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Everything posted by McNasty

  1. Reall cool idea J I made ribs for the first time in my life this weekend, and I have to say they were disturbingly amazing. Totally unexpected, I could not stop eating. My wife took the leftovers to work and her co-workers said the same thing. I take no credit for the recipe as I found it online, but as soon as I have a free minute to find it again I will post it here.
  2. Welcome to the world of PC gaming Mike lol. The ole put the damn CD in the PS3/XBOX and hit enter days are over! I've had to do some ridiculous things to get games to work on my PC - and it's a BEAST. Fallout 3 for example I had to figure out how to change the amount of cores on my processor that are allocated to the game just to get it to stop freezing. Thats after spending half a day on forums trying to figure out why it was freezing in the first place.
  3. This has nothing to do with kids. Zero. They are nothing more than a by-product. Their behavior (with exception of the looneys) is simply a reflection of how they were raised. There are just a fuck load more shitty parents today than there was 20/40/60 years ago. People let TV raise and discipline their kids. People stopped going to church. The moral fabric of society has diminished because we've conditioned the stupid and poor to feel entitled to shit. So it's a society of gimme gimme gimme and the vicious cycles get worse and worse over time. What are we at now like a 50 percent divorce ratio? Wtf is that? We've forgotten what a family is. Dudes making money. Bitches cleaning and raising the kids. And church on Sunday. If you complain you get the shit beat out of you with a belt. Fucking progressives. Mcnasty out.
  4. Mike I see that you're going for the V for Vendetta look. Lady-killer right there. They won't even know what hit em
  5. Spectre will you paint that fucking wall please. Thanks. Lol
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