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Everything posted by McNasty

  1. What the hell, why not create a thread where we can share some of our go-to meals/recipes. Maybe you have a specific thing you make for tailgating, for family dinners, for when you're shitfaced, whatever. The only caveat is that it has to be relatively normal stuff that most people could make. Nobody cares if you can make some dish that requires a full on farmers market in your refrigerator to accomplish. I'll start with what we make pretty much every Monday night. Taco dip. My taco dip is the shit and it's easy to make. Ingredients: 1. Cream cheese (probably 1/3 to 1/2 of the package) 2. 1 lb of beef 3. El Paso HOT AND SPICY taco mix (do not puss out on me it's not that hot, and it's a completely different flavor than mild or "regular". This is probably the most important part of the dish) 4. Organic black beans from a can (do not use refried beans until you've tried it with black beans first) 5. Sour cream (Not light sour cream) 6. Kraft mexican cheese blend (with philadelphia cream cheese) Real simple. You need a baking dish thats not very big. Maybe a 6x6 or 8x8 inch dish thats 2-3 inches deep. You want to fit everything into the dish so that it's layered and about 2-3 inches thick after cooking. If the dish is too big, you would need to double or triple the meat because this doesn't work if it's spread thin. 1. layer the bottom of the baking dish with a lot of cream cheese. Don't go nuts, maybe 1/4 to 1/3 inch thickness and make sure the bottom is evenly covered. 2. Brown the meat with the hot and spicy taco mix. Once complete, throw it in the baking dish. 3. Add about half a can of organic black beans on top. Just enough to make a layer on top of the seasoned meat. 4. throw a bunch of sour cream on top of that, enough to make a layer. 5. Same deal with the kraft mexican cheese, don't go overboard just enough for a layer 6. Throw it in the oven to bake for 5-10 minutes, mainly to melt the cheese on top. 7. Eat the shit out of it with Tostitos organic black corn tortilla chips. Don't use regular Tostitos scoops or whatever until you've tried it with black corn chips. The reason is that these chips are lighter in flavor, so more of what you're eating tastes like the taco dip versus chip. Thats all really. I buy cilantro and eat it with that but up to you. The 3 caveats for a first pass at this dish are to use hot and spicy taco mix, organic black beans, and the Tostitos organic black corn tortilla chips. The hot and spicy mix when combined and baked with the layer of cream cheese at the bottom is what really makes this different from all other taco dips. It's like crack. Fuck you Martha Stewart.
  2. Grown ass men who coach little league sports and treat kids like they're worthless when they make a mistake. There are seriously a handful of coaches in our league who I want to knock the fuck out. They have no business coaching kids. Their anger issues are a public embarassment to themselves and their unfortunate kids.
  3. Love it man. What would really be hilarious is if we could go back in time, before anyone announced they were running, and throw up quotes like that to get peoples opinions on how old that person was, and whether or not they should be president. People are so dumb.
  4. My home PC is directly connected to the router. Everything else in the house is wireless. I can run speedtest.com for all my other devices and get about the same result depending on where I am in the house. For the home PC, I have to reset the computer after a few hours to get the speed back up and I have no idea what's causing the issue. As soon as the computer restarts, internet is right where it should be around 90mbps. I don't know how long it takes before the speed starts to drop I haven't really tested it before but it does take a while before I start to notice. It's been on all day, so right now it's at around 3mbps. Any idea why this might be happening? If I reset the router or modem it doesn't fix the issue. If I pull the cable and put it into another port it doesn't fix the issue. I have pretty much brand new equipment - Netgear Nighthawk router with Arris surfboard 3.0 modem. None of my other devices have this issue just the hard wired home PC.
  5. It's probably best to wait around and see how it goes with other people before switching. I don't really have any issues with Comcast. I just hate their billing practices and the constantly changing price I'm expected to pay per month. It's the same damn service yet each month the bill is different. Our cap with Comcast is 300Gb and thats plenty for us. I have 100mb today so my internet is already fast enough. If the bundles are cheaper, and if service is just as good I'll give Uverse a try. At least we have some competition now. Maybe that will change things around here
  6. Does anyone here have Uverse? AT&T just laid new fiber and I'm thinking of dropping Comcast. The last time I looked at Uverse there was like a full second delay each time you changed channels or scrolled the guide so it was a deal breaker. If that's not the case anymore I'm giving Comcast the boot. This is from a house in the neighborhood next to mine. We should have access to this in a week or so.
  7. I'm not knocking anyone who likes to watch baseball, just stating my opinion. I love watching soccer and I watch every golf tournament on TV lol.
  8. This is seriously legit man, congrats. I'm not surprised though. I'm more surprised that you haven't done something like this already. Cool stuff bro.
  9. Pregnancy boobs. Seriously. They are literally the best rack your wife will ever have. The problem? They're off limits because they hurt too much. Fuck that shit is unfair. Even after the baby is born it's months before they become funbags again. And by then, they're nowhere near as fun! There are now 3 McNasty minions roaming this Earth, just FYI peeps. McNasty III is almost 3 weeks old now.
  10. Baseball is fun to play. I coach and played up through high school. I'd rather punch myself in the face than watch 5 minutes of it on TV. I don't see how people can stand it.
  11. The times I have taken pictures of my food were not because of the food, but because I wanted to make someone jealous. Either to my boss because we share the same favorite steakhouse, or to my brother over Lent who gave up meat. That sort of stuff. Not to keep around for whatever reason. Facebook is one big "look at me" website and there are hoards of people who get off on making others jealous of their incredible trips, awesome meals, blah blah you know the deal. Most people post those pictures of meals to show off. Obviously no one really cares what meal you just ate, so what other reason could there be for it?
  12. I'll try to keep things more simple for you J from here out...
  13. Struggling to get into the Lies of Locke Lamora. Picked it up because of reviews I read but so far it hasn't caught my attention. It's all over the damn place and only 60 pages in. Before that I read the new Vince Flynn book (written by Kyle Mills). Vince Flynn died a few years back and Kyle Mills is picking up the Mitch Rapp story line from here. It was good, but it was a little overdone in my opinion. I hope he can do a better job of matching Flynn's writing style, or at least coming up with his own. It seemed like he tried too hard. Difficult to explain I guess. I've read all the Vince Flynn books so maybe I'm biased. Read a few Jim Butcher books which weren't bad. Couldn't get into the series though with a wizard living in a real world setting. Just didn't connect with me. I'll probably go back and read the 2nd Night angel book next. I read Way of the Shadows and thought it was excellent.
  14. http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/31/11335272/tesla-model-3-announced-price-release-date-specs-preorder I think the care is going to be crazy popular. I was hoping for a little better design, but I guess it's ok. Doesn't excite me at all but I'm sure they're going to sell the shit out of this car
  15. nothing to spoil by now. If you saw Episode 4, you've seen episode 7. Seriously it's just a remake with a black guy.
  16. This is my favorite Medal of Honor by a mile. I played the shit out of this game back in the day
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