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Everything posted by McNasty

  1. Can anyone who has put a lot of time into this game give me some starting recommendations? I've played for a few hours, picked up a bunch of random quests, killed the first Griffin and then claimed my reward. that's where I'm at now. How much is alchemy and crafting necessary? I played a TON of Skyrim and never got much into enchanting, and literally never used any potions so I have a good baseline I feel for this game though I've never played other Witcher games. I'm not playing on a hardcore mode because I just want to get through the story and don't want to waste time trying to kill the same thing over and over again. I'm picking up everything I see - smart or no? I want to make my time in the game meaningful and with a purpose, and don't want to waste my time doing shit that isn't really all that necessary or important. Any help is appreciated
  2. The Felurian stuff in Wise Man's Fear was a little unnecessary, but outside of that they're great books. Can't wait for the 3rd. Someone is hanging on to the Mistborn rights for a movie(s) - I can't believe that hasn't happened yet. Those would be epic
  3. I never liked fantasy books until I read Name of the Wind, which is a book I feel everyone should read. Read that book, and the sequel (a 3rd coming out in 2016), and then got turned on to the Mistborn trilogy. You're really missing out by not giving them a chance. Doc you said you would read Name of the Wind come winter - time to pony up!
  4. I'm going on a golf trip on Wednesday. I heard dicks has cheap balls so I went there. Nothing better than cheap balls. I prefer to sacrifice distance for feel, so I picked up soft balls that should help me score.
  5. All rpg games for me are on the PC after playing Skyrim. I played that on PS3 and the load times were horrendous. But I was also playing on a 65" LED which is why I went the console route. I have 2x24" monitors on the PC. I think I need to add a larger one in the center with the 2 smaller on the outsides. Any suggestions on monitors vs tvs? I'm no AV guru, but I know the monitors get really expensive and i dont think you can find any over 32"
  6. What did your son think of Jordan vs Barcelona? Night and day difference there!
  7. This kid cracks me up. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2015/10/21/jaden-smith-compares-himself-to-galileo-plus-5-more-crazy-quotes-from-his-gq/?intcmp=hpff
  8. Yes it is, la sagrada familia is such an awesome building. Check out las ramblas and the markets if you get a chance. My favorite place of all is the gothic district.
  9. Weird how Jordan is so safe compared to its neighbors
  10. Bikers on the road. Not motorcycles, road bikes. Fuck you guys. No, I will not share the road with you. Get the fuck off the road you stupid douchebag in your tight ass gaywad outfits. You are endangering everyone around you including yourself. You force everyone to have to swerve into other lanes, or wait until the coast is clear while driving 30 mph under the speed limit, just so you can lose a few pounds. I fucking hate these people. Your exercise inconveniences hundreds and hundreds of people everytime your fat ass sits on that bike. If you want to go ride your little bicycle, do it in a neighborhood with the rest of the little kids. Or go somewhere rural for gods sake. People die on bikes all the time, and each time it's their own damn fault indont care what the circumstances are.
  11. I was going to do that in a spoiler, but I couldn't figure out how. I also had to look up flid
  12. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2015/10/05/this-video-game-takes-death-to-wild-new-level/?intcmp=hpffo&intcmp=obnetwork
  13. Kangaroo leather is the shit. Before all the synthetic stuff hit the markets with cleats, all the expensive stuff was kangaroo. You can tell a massive difference playing soccer with kangaroo leather vs normal leather.
  14. McNasty

    Hole in one

    We have that tradition as well but there wasn't anyone in the clubhouse. Course was pretty empty. In all honesty though, even of there were people in the clubhouse I wouldn't have bought them drinks. It was cool to get a hole in one, but not cool enough to waste a bunch of money on other people lol.
  15. McNasty

