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Everything posted by McNasty

  1. Seriously this woman needs to crawl back into whatever hole she came from. This woman is the biggest hypocrite on Earth. Has anyone read up on her background? Married 4 times. Yeah, so she has the audacity to pull the Bible card on some gay couples that want to get married yet bends the rules in her own life 4 times. Gets married, cheats on her husband with some other dude and gets knocked up, divorces first guy and marries a second......second guy adopts the kids, she divorces him and gets married to the father of her kids, then divorces him and remarries again. What a fucking clown. And to all the Republican candidates backing her......this is why you lose the vote of independents. When you work for the government, you don't get to pull the religion card. If you don't like it, as Chris Christie would say - go find another job.
  2. It has to be a tendon issue of some sort. If you drew a line from the inside ankle bone on my left foot to my big toe - on that line that whole area around the ankle bone hurts like a mofo whenever I kick, or twist my foot to the left. I've never done PT and thought the same as you Steve, so not sure if it's worth paying them to tell me that I'm too old and this is what happens when you're out of shape and try to play a sport the way you used to.
  3. About 6 months ago I was playing soccer and really fucked up my ankle. Had to go to the hospital for xrays, and fortunately nothing was broken but they said it was a really bad sprain. Foot was black and blue for weeks, and I couldn't walk without crutches for about a month. Paid an arm and a leg for that visit, and they wanted me to come back a week later for a follow up. Obviously I didn't go back. I figured that I'd heal in time if I just stayed off it and took it easy. It's been over 6 months now and although I can walk fine and run (I have to favor my right foot over my left), I'm thinking this shit is never going to heal. I really want to play again but this is appearing to be a "career" ending injury. Perhaps I have just gotten too old for this shit. Has anyone had good experience with physical therapy? I don't want to spend $50 a week for the next 8 weeks unless I know it'll work. I guess I fear it to be like going to the chiropractor where they take my copay and I end up in the same spot regardless. Maybe I should go a few times, see what exercises and stretches they want me doing, and then run with it in my own. Any suggestions?
  4. I want to see a Pirhanna tank. Cmon man have some balls.
  5. Don't get caught up in thinking that your 1 tip makes or breaks a night for a waiter. I waited tables at chain restaurants - Chilis, Red Lobster, and a couple other local restaurants for about 5 years through high school and college. I'd wait on anywhere from 10-30 tables a night, and usually end up making about $15-$20/hr after tip out. Sometimes I'd walk out with $150+ in my pocket from one night working at Chilis of all places. If your service sucks, don't feel obligated to tip anything. It doesn't make you a bad person, and the waiter has plenty of other tables to make up for it. When I get great service I tip well over 20%. Sometimes up to 50% depending on how much I've had to drink. When I get crap service, I give zero and don't think twice.
  6. I imagine spectre as a dude forever in a state of anticipation, waiting for the moment to scream to the world he was right. That may be months, years, decades from now or never of course. Rest assured that if SHTF, it wouldn't matter why SHTF, he would claim victory.
  7. Well fuck, the asshole is dead now. Piece of shit human being. This really is surreal considering how many times I've been to that place, and the fact that I'll be there multiple times next week.
  8. Its dudes like this where I want them to stay alive. I want him to be forced to wake up every day for the rest of his life in jail knowing that he's a coward. We should have some form of punishment where rather than killing them, we get people to stop by their jail cell everyday to talk about how much of a piece of shit you are and do that for a couple years, and then kill him.
  9. I've never even heard of that site before, I just read what was there and followed the links and there were plenty of good points made. My point was that you can make the numbers say whatever you want. All politicians do it. If you prefer to take Bernie's word for it then so be it. He's popular because he says populist things that resonate. I don't see the facts lining up. Either way the dude will never be president so it doesn't really matter
  10. I thought this was an interesting read. To me, it shows how politicians can use whatever statistics they want to frame whatever conversation they want. Thats not surprising, and certainly not new. But kinda makes you wonder if any of the stuff he talks about has any real validity or if its just talking points and convenient rhetoric. http://thelibertarianrepublic.com/heres-why-bernie-sanders-is-wrong-about-everything/ He seems like a guy who really believes what he says, but like most from the far left when it comes to economics it doesn't matter if you believe in unicorns.
