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Everything posted by McNasty

  1. lol I got zero I don't know anything about pokemon
  2. The first post I ever made back on MW2forum.com was about to get a nuke by camping and OMA noob-tubing lol. Guilty as charged, but I was pretty good at it lol. Got 4 nukes in one game before, and 2-3 multiple times. Didn't always run that class, just depended on the map
  3. Tried it once, definitely not my type of game with the building/jumping around the whole time. I'll save that for Halo. I think any of the big developers could make a game 100x better than PUBG. I love the mechanics of the game, so give me that and good graphics with stable gameplay and that's all I could ask for.
  4. Me and my friends have all put this game to rest for now. It's been 4 months since release, and after 70 dinners and hundreds of hours of play I've given up any hope that they will make this game what it should be. The last 3 weeks of gameplay have been choppy nonsense at seemingly 10FPS, and that's after patch 11. You can throw all the money in the world at development here, but in the end the only way they could create a real game that works is to rebuild from scratch and they simply don't have the time to do that. This was simply a money grab to compete against fortnite before the battle royale genre got owned by the big studios. They never intended for this game to work. I'll still jump on every now and then, but the addiction has finally wore off after the last few weeks of crashouts and losing to the game instead of another player. It's been awesome fun though and I certainly gt $30 of entertainment out of it.
  5. I don't order Stella because I don't want to be at a bar holding a fru-fru glass.
  6. Stupid, disrespectful, and conceited. She deserves all the hate she's getting.
  7. My bad thought you were talking about Xbox. PC still has issues? It's light years ahead of Xbox. I watch disrespect quite a bit and game looks perfect to me.
  8. Game isn't finished at all, they update about every 2 weeks. Still a work in progress. I have over 400 hours into PUBG on the original XBONE and I have occasional gripes with intermittent frame rate drops and lagouts, but 9/10 games are near perfect for me. Me and the guys I play with all say this is probably the most fun we've had with a game since Halo 2 came out. It'll be interesting to see when they officially call it "finished" and whether or not the game will ever have the $60 price tag. Even if/when it does, pretty much 95% of people who would buy the game already have it so my guess is it'll never happen
  9. Finally got this all figured out. I tried Powerline adapters a few times before but it's been a while. I don't know why, but the best I could get is 5 Mbps with Powerline. My house was built in 2003 so it's not old, but it may be an issue with the fact that my basement was finished after the house was built and there may be different meters involved. I dunno, but I tried again yesterday after seeing your post Bart and I got worse performance from powerline than I did wireless. I have the TP 4010 adapters. Today I figured out that I could take apart a floor AC vent in the room with the modem/router and I ran a cable myself between the floors and across 2 rooms and a foyer, just following the duct work. Put together an 8 foot pvc conduit and got lucky that I was able to find the cable after removing the AC vent. From there it was just a matter of connecting it up. Needed about 60 feet of cable to make it happen. Now I'm at 120 down and 100 up, which is a 10x improvement from what I was getting with wireless. I did more research after my first post and realized that I couldn't use those initial wires I found because the xbox wouldn't have been able to receive an IP because those wires were before the modem. Only solution was either powerline or run my own cable. DIY FTW
  10. Need some help fellas. I've had enough with wireless to my Xbox one and want to hard wire it in. I have a 100mb fiber connection from ATT but rarely get over 15-20mbps in my basement. Router/modem is by the upstairs computer which is hard wired in and I don't want to change that it. In a basement closet (closet A) that isn't finished I found the wire with a splitter box of some sort. It's one cat5e cable going in and one going out. Guess they didn't have a long enough cable when the basement was finished. if I unplug one of the cables the internet dies in the house. The fiber drop is in another basement closet (closet B) and I'm certain that the Ethernet cable coming out of it (1 fiber cable from the street goes into the top and 1 Ethernet cable comes out the bottom) is the one that I can unplug in closet A. The other "switch" attached cable in closet A runs to a port in the room with the ATT modem/router. can I buy one of those cheap 5 port gig switches from Best Buy to replace the the 1:1 "switch" in closet A and run a 2-4 cables to my Xbox/PS3/etc or will that not work because it hasn't hit the modem router yet? hope this makes sense. The simplest solution would be to run a cable from my router directly to the Xbox but I'd have to pay someone else to do it as I don't have the tools. I can easily run a cable from that closet directly to the Xbox if a hub will work there and not screw up the internet.
  11. Wow that is an epic fail if I've ever seen one. It's so terrible it's funny. People are dumb
  12. There's no such thing as shoot to injure. It isn't taught anywhere. If you make the decision to shoot, then you've made the decision that your life is threatened. Your goal is to stop the other person completely and as quickly as possible. If you shoot them in the leg, they can still shoot back. The shooting isn't the problem, it's the decision to shoot.
