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Everything posted by McNasty

  1. Fuck man. It's all so pointless. This doesn't accomplish anything. I think the news should dig in to the people who were responsible for this and highlight how much of a fucking loser these people were in the real world. Religion is just a scapegoat for the fact that these people are just fucking losers, no other way to put it.
  2. Couldnt figure out how to post a phone camera picture to the forum, but the link seems to work. i win
  3. http://tinypic.com/r/devdcg/9
  4. My comment on the site stability was a joke, it's been flawless ever since Jsin and Sennex had their temper tantrums and split from the forum because of some site hiccups that didn't get resolved on their own personal timetables. They were daily posters and always had a lot of good input, but they totally fagged out and it was all bullshit imo. I get it, they put lots of time into the site, Dave disappeared for a bit, and they thought the solution was to create their own forum which was an epic failure. Now they are too proud to come back here which shows an even deeper, more epic level of douchebaggery. Doc left because of it all and that's a big disappointment because he was a great contributor. That's on Bart and Jay as well. He would have waited it out just like the rest of us but no, some people had to go and be drama queens. I try to be active but gaming wise I'm the only halo player here, but the general and politics sections are still great because people contribute and my man crush hasn't broken up with me yet.
  5. For Easter I decided to have a hissy fit and create my own forum that nobody visits. It's called imsomadbro.forevergayming.com.freeforum.getyourdoucheon.com.org The stability of this site has been nothing short of unacceptable
  6. The last 2 Hunger Games movies. I really liked the first 2 movies and somehow never got around to watching the last 2. They were terrible. I had a hard time finishing them. And what a shitty ending too. So predictable.
  7. It is really depressing to be a Falcons fan right now. The end.
  8. dude nobody has any idea what you're talking about with the bridges. Welcome back. btw are there any hot ass Vikings nowadays or did that die off 600 years ago. Love me some Lagertha.
  9. Spankings, if you're in to that sort of thing
  10. Background: I have 3 brothers and I'm 2nd oldest. I was the tough one, always defiant, and always getting into trouble. I have 3 boys - 8, 2 and 7 months old. My 2 year old is hell on wheels. He's an amazing kid with a great personality, but he doesn't listen to a damn thing you say. Defiant as can be. I wish people would stfu about how "he's just like you har har har, 2nd child is the always the tough one har har har, this is payback har har har. Youre the 500th mother fucker to say that shit to me. You're not original, it's not funny, and that's the last fucking thing I want to hear when I'm trying to discipline the kid. Fuck off
  11. Water under the bridge dude, I'm glad you found your way back to our slice of internets. Good to hear the fam is doing well too. Catch you around this shit hole
  12. 24 for me without question. I have all the seasons and over the years have rewatched them all many many times. Band of Brothers is another top show for me. I've seen that through probably 20-30 times by now. Lost is probably 3rd. I'd put game of thrones and walking dead tied for 4th. never seen an episode of breaking bad. It doesn't seem like a plot line that I would be interested in.
  13. Um.....wut?
  14. When I try to come to the site on my phone I get some fatal error. Then have to hit refresh a bunch of times and it eventually loads. Chrome on iOS says: Fatal error: Call to a member function language() on null in /var/sites/f/forevergaming.co.uk/public_html/forum/system/Output/Output.php on line 526
  15. Mobile version of this site is light years better than it used to be. Word up
  16. I'm on the 4th episode of this and it's an awesome show. On Netflix. Seems like a goonies and xfiles mashup. Anyone seen this series? I'm still early into it and there is a whole lot to be explained. Hoping it keeps getting better
  17. I've been searching for more trilogies in all honesty. If I find a good character, I want to stay with them. If you like fantasy books, you have to read Mistborn. It's like saying you like fantasy movies and have never seen Lord of the Rings. Personally I think Mistborn is a better story than Lord of the Rings.
  18. I read the mistborn trilogy per your recommendation a while ago. Such an amazing story, with probably the best ending I've seen in a book series. I recommend them to everyone I know who reads. If I loved the first 3 books, assuming I'll love these as well? I didn't realize they were a new series.
  19. One of the coolest places I've ever fished was in Jim Thorpe, PA on the Lehigh. You should check that out someday
  20. https://newrepublic.com/article/133876/pulp-friction Something I didn't really think about with the demise of Barnes & Nobles and similar outlets is the impact it's going to have on authors and readers across the board. I just figured that authors would still be able to put their stuff out in digital form and to them it's no skin off their back. I never really thought through the flow of money and how pre-orders are used to advertise and market. Without that up-front capital to work with, how is any new author supposed to promote their work? I still prefer physical to digital books, but 90% of the time I'm reading digital. It's just easier and I like reading 2-3 books at a time. The print market has been trending down for a few years now but I guess I haven't really noticed any impact. Crappy times to be an author I guess. Anyway thought it was a good article
  21. Black ops had the best maps of any FPS in history. Fact
  22. Gofundme Bad things happen and gofundme can be useful, but it's gotten out of control. Every sap story on the internet ends with "give this random person some of your money" Doesn't even have to be a sap story, people have their hands out all over the place for stupid shit. The whole thing is annoying
  23. My oldest son is 7.5 and like all other kids loves videogames. He really likes open world type games where he can explore and do random stuff, but age appropriate games like that are hard to find. So I figured he could try some Skyrim because it's just hack and slash, no big deal. He used to watch me playing (I would just wander around mostly and not really get into anything but he thought it was cool). I haven't played the game in a really long time and honestly didn't think there was much that would be inappropriate. Anyhow my saved game is on another playstation that broke, so when he started the game he had to start from the beginning. I was working and not really paying attention, and then he tells me - "I don't think this is a very good game for me" Here's the scene: Now he gets up from bed, comes downstairs and said he's scared because he can't stop thinking about seeing the guy get his head chopped off. Son of a bitch I really botched that one. Way to go dad. Oh, and I also pegged him in the face playing kickball on Saturday from about 20 feet away. I was aiming for his feet, and it went high. Decked him right over. On a roll................
  24. Thats pretty money to get that built in only 6 hours. I would love to find some time to build a seating area in my backyard, but my world is pretty much on lockdown from morning to sunset with the minions. I'd do anything to get a week all to myself so I can do stuff like this.
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