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Everything posted by McNasty

  1. Just saw this post Phil. I saw this on reddit where apparently the world has been drooling over this for the past week. I think it's funny in all honesty. People are obsessed with her. There's no argument you'll get from me on the point she's making here as she's absolutely right, but I don't know why people are so impressed about this. Our campaign finance issues have been known and debated for fucking ever. This exact conversation has happened hundreds of times in the last decade. There is nothing newsworthy about this at all. She didn't "figure this out", fucking everyone with half a brain knows about this.. BUT.......it's coming from the savior of America in AOC, so all of a sudden this has become some big news story. Bit of a catch 22 on this one though. On one hand, I like that this information is being spread around even if she's the face of it because there are unfortunately too many morons who don't know about the campaign finance issues we have in this country. On the other hand, the people who don't know this are the same morons that voted for AOC in the first place who is simply a blowhard with a nice rack. We don't need those idiots showing up to the polls.
  2. I hadn't heard this story but it parallels all sorts of other bull shit we're dealing with over here about shaming and ruining peoples careers over stuff that happened 30+ years ago. Right now one of the big stories is about the governor of Virginia who is being SJW'd out of office for a picture that showed up in a yearbook from the 80s of him in blackface. It's all bullshit. Anyone who gets harassed or ridiculed or publicly shamed and asked to quit your job for crap like this should tell these people to go invent a time machine and scold their 20-year old self instead. I'm not the same person I was 5 years ago, let alone 10, 20, 30 years ago lol. Who the fuck is? People change in 30 years. Certain things that are normal or socially acceptable today, won't be normal in 30 years. This SJW crap is why I hate liberals. Bunch of judgemental know-it-alls with a perfect history of flawless moral awareness.
  3. Game over. I watched it again (twice today). This is my favorite movie of all time!
  4. Wife and kids went to my in-laws today. Soooooo I watched ready player one again, but this time cranked up my surround sound so loud that the picture frames upstairs were rattling lol. Man I fucking love this movie As far as the bad reviews are concerned, don’t even bother reading them. I didn’t know anything about the movie when it came out. I don’t have cable so I never see commercials or movie trailers. I had never even heard of it until my brother turned it on. Gotta check it out people.
  5. Haha you have to give serious credit to surfer dude. That mfer can throw a football. I honestly thought the real championship game was already played with Uga vs Bama so I hardly paid attention to anything after that except the national championship. That was a beat down! Fuck saban
  6. I think the only impartial place I can find news now is on Reddit. Sounds weird, but I've found the news and politics sections to be really useful because of the comments. "Journalists" post the news for clicks on their sites, and then real world people respond to it to help filter the BS. The good information rises to the top quickly. Thats my go-to even though Reddit tends to be super liberal. I'm fine with that......I just want real information
  7. What's really sad is that this "reaction" was a total media fabrication. https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2019/01/05/ratio-in-progress-people-cant-find-examples-of-conservatives-mocking-the-aoc-dance-video-in-newsweeks-conservatives-mock-article/. So the video gets posted by some neckbeard who then deletes his twitter account, and suddenly that gives the media the headline claiming conservatives are mocking her? How about the headline "This random twitter user mocked her"? Oh, because that doesn't tow the narrative. That doesn't generate clicks. That's the poision of our media right there. They completely made up a story and it just replicated from one outlet to the next and then all of a sudden it's "news". Nobody mocked her, nobody gives a shit. There is so much fake news out there it's insane.
  8. Yeah, pretty much nailed it here lol. It's a total shit show all around. Left, Right, seriously you couldn't write a soap opera this bad. The media is absolutely obsessed with this girl. She is fucking everywhere. Every day, all day, any tweet or comment gets plastered across all media outlets. It's nonstop. I too like the idea of bringing in new and young blood to the mix, but I think they need some time to really understand how things work before they are giving the level of attention, and more importantly the credibility that has been gifted to her by the media. She hasn't earned any of it. She's a 29 year old bartender who won her district because she is an attractive, young, hispanic female who campaigned on giving away free shit. I don't know if any of you watched those dating shows over the years like the Bachelor or Bachelorette, but I used to get a kick out of them and watched a few seasons (many years ago lol). There was always a similar theme with a riff between the people in their 30s and the people in their 20s, comparing life experiences and how the young people really are clueless. I was in my 20s when I watched those shows and always thought the older people had it all wrong. Now I'm 36 and no question they were totally right. I see this girl the same way. I look at her, and the only thing I can think is - you really have a lot of growing up to do lady. "A" for effort, "F" for credibility. If we didn't have an age limit of 35 years for being president, I swear to God all we would hear about is AOC for Prez! And with how stupid voters are in this country, she'd probably win.
