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Everything posted by McNasty

  1. We have the Make a Wish foundation here in the US, which is similar but focused on children. My wife and pick our own charities to donate to for Christmas each year and I always pick that one.
  2. Yeah man of course. I have the whole giddy up. Me, my brother and my dad head out on Saturday mornings, strap on our waders, boots, and vest, and wade anywhere from 1-2 miles south of the dam fishing along the way and then head back. Fish from 6am to 10-12, and then hit the sports bar on the way back to kill a few beers. Pretty much all trout, browns and bows, but nothing big. Most are between 7-12", but we catch a lot. Been fishing there for 20 years so we know the spots
  3. The first picture is what it looks like most of the day. Get some polarized sunglasses and the holes just start calling your name!
  4. It's the Chattahoochee River in Buford Georgia. That parking lot is about 20 minutes from my house . They dammed the river to make Lake Lanier, and that parking lot in the picture above is a few hundred yards from the dam and where they release the water. I park there and wade about 1-2 miles south fishing along the way. It's an epic place.
  5. The water is pulled from the bottom of the lake, so it is ICE COLD. That mist is out there every morning at daybreak. It's really a beautiful scene getting out there in the fog, and then watching it lift around 9-10am. It's a pretty shallow river and you can walk most of it with the exception of a few places. Makes it a lot of fun to wander around and hit all the different holes. The currents aren't very strong, unless you forget to high tail it out of there when they release water twice a day. But that rarely happens during the good fishing hours anyway.
  6. This is my hole Parking lot on the right there below the Buford Dam. Get the waders on, and head south.
  7. Can you walk the full width of the river? minus the potholes of course...
  8. I stopped upgrading my defenses a month ago and only upgrade walls. I found myself climbing the ranks of our th9s when I initially focused on upgrading defenses quickly. Now I spend all gold on walls. I think walls have much smaller impact on the difficulty of your base (as determined for clan pairings in war), and I haven't climbed higher in our ranks since then. Going for all level 9 walls before I upgrade any defenses
  9. The first thing you should do after upgrading to is to max out your troops. Of course, you shouldn't upgrade your th until it's maxed but many people didn't know about clan wars and shot themselves in the foot. I'm th9, and didn't upgrade my th until I was completely maxed on everything. I went to th9 with full storages on de, elixer, and gold with maxed walls and defense.
  10. One thing to add here - when you drop your wizards, start from the far left and far right of your center golem and then place your wizards behind center golem. You need to create a funnel and if the buildings behind your center golem are the last to be destroyed, you guarantee your pekkas and heros will follow the center golem into the base. The building right behind your center golem should be the last one destroyed
  11. We have around 35 in the clan but everyone does a good job of opting out when they're upgrading or can't guarantee they can get their attacks in. Of the 50 wars I can see in the log, we've tied twice and lost 4. Pretty solid. All adults too so there is zero drama which is extremely hard to find with serious war clans.
  12. We have 5-10 th9s that constantly cycle in and out of war. Everyone else is th8 and a handful of th7s. We rarely go to war with more than 25 players. 90 percent of the time it's 15 or 20. All of our th9s can consistently 2 star any th9 and some th10s, and all of our th8s can 3 star their counterparts. We always hit our opposite number in war first, and then clean up later. We always get all of our attacks in. That's super important. Our clan is stupid good at CoC
  13. Went after a double bomb with 6 hogs and didn't drop a heal because I didn't think it was needed. Yeah, it was needed and it messed up the rest off my attack . Lost by 1
  14. For me this is one of the greatest songs ever written. If I was stranded on a desert island and only had one band I was able to listen to, it would be Pink Floyd no questions asked. For whatever reason, I am completely obsessed with this song. I've scoured the internet and heard a thousand versions of this song, and each time It makes me love it more and more. I just found this version and I think I'm in love. It could be the fattest, ugliest chick in the world but if she can belt out this tune the way this girl does, I'm in heaven. Start at 1:29
  15. My clan just ended a 29 win streak and it was 100% my fault. Love it when that happens!
  16. If you ever find your way to Universal Studios in Orlando, you will believe it's real. The Harry Potter sections of Universal and Islands of Adventure are absolutely incredible.
  17. This is pretty cool. http://untappedcities.com/2011/09/10/911-memorial-in-paris-the-french-will-never-forget/
  18. Clearly this isn't a vanity thing and my sarcasm wasn't related to this dudes specific situation at all, relax
  19. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/09/10/worlds-first-head-transplant-patient-schedules-procedure-for-2017/?intcmp=hpffo&intcmp=obnetwork Didn't see that one coming at all lol! I wonder if when it gets closer to operation time if he has the ability to see a lineup of dead people before he picks which body he wants. Or does he just get whatever the doctor ordered? I mean it's his choice at the end of the day. He's in no hurry he can go under the knife whenever he wants....once the doctors get to the 99% mark as they say, then this dude should be able to pick his body wouldn't you think? What if he wanted a woman's body? I assume it would theoretically work either way, man or woman body. WTF would we call that anyway? In the future, instead of sex changes people could just play mix and match with their heads and bodies like legos and maybe then Lady Gaga will get her wish of worldwide androgyny!
  20. Seriously if you haven't seen Kingsmen you need to watch it. The church scene is one of the most epic pieces of cinematography ever created. Can anyone else approve of this message?
  21. Lmao that is so on point. Here I am minding my own business, get the ball, meg the same dude twice, put the ball in the back of the net, and then get democratted by Neo who took the form of a 40 year old hack to teach me I should have passed. I shouldn't have been so selfish!
  22. I've seen those finger paintings that you bring home and they SUCK! Till the night closes in...!!!!!
  23. I wore one of those ankle braces for the first month or so and it was somewhat helpful. However I'm long past needing any sort of brace. I just need to talk to a doctor and see what they think
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