  13. Every single person I know is addicted to this game now. All of the Xbox guys i played halo, battlefield, and call of duty with have ALL switched to PUBG. the graphics and glitching issues only last for maybe the first 30 seconds of each match and after that it's pretty solid. You'll get booted out of games every now and then but from our collective experience this game is entirely playable and fucking fantastic. I haven't been this addicted to a game since Halo 2. anyway don't let the above videos prevent you from playing you're really missing out. If anyone here plays let me know so we can get some matches in. I don't have many folks on my list
  14. And yes I realize that skyrim is out on switch now, but I near 100 percented that bitch already and see no value in playing through it again. Just saying, games "like" Skyrim, or Witcher 3, or GTA. Damn....GTA on switch would be incredible
  15. Thats a pretty big deal and hopefully that trend continues. The only reason I use my Xbone is for multiplayer. There are a lot of non multiplayer games or campaigns that I would like to play, but rarely do I want to do that in my game room. Hard to explain I guess, but it takes a stupidly ridiculous game to pull me away from halo or battlefield. Even playing Black Flag, I was always being pulled back to halo. I just don't like playing non multiplayer games on my Xbox. If the switch got games like Skyrim, God of war, Assassins creed, Dishonored, Fable, bioshock, etc that shit would win me over in a heartbeat. Its all about the games though and right now there isn't enough available on the switch to make me buy it. I already had a Wii U so I bought BOTW for that.
  16. Can't stress this enough - DOWNLOAD BLACK FLAG AND PLAY IT. On December 12th that is.
  17. I never thought a pirate game was feasible. Just the logistics of it seem like it would get old quick, but holy shit did that game deliver. On top of that, the plot actually made sense. I've always struggled with following wtf was going on with the other AC games, especially when it's all foreign names. Can't remember who is who and who is good/bad.
  18. If you've never played Assassins Creed - go buy Black Flag. It's seriously in my top5 games of all time. AC2, AC3, Unity, Brotherhood aren't even in my top50, as a comparison
  19. And wow I can't listen to that Shawn guy from the video. Good lord he is annoying. Shit fuck shit fuck fuck shit
  20. I've prestiged twice. Loved it at first. Now I'm going to finish the campaign and never touch it again. This is the first COD I've played since Black Ops 2. It's literally the same game that I bought 5 years ago but on shittier maps. Oh oh well gave it a try and I can finally call it quits permanently on the COD series. Just bought battlefield 1 this week and so far I'm a huge fan. First battlefield game for me
  21. You're a soccer knocker.
  22. I use this in a lot of things I make as well. If you really want to fuck with your friends, get them to try this sauce. I would use maybe a tablespoons worth for a massive pot of chili. This stuff will melt your face off if you taste it directly (not mixed in with a lot of food). You can actually buy it at most grocery stores around where I live. I've tried a million different sauces and this stuff is like 10x hotter than it's closest rival in my book. The good thing though is that a very small amount of this can add a lot of heat to a meal without adding a noticeable flavor. For most hot sauces you have to change the flavor of whatever it is you're eating because you're dousing it in a random sauce to get the spice. That's why this stuff rocks.
  23. The hot taco mix is not really spicy in all honesty. On a 1-10 I'd give it maybe a 4 or 5. It has some spice to it but my 8 year old eats it and doesn't complain a bit. It's just a significantly different flavor than regular taco mix and that makes all the difference, not that it's spicy (although anything spicy is better than not). Also I'm not referring to a sauce, it's the packet seasoning mix that you add with some water into the meat after it's been browned to give the beef the flavor
  24. Taco dip with the HOT El Paso taco mix. Its not only hotter, obviously, but it actually tastes significantly better too. The secret to a killer taco dip is cream cheese. We layer on a good bit on the bottom, add the seasoned beef on top, then a small layer of whatever beans you like on top of that. Sometimes we used refried, sometimes organic black beans. Sour cream on top of that, and then a layer of mexican cheese. Bake it in the oven for 15 minutes or so until the cheese is fully melted into the sour cream and there you go. Everyone has a version of taco dip I'm sure, but I'd be really curious for any of you to try it out and get your feedback. Again, the real difference is the cream cheese on the bottom and the hot el paso taco mix. Killer stuff. If you want to go beyond that you can add lettuce and tomatoes on top after it's cooked. I usually throw on a stupid amount of cilantro cause it's my digs. The only fast food places I'll go to is Arbys and Chick-fil-a. Arby's sliders are the shit I can't stand boiled peanuts. Love everything else with peanuts, but boiled are disgusting. Can't stand the smell or the taste Favorite restaurant is Rathbun Steak in Atlanta, but on a more day to day basis, any one of the multiple mexican restaurants in the area. We eat mexican 2-3 times a week
  25. I miss having you post around here doc. This was never a big forum by any stretch, so I really paid attention to a lot of things you talked about and I always respected your views because I know you're a smart and well read dude. That's hard to come by in the internets. I only hang out in the general sections to discuss random life stuff and current events, so gaming isn't really part of anything I do here. Never has been, so no reason to think that's a necessary component. This place is about as drama free as its ever been by a long shot. We have some really good discussions and it would be nice for you to throw in your input from time to time. Just look at the Trump thread. It's over 500 posts long on politics and not a single argument or bickering at all. I think we've all grown up beyond that, me especially. Lee has done an amazing job around here and this place is better than it's ever been. If only you fuckers would delete that WhatsApp nonsense this place would be a lot more lively. And on a random note, in case anyone was wondering, the eclipse was lame as shit. I was out playing golf today in an area with 98 percent "totality", and it got sort of dark for about 20 minutes.
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