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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. With FIFA 22 being made available for free as part of PS Plus next month, this just compounds the misery of what now is called 'The 💩 (Formely Known As PES)'.
  2. Happy birthday Sarah!! @Zaxzar Hope you have a super awesome day mate!! 😎💃❤️
  3. Have you got some info on the updated changes mate? I think many enjoyed it, it was more to keep up with the game and skill level, it felt like you needed a few nights a week on it to stay relevant.
  4. Yeah, here's the visual leak of the games coming in May. I suppose it will help anyone in FG pick up FIFA 22 for the PS4 and want to join in with some FGFC games!?! Even could pick up and make a few little knockout fun tourneys too I reckon with more of us. Tribes of Midgard could definitely be something for more to try. I know that a few of us picked it up and I found it fun for a short while, defo needs to be played in a group. You can have up to 10 people in a playthrough too.
  5. Agree with that. I suppose I just see how well he was doing at CDM, even for England but he pushed himself to go backwards which I just think opens you up a little bit more against top end teams.
  6. How did you go on with this @McNasty ?
  7. Keep sharing @Riff Machine , whilst i'm struggling to find anytime to listen or watch anything long these days, I love these will be here for all FGers to go back and watch.
  8. I'm not sure who is wanting to spend 100m plus on him now. His chance was a great one to go to City and Levy blocked it by asking for 200m. It feels very much like the Gerrard situation when he nearly left to go to Chelsea but stayed for the rest of his career. Kiss of death me saying this, but finally I think Spurs have a top 3 who really do challenge Liverpool's...just need someone to tell Dier that he isn't a centreback and put him back at CDM alongside someone else 😅
  9. Weirdly, Warzone isn't the worst thing they've made. MW2019 really did have something going for it but they chose to keep the yearly churning uncreative release going and I think the industry has started to grow tired of that type of release in general, not just CoD. People are now wanting to try something new or conversely staying with games that have had very longevity with constant support and updates. I think its why Indie games are doing so well too - people are finally seeing through the AAA yearly release of the same game for 70 quid....maybe. I do think Microsoft will revolutionise the franchise. Its what everyone knows it needs and it'll be interesting to see if it takes one of the last games of the past 5 years to use as its base to move forward instead of starting from scratch.
  10. I missed our resident Gary @techno hamster's birthday whilst I was on holiday this weekend just gone so I hope he managed to take the bike out for a birthday breeze! 🚲😎🎂
  11. Good question! The quick answer is, you can't 😅 However... On my plans was to create a page for Achievements and Medals. This would include the full list, with the exception if I had some that we felt that would be cool surprise ones. Outside of this, I have asked the software developer to understand if I can have any automation that could be connected to profiles related to showing what you have and/or haven't earned yet. Its a brand new system still in reality so I hope further tweaks but sometimes they take a little while as I have to rely on people way more skilled than me in that space. If you looked back at the original infographics I shared, they are all the ones I made available from Day 1. I need to plan a further phase at some point very soon but also would really hope to get some feedback from everyone as to how people think they are going. All I can see is that they were initially well received but not sure how much it helps people to see them or if they are fun to receive in any particular way.
  12. i'm trying to find 2 different dates if i'm honest. I know that now its end of season and I have to take the kids to the last match of the season. Given only 4 have said yes so far anyway, if we get 2 different Saturdays in the coming months, we just need to encourage people to travel for the day to somewhere for a few hours and then maybe a drink if people want to afterwards. 👍
  13. Happy birfday bumper wrecker!! @Mikepjbell hope you have cracking day squire! 😎💃❤️
  14. I've just decided that football doesn't exist this season. See you in September.
  15. @BO7H B4RRELS , I'm sorry buty you won't have a choice to not be available to be on this FG server. Its in the ten commandments, mate. I've read them so just take my word for it 😎 Thanks @phil bottle for looking into this for us. I'm super hyped to get back into DayZ after our escapades last time out. Made a huge base which took ages and we were definitely in the swing of things for a while. GTX seems a good start as that's where our other ones are. I agree with Vanilla too. I think if we end up having mods too early we then struggle to update servers and game saves, etc. We'll have to see who is up for it too. I definitely think we can grab some ol' regulars too like @Dylanimo16
  16. Happy birthday @Riff Machine and @TurboR56Mini !! Hope you guys have an absolute awesome day chilling and doing fuck all 🤘😎💃
  17. Had a brief moment to start it up and its prettyt decent start so far. Reasonably easy objective based that help you learn some stuff. Controls are something to get used to but most of the stuff i've done on the first 2 planets is reasonably easy and should stick in my brain for now 😅 One thing I need to learn is how to get the spacecraft into third person. Apparently you hit down on the d-pad and then go to utilities to switch the view. Other than that, I can see it being one of those you need to resource up to cover off long trips out in the Unstable wild! Can you share materials at all?