  11. I gave a high level overview of why I like Carson in the Trump thread I think. He's probably the only guy up there who most people could honestly say they trust. All these other guys are politicians and narcissists. We'll see about the specifics on policy, there's not a ton of info out yet on any candidate, or at least it's not being discussed much because Trump is taking all the air our of the room
  12. Economic Lesson: TANSTAAFMWH, — “there ain’t no such thing as a free minimum wage hike.” Or to paraphrase David French, vice-president of the National Retail Federation, “There simply isn’t any magic pot of money that lets employers pay higher wages just because the government says so, without making adjustments elsewhere like cutting workers’ hours, reducing their non-cash fringe benefits, and/or passing the higher wages along to consumers in the form of higher prices.” https://www.aei.org/publication/who-d-a-thunk-it-sf-minimum-wage-increased-14-and-local-chipotles-just-raised-prices-by-10-14/
  13. If every server gets paid 2.13 an hour like they did when I waited tables, and now all servers make $15/hr, help me understand how that's not going to raise prices for food. Every restaurant would go out of business. They'll all raise prices. They're all impacted the same. Its not like they can decrease overhead, they all staff the minimum required to do the job anyway. They can't start using crappier ingredients and change the food because people won't come. They can't make the food cook faster (or manufacture the same stuff cheaper like in your example versus the next guy). Restaurants operate on very slim margins. They'll do anything to save a penny. So if you add in additional labor costs, they have no other option but to raise prices. If there was margin to be generated elsewhere to cover the additional labor costs, they would have already found it. Also in your example, let's say that the government imposes a tax on aluminum. Now everyone's COGS is up equally. Do we just expect them to make less money, or raise prices. We all know that consumers pay taxes, not corporations. Raising the minimum wage for everyone is no different than a tax, and it will be handled the same way. At least in my opinion.
  14. My grandparents lake house is less than a mile from there. Their next door neighbor owns Bridgewater Plaza. I've been to that place 100 times. Its where everyone hangs out - outside bands, miniature golf, an arcade, restaurants, stores.....I'm actually going there next week. My parents are driving to Virginia right now to visit. It's in the middle of nowhere, I'm totally shocked right now.
  15. not to mention the tip jars everywhere. That crap is ridiculous
  16. And that is why Ben Carson is awesome.
  17. In the circumstances where the service sucks, it doesn't matter whose fault it is. It's the law of averages. Why should a table feel obligated to tip 15% when they had a horrible experience? From a waiter's perspective, a few good tips here outweigh the bad tips there. Tipping is a reflection of overall service provided and if the kitchen screws the waiter, thats not your problem as a customer. Thats what rubs me wrong about this thread from the start. Waiters average out what they're paid based on the number of tables they serve in a night. One bad tip doesn't ruin their evening. They had plenty of other good tips where the kitchen didn't screw up to make up for the one time they made mistakes. In the end, their tips reflect the service they provided as well as the kitchen. If the kitchen sucked, well poor tips for the waiters will force the restaurant to fix what's broken and at the end of the day thats what restaurant owners want. Good service, and returning customers.
  18. well to play devils advocate, waiters are paid less to keep labor costs down. That translates into cheaper food. Restaurants are slim margin operations, and I think tipping is a perfectly acceptable way of controlling profits and ensuring good customer service because there is an incentive to provide it. It works out best this way for everyone. If restaurants did away with tipping, they'd just raise their prices and we'd end up paying the same. With tipping, we at least get to voice our opinion on the service and this ensures a focus on taking care of the customer. In the end, we win this way as customers and so do the waiters who don't suck at their job.
  19. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/trending/Diners-taunt-New-Jersey-waitress-with-LOL-tip-on-112-bill.html Fuck this bitch. Not the customer, fuck the waiter. FHRITP! I waited tables for 5 years through high school and college, so I have some credibility in this argument. I think what this customer did was awesome. If you wait over an hour for your food, why the hell should you be expected to pay an additional 15-20% more for "service?" Oh you poor thing. You tried so hard, you did everything you could, you gave your customers food a solid hour after they ordered, and you deserve $20 for that. It's the kitchens fault! It's everyone elses fault, not mine! LOL. Tipping is not a reflection of service that just the waiter provides. It's a reflection of the overall service the restaurant provides. If the restaurant fails, you fail. Don't hesitate to put a big fat zero on the bill when you walk away from a restaurant unhappy because of whatever reason.
