Seriously PC gaming can go fuck itself sometimes.
Bought GTA5, can't play more than 20 minutes without it crashing. Steam won't give a refund. Looking through all the forum posts about what the issue might be, I realized you need a fucking doctorate in computer science to be able to troubleshoot. "oh I figured it out, just go into XYZ file and reprogram the entire fucking game by adding in these simple 80 lines of code and problem solved!"
I bought Arkham City about 2 years ago and beat it. No problems playing. Just redownloaded the game again so my son could fly around the city, and the game crashed as soon as the title screen pops up. Changed just about every single setting possible and nothing works. I already played this game, on this computer, with the same hardware, and all of a sudden it just doesn't want to work at all.
Fuck you computer.