes to put more backbone to the story.


I think I still can't get over episode 3 being a brilliant episode and everything else afterwards just fell apart. I firmly believe the directors went too far with the Night King story in Season 7, so much so that it built massive hype away from the Iron Throne prize and then waiting 2 years for only 6 episodes to come out rather than nearer 10 meant we were always going to feel slightly underwhelmed. Well, I was anyway.


Despite what I say, I enjoyed the series but I feel what killed a lot of the atmosphere in most episodes was the hype from Season 7 and 2 years of waiting.


Still, not as bad as a finish as Lost though, right??? 😜

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Well it's finally over tbh I've been pretty disappointed with series 7 began and I remember saying at the time they might have been better just hanging on and putting both together.

The last episode was laughable I mean " we need to punish Jon snow and Tyrion...shouldn't the king choose...ok pick someone" wtf then they let the accused choose 😃


Oh one bit I did find actually funny when they were round the table and the master of many grandiose titles 😆 wanted to rebuild brothels before ships lol.

Overall it's been pretty good with some epic tv moments. 

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