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Everything posted by McNasty

  1. Some black dude got killed by white cops. Here we go again. I'm not questioning whether or not the kid should have been shot, I'm just curious after watching the video of him jumping on cars and breaking into the place.....does anyone really care? Michael Brown robbed a place right before he got killed. Trayvon tried to thug it up before he got worked. Common theme here......black dudes commiting crimes and then other blacks get pissed the police went too far. Maybe this wouldn't be an issue if you, I dunno, stopped breaking the law in the first place. I read some article where his brother said he wasn't mad at the 5-0, but that he knew his brother wouldn't attack authority, or anyone for that matter. Lmao. Just getting tired of this bs. #alllivesmatterstopbeingracistblackpeople
  2. It's not being reported on other mainstream outlets because all gun owners are the devil and anything saying otherwise isn't newsworthy. Or maybe there isn't enough room to fit the story in with all these white cops hate black people and call me Caitlyn (no thanks I'll call you Bruce) stories. Prime time news right there.
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/06/09/christie-pardons-nj-man-whose-legally-owned-gun-made-him-convicted-felon/ Anyone familiar with this? Playing devils advocate here, how the hell as a new gun owner do you "forget" where your loaded gun is ?!?! That would literally never, ever happen to me. I don't buy his story at all. Driving at night with his girlfriend, I think he wanted to be a billy bad ass. Convenient that he could blame it on his 6 year old and apparently told multiple stories to the 5-0 as to why the gun was there. My .02
  4. Just finished the 1st Mistborn and started the 2nd. Was very happy with the story and looking forward to finishing the series. Not nearly as good as Kingkiller Chronicles though. Name of the Wind. Broken record, I know. Just believe me and read it.
  5. Midnight club 2 is the best racing game ever created. The end Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Incredible show. That Lagertha.....boing!
  7. So when yall watch soccer on tv, there are commercials during the game? We get to watch the full 90 minutes without commercials except during halftime. Premier league has gotten pretty popular here, I watch 2-3 games a week at least. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Damn straight. I'd golf everyday if I could, but just getting out once a month has turned into an apparent divorce worthy act of devilry. Only a few more years until my older son is able to play, and then I'll have all the excuses I'll need! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Pretty much says it all doesn't it! Shit really has hit the fan in the last 6-7 years. I guess the apology tour didn't work out after all. His swing is so JV
  10. Any chance of me reading these books was ruined by watching the movie. What a POS movie that was. Just terrible all the way round
  11. Didn't know that Mistborn was your favorite series. Randomly enough, I just started reading the 1st book a couple days ago and so far I'm very impressed. Only about 150 pages into it. Have you read Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss? If you haven't, I can assure you it will be one of the best books you've ever read. There are 2 books in the series so far, 3rd is on the way soon. Same type of approach to the magic side of things as Mistborn, but a little more "realistic" with the science end of it which actually makes it somewhat believable. The writing is incredible. It's so hard to know what's going to happen next and all sorts of random shit happen all the time to the main character where you just sit back, like wtf? But thats what makes it awesome, because that's real life. Random shit happening all the time and how we deal with it. Its a totally unique approach to character development and it makes you love the main character Anyway, check that book out you won't regret it.
  12. It was just announced that Jon Stewart will be leaving Comedy Central at the end of this season. As much as I want to punch the guy in the face for his politics sometimes, I loved his comedy. He was a bleeding heart liberal but could at least find the comedy in some of the nonsense spewed by his own team. Thats rare to find on TV. I don't know who the hell they expect to take over The Daily Show, but now that Colbert and Stewart are out, Comedy Central sure has their work cut out for them. Maybe Obama can take the helm once his term is up. I mean, his whole presidency has been a joke so that should at least get him shortlisted I'd imagine. Someone has some big fucking shoes to fill thats for sure
  13. Not that it's something to laugh about, but I always get a kick out of the documentaries that I watch where US soldiers who are supposed to be training afghans, iraqis, etc, all complain about how stupid some of them are with guns. As soon as they see something move, no matter how far away, they hip fire their entire clip at some shadow 400 yards away lol. Imbeciles.
  14. Let's start with Halo Master Chief Collection. Fuck 343 and Microsoft, this game is completely broken. Got an Xbone and MCC for Christmas, and it is unfathomable the amount of time I've wasted trying to play this piece of shit. Playing a LAN match is incredible. It's exactly what I had hoped for. Playing on xbox live is, which is what the game is all about, is a disaster. I'm a huge halo fanboy, and I was super pumped about FINALLY getting to relive Halo2 again. 1/10 games are playable. I can't stay in a party with friends for more than 1 or 2 games max. Even when we do manage to stay together, the mics stop working and you can't hear anyone. Good luck trying to play 3 or 4 games in a row without having to restart the game completely. This is after 1.5 months of patches and updates. I was expecting the ranking system from H2 which is what all shooters should use (forget xp that's no indicator of skill). Well come to find out there are like 2 out of 16 playlists that are ranked, and 1 Halo2 playlist that only includes like 6 maps. Everything else says "ranking coming soon". Really? When? It's been almost 2 months? WTF are you waiting for? I can't believe how bad Microsoft fucked this up. They had a chance to drop a golden egg with this game and they completely failed. All they had to do was get it right. Give everyone the halo 1 and 2 experience they've been missing for 10 years and their Xbone sales would have gone through the roof. It's the one game that separates Xbox from Playstation, and it's the one reason why I bought an Xbox one. Now I'm pissed. My first impression of the xbox one console? It's a piece of shit. Navigating the menu's takes a degree in rocket science. Nothing is where it should be, it makes no sense at all. I guess that's to be expected with Microsoft. It's like they Windows 8'd the 360. Its ugly, there is random shit all over the screen that I don't care about. You have to click through a bunch of shit just to get to your friends list. Once you get there, it's full of more uselsss shit. Its confusing as hell. I have 2 games so far, both of which took almost a day to fully install. WTF is that? They also take up 25% of my hard drive. I hate Microsoft.