    Hole in one

    Nailed my first hole in one today! 165 yds out with a 9-iron. Didn't see it go in, but when I came up to the green a ranger came through from the hole up ahead and before I got out of the cart I called it. Told him the ball was either way long, which was highly unlikely, or in the hole. Walked up, and there it was. Only took me 20 years!!
  16. I can't believe the James Bond franchise ripped off Jason Bourne for a theme song. Bourne would kill Bond any day of the weak!
  17. Super pumped that you made a post about this. I just got a new cable box and had to re-program all of my recordings and I forgot about TUF. I've kept up with the series for a long, long time. Love that show. Pretty sad that UF won't be able to fight McGregor. McGregor needs an ass whipping and UF is one of my all time favorites. He's just a cool dude and is huge for the sport. Great with fans, really humble, awesome fighter, and good a role model. Been following him since day 1 back in WEC.
  18. Thanks Mike, thats cool of you to say. I just think kids are the best thing in the world, and there is nothing more heartbreaking than an innocent child who has to deal with the worst of sicknesses. They're stronger than anyone on earth, and they deserve to have their dreams come true.
  19. Hi Sam, plenty of things I'd like to point out here. If you like math and are very good at it - look at being an actuary. If you're good with statistics and modeling, actuaries have good demand and they make very good money. For the fields you are interested in you should be thankful to a certain extent that you are a female. Many companies will hire you just because you're female. It is what it is, and I see it all the time. There is a huge push for women to get into STEM jobs (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). That's a good thing for you. You really can't go "wrong' here. From the little bit that I know here from your post, if you really like programming that is EXACTLY where I would focus if I were you. I don't care what anyone says......companies are not outsourcing these jobs to India because people do not like working with Indians or foreigners half a globe away. The only stuff that gets shipped overseas is the rudimentary crap that anyone with basic skills can do. Outsourcing was so 2000. I know this, because I'm an IT consultant that works with companies from the Fortune 50 enterprise space down to SMB. I've contracted out all sorts of developers for project work and permanent positions in these companies and I don't know any of them who care to deal with foreigners. Good developers can work whenever they want, wherever they want, and can fetch a good penny. The contractor market is huge for development work. Start with a large company to teach you the ropes, get really good at certain languages and frameworks (I'd focus on everything open source), and then go off on your own and do whatever you want whenever you want. What has driven IT spend in the past 20 years has all been infrastructure. Everything today and in the future, is moving to software. Infrastructure will be gobbled up by colos and the "cloud"- but software will never go away. Software is everything, and smart people need to code it. Everyone that I know who was a psychology or journalism major wasted their money on those degrees. Not saying that you don't have the passion to be one of the few who succeeds because I wouldn't know otherwise, but those degrees are "fun", but ultimately amount to nothing. Thats the statistics as I've seen them. Architecture is another "fun" job that pays squat (statistically considering all who go down this route). There are plenty of other engineering jobs that pay better with far more stability and job benefits. Nursing is a fantastic career depending on your circumstances. My wife is a nurse, and before we had kids she worked 2 12 hour shifts (saturday and sunday), and got paid for 40 hours of work. 24 hours of work, get paid for 40 with full benefits - not a bad gig. At the same time, nurses don't make a lot of money but you can't beat the flexibility. I have 2 kids and my wife works 2 shifts a month. She doesn't need to work but she likes to stay "in the game" and I appreciate not having to own responsibility for all the bills and whatnot. Name one other job where you can pick and choose how much you work depending on life circumstances..... Nursing is a great job for anyone that wants to have kids. I'm just glad you didn't say you liked art and wanted to be a liberal arts major. Might as well build a fire out of Benjamins for all those degrees are worth!
  20. I agree that the seasons after the 1st and 2nd went downhill, but I still loved them. The premier was fantastic in my opinion. I think it's only going to get better from here.
  21. Heroes is back. Watching the first episode now. Just a friendly reminder for any heros fans. I fucking love this show
  22. I saw this in concert back in college. The Georgia Theater in Athens played the movie muted with the soundtrack going in the background. It was interesting, but I'm not 100% sold on it
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