  9. Anyone interested in talking about this chick lol? 29 year old rookie assigned to one of the 4 most important committees in the house? From bartender to Wall Street regulator. Lol this is like a 90s sitcom. Leper’s in Boston, interested in your thoughts. or just delete this I don’t care. I know the politics stuff got squashed a while back so no worries.
  10. Same for me lol. I first watched it over Christmas at my parents house. It was on HBO on-demand, and we made it through about 75% of the movie before we had to leave. The next day I bought the blu-ray version from Redbox (DVD rental machine at grocery stores in the US) for like $6 and watched it again in the morning. Then right after, I went to Best Buy, bought the 4k version and a 4k blu-ray player just to watch the movie for a 3rd time in 2 days. Never done that before lol
  11. Social Justice Warrior. Basically people who want to shame and force feed their beliefs on others.
  12. Holy shit, talk about not understanding your target market. Harry's should go on a blitz with a simple theme - we sell good razors to dudes who like good razors. THE END
  13. Ready Player One is a top 5 all time movie for me.
  14. ::unzips::
  15. I don't know. Personally I don't think these guys have a moral obligation to anyone. Maybe people should be yelling at the parents of the kids who follow these douchebags instead. It's their fault if the kids get exposed to bad content online
  16. Looting is broke AF!
  17. Thanks man, I gave that a shot but didn't have any luck. However I did end up fixing the issue. I bothered with this router for a few hours today and then I remembered that the whole reason I was using it was because of all the port forwarding configurations for games that I don't even play anymore. So I moved all the hard wire connections directly to the modem, and now using the modem for wireless instead. That fix took all of 2 minutes and now I've got between 120-70Mbps all over the house.
  18. That kids parents are actually doing a really good job managing that business. It’s their full time job. I saw a show about it and they have seem to really have their shit together. They’re even going to release their own toy line. It wouldn’t surprise me if they end up billionaires
  19. I have a 100mb fiber connection from ATT at home. My wireless speed, no matter where I am in the house, is stuck around 28mb. I have an ATT modem, and Nighthawk r7000 router. I don't know what the issue is with wireless. I have my xbox hard wired to the modem (couldn't get port forwarding to work on the router but got it to work on the modem). Xbox gets over 100mb on speed tests. My PC is hardwired into the router, and it get's over 100mb as well. For the PC to get 100mb direct from the router, it must be receiving 100mb from the modem. Why can't I get 100mb wireless from the router even when I'm standing right next to the router and I know it's delivering over 100mb to a hard wire connection?
  20. https://xboxclips.com/BR McNastycakes/33f70037-2063-4044-9730-e4b567303380 Buddies were losing their minds. Needed a good 10 minute walk around after this one to calm the heart rate
  21. Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday. No stress, no presents, just lots of food and family time. Lots of booze and lots of football. You guys should adopt our holiday lol.
  22. Well the counterargument there is that someone who really pays attention to what is going on, who votes with real knowledge, is evened out by someone who votes for a guy because he's white, or black, or a woman, or religious, or whatever example. Doesn't matter what the candidates politics are because dumb voter doesn't understand. There's something messed up about that.
  23. Trump certainly opened the floodgates proving that anyone who's famous has a shot. Democracy is fine but it's biggest flaw is that Dumb FuckMcGee's vote counts the same as mine. In my ideal utopian democracy, there would be a big test that every voter has to take. However you score puts weight behind your vote. There is literally no moral argument that can be made against that. If you're dumb, your opinion and vote shouldn't really matter because you're not smart enough to vote with purpose.
  24. Dude our cars suck. Many of them look great from the outside, but the inside is just shit. I've never owned an American car and really doubt I ever will. I've had Hondas, Nissans, and now drive an Infiniti and those cars are exceptional inside and out. I'm getting an X5 soon. This all holds true except for trucks. We kill it at trucks. Maybe that's a thing for this thread - what's the deal with Americans and their trucks? Well, trucks are badass. The end.
  25. I'm all for less guns and making them a lot harder to get, but the guns are already out there and they're not coming back. More regulations would probably have some impact but it would be small. People will still be able to get them a million different ways. This is one of those things that "is what it is" here unfortunately. It's a culture thing- people like guns and the media likes shootings.
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