  15. Thats pretty much how I felt when the expansion came out, and thats why I quit the game completely. Xbox one incoming for Christmas, and then its back to pooping on kids in H2
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2014/12/17/us-government-saw-interview-approved-theaters-upping-security/ I find this movie distasteful. Not sure how something like this gets released, it's just bad form in my opinion. Nevertheless, this is pretty interesting how North Korea has responded. Did Sony not see something like this coming? It's not all that surprising to me
  17. Well he's not a Bonesman, so maybe there's hope
  18. For the most part I agree with you, although what concerns me most is having Hillary Clinton as president. I'd take Obama over Hillary any day of the week. And we all know how much I love that guy. I don't imagine anything revolutionary happening if a Republican becomes president, I just see things getting way worse if Hillary wins. The woman has no soul. I'm on here more now than I have been for the past year or so. Most of my online social time was spent with games like Modern War and CoC but I burnt out and quit both of them recently. Still play CoC for the random clan war here and there Unfortunately the politics of the last 10 years have made it where having both parties in control of different branches of government is just a recipe for stalemate and more bickering. Heaven forbid these people find a way to compromise. That would be the ideal scenario, as impossible as it may seem. I agree with the summary though Personally, I hope we can find a way to nominate a moderate Republican. The primary system tends to screw that up for everyone though, as only the hardcore vote in primaries and the majority are far right or far left.
  19. Anyone following this? In a message posted on social media on Tuesday, Bush said he's discussed his plans with his family. "As a result of these conversations and thoughtful consideration of the kind of strong leadership I think America needs, I have decided to actively explore the possibility of running for President of the United States," Bush said. From some of the news videos I've watched online, everyone is talking about his differences with the Republican base on immigration and common core, but nobody is talking about the fact that his last name is Bush. Is it just me, or does anyone think another Bush has a shot in hell at becoming president? I just imagine people walking up to the booth, and picking Clinton because they don't want another Bush and thats about as deep as their decision making goes. I don't know much about him or his politics, but my initial impression is that another Bush is the last thing we need. Damn these political dynasty families, they feel so entitled it makes me sick. We had Michelle Nunn (daughter of GA Senator Sam Nunn) vs David Perdue (son of former governor of GA Sonny Perdue) as choices for Saxby Chambliss Senate seat down here in Georgia. Screw these people. So who's ready for another Bush?
  20. Yeah this is what I was trying to say. I don't believe any report that comes from a one-party committee. Doesn't matter what the topic is. Everything a politician does is centered around making themselves look better, because thats the type of people who end up in Washington. Republicans and Democrats, they're all narcissists and only care about themselves. I guarantee if the Republicans started their own committee and investigated this, they would come back with the opposite conclusion of the Democrats. Right or wrong, thats what would happen. Nobody should be surprised by that.
  21. And I loved how Feinstein said that they released the report now because "there might never be a good time to release the report". I wonder if it had anything to do with Jonathan Gruber being scheduled to testify before the House oversight committee about how the entire Affordable Care Act was sold to us stupid voters with lies and deception. Oh those politicians, always throwing shiny new toys out there to draw attention away from the mud slinging they deserve
  22. If the government supposedly has been lying to us all along about the outcomes of enhanced interrogation , wouldn't it be feasible to say they're lying here? It's what politicians do. They bend the truth to justify their positions. A partisan study, done by biased politicians, isn't worth the paper its written on. They found the conclusions they sought. I'm not defending the degree of malice that we showed here, thats another conversation. I take issue with a bunch of Democrats saying that none of it gave us any valuable intel that we didn't already have. Put a bunch of Republicans on the committee along with you and if you come to the same conclusion, I'll pay attention.
  23. In general I agree with you, but the people who were interrogated here were not your run of the mill hoodlum that doesn't want to be known as a snitch to all his gangster friends. These guys think blowing up Americans will grant them access to 72 virgins to pound for all eternity in heaven. I'd bet the best interrogator in the world wouldn't have convinced these guys to give up the information they did. To them, giving up that information would be going against Allah, not Akbar their cave dwelling butt buddy. And a panel that's all Democrat? Why is anyone taking this seriously? It's all politics. I take their conclusions with a grain of salt, as should everyone else. They "concluded" that the enhanced interrogations didn't yield any useful information. Big surprise there right lol. Well I, McNasty, "conclude" that they're full of shit. Democrats have forgotten what it's like to have planes fly into our buildings, killing our friends and family who just wanted to show up to work, get paid, and go home. Maybe we should follow Hillary's advice and start showing Al Qaeda a little more respect. Then we wouldn't have to bother with enhanced interrogations because we'd become besties.
  24. I agree with you Steve but people aren't racing RC cars outside of parking lots and neighborhood culdesacs. RC planes are too complicated for 99% of people, so anyone who has one is likely experienced and only a complete idiot would try and fly them over dense neighborhoods. They also need take off and landing space so naturally people are going to take them to open fields where they belong. You can pick up one of these quadcopters with a camera for $50, and brainless parents will hand them out to their kids to fly all over the neighborhood so they can spy on people because thats what 12 year olds do. Any idiot can fly one of these things, and thats where it becomes an issue for me. As much as I'm anti government, I think you should have to get a license to fly one. Your license number should be imprinted on the quadcopter so when it crashes through the window of the Smith's next door who have a hot daughter, you're little Johnny will have to answer for his actions. This article pretty much sums up my opinion on the matter: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2014/08/11/kanye-west-is-right-is-about-drones/
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