  20. The Kingsmen. If you haven't seem this, drop everything you're doing and go rent. It's a modern day James Bond film, with good comedy and Kill Bill style ass kicking. One of the best films I've seen in the last 10 years
  21. I want to point out up front that I'm no expert on ANY side of this conversation. I will never pretend to be. I also do NOT want this to turn into a debate on whether or not God is real. Save that for another thread. This is focused on Christianity, so leave other religions aside unless its related to the point I'm trying to make/understand further. That being said, are any of you familiar with the app Nextdoor? It's actually a pretty badass app that creates a forum, just like this, but is limited to the people in your neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods. It's a fantastic way to talk about local news, try and sell stuff, give others heads up about events, crime in the area, recommendations for home services, etc. Whatever you want to talk about, it's an open forum moderated by "leaders" from each specific neighborhood. This is a random plug I guess because the app is great an all of you should look into it where applicable. I'm bringing this up, because someone made a post about their desire to find a good church that's more on the contemporary side, and great for kids. With this being an international forum, I don't know how things are outside of the South here in the US where I live.....but over the past 5-10 years we have seen a huge growth in "mega churches". As in.....monumental growth. The money pouring into these churches would make your head spin. 18 out of the 23 people who responded all recommended this person go to the local mega church. I get it.....traditional church for most is boring. The mega churches have capitalized on this, and turned church into a full on production of awesome music and cinematography where it's more like something you would pay to go see. There's value in that no doubt. The more you can get people to attend church, the better IMO. That being said, I have a real problem with these churches for a lot of reasons. I just don't see any validity in their existence. This seems to be the case with all evangelical churches to me. A select few decide what they're going to teach, wrap it up into a compelling production, turn it into a money churning business, and it draws the masses. My concern is that there is no foundation. Anyone can take the Bible, pick and choose their sermons, decide what they feel is most relevant and "contemporary" because it draws the crowd, and run with it. When is the last time you heard Joel Osteen talk about the things that send you to hell? Their teachings change with the tides. Again I don't want this to be a debate on creationism vs evolution, I'm just interested in hearing perspectives on this new style of faith versus the traditional Christian churches.
  22. I think you're being overly cerebral about it (big surprise lol). I get what you're saying, but if you want an honest perspective on blacklivesmatter - go to their website and decide for yourself. It's a pile of shit. They're still defending Michael Brown. Go look at their "demands" ..... lol
  23. Wha wha what? I've said lots of incendiary things here, and you call this one out? All lives matter seems to make sense to me. If this was 1964, I'd get the whole blacklivesmatter thing. The problem is that the phrase has been bastardized by its use to bring attention to situations where the black guy was in the wrong. So we're supposed to be on board with blacklivesmatter when the black guy was attacking a cop? Sort of kills the credibility of the point they're trying to make wouldn't you agree? I don't doubt that there is some prejudice in the system, but to me that seems more a function of experience and real world facts rather than some arbitrary prejudice against black people. If it's 3am and you're walking the dog, and 3 black dudes are walking past you tell me you wouldn't tense up. That's not a racist statement, it is what it is. I wish that wasn't the case, but you're lying if you say that wouldn't be your reaction. How can we expect the police to act any differently? They're human just like the rest of us. Would you react differently if it were 3 Chinese dudes? I think all of us would. The probability of bad things happening is lower. Should cops ignore that probability for the purpose of being PC? Easy to say, impossible to do. "Awareness" isn't going to change that. They're looking out for #1....themselves.....and rightly so. I'm rambling at this point, but if you want to play the blacklivesmatter card and not expect people to disagree, find a relevant place for that conversation. Otherwise the alllivesmatter point seems to make a lot of sense as a counter argument.
  24. McNasty


    That was a pretty interesting video. I'm pretty sure I play inverted because of Goldeneye and previous flight simulators that I played back in the day. Anyone remember Chuck Yaeger?
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