  18. Let's have a Bank Holiday Special with a MNF tonight!
  19. They're moving ever closer to removing that 'searching for the bigger power number' over time and I think its 100% the right call. The hard part is they are then stuck in this loop where for the most part, the large population have played Destiny to see their big, yellow, nice font, number move to a bigger, yellow, nice font, number. Like 1153 to 1154. This has been the case for 7 years. So even when removing the objective of just getting higher numbered gear is a better idea, it doesn't play into the average gamer's hands as most people all they do is just chase the bigger number. It always got to me when I wanted to do a raid to enjoy it, but we would sometimes be stuck when someone would say 'I ain't doing that, i don't get any bigger number (pinnacle) loot', to which I can't wrap my head around. Its a hard culture to break but Bungie are trying to do it by delivering fun, enjoyable instances/experiences in raids and dungeons so you remember the journey. However, through all of this, i'm not sure how you ever take the power number grind out of an RPG/MMO game when its core to its way of design. Destiny is in a great spot for content but the average gamer wants to have fun objectives to complete and see all shiny. And those shiny things need to be better than the power number grind sensation. So....yeah, I agree to this feeling Chad as i'm in the same boat. But I also think they could fix it by looking at what makes us tick better. I'd start with Triumphs and creating them in a better way to how they used to be....even then though, the 'bigger Triumph number' was probably the push to help us enjoy it! We love showing off our big numbered D's! 🤣
  20. Looks way more complex than it sounds. And just had a look at a quick review and I think it would take me a while to get into this one. Stellaris feels and looks like a good alternative to this which I know a few of us have played here. May be less taxing on the brain but still with the level of detail of 'Space Management' that you may be looking for.
  21. Yeah, when I was looking at games i've had for a while now and never played them, this stood out. Especially at a time where I've been trying to also find another FG community game where it can relaxing but many of us could dip in and out with each other. I saw a recent tweet that reminded me, and then that tweet reminded me that i see similar updates and patch updates whcih bring huge changes to the game, for free. Sure, I know my issue will be with this ensuring I can find objectives to do and potentially some that we can all do together but i'm willing to give it a go. I checked up on Multiplayer and it stated you could effectively have a 5 player party. If you do missions together, then you need to start and finish them before you log off, very much like Sea of Thieves. I want to see how the PS5 version goes for sure. Anyone know if you can build something that could be accessed as a 'community' thing? e.g. you don't need the first person online to see it all the time?
  22. Anyone tried this here? Looks like Small Soldiers on steroids and includes a 4 player co-op. Seems to have launched on Steam and now Switch and Xbox too. Steam have it at £15.49 and Switch I think at £19.99 so not too pricey either. There's also a free demo on Steam too! Seems to be one of those build and defend the wave type games but there seems to be quite a few gamemodes out now, including PvP. The idea of all the different types of toys you go up against look hilarious. The Cargo Plane actually drops the Green Amy Men with parachutes. Here's the original trailer from a while ago. Can't find many recent reviews out there but it looks like an underrated and unheard game for sure. This guy below rates it at 8.5 and I think it has some weight. What you all reckon? Anyone tempted to try the demo?
  23. Coming out this year (Summer pencilled in) but doesn't have a release date yet. Would love to get this and see how it plays. Its also being released for all platforms, console and PC. Massive win there. Its Single Player so unless that changes i'd like to try this on Steam to see how this is compared to Football Manager type games. I used to have an F1 manager game on the Amstrad CPC464....man, that was the balls as you could do the pitstops too. Fingers crossed for features like that. Anyone interested?
  24. Unless this comes out with a Master League, I won't be trying it. Seems utterly pointless when all the unique selling points of PES have been completely removed. It really isn't PES and doesn't deserve to be connected to PES in anyway. Come on Sony, hurry up and buy Konami and smash the competition out there with your own bloody football game.
  25. After Easter (next week), we'll be getting a significantly huge patch with over 400 fixes to the game. Patch Notes apparently out next week but here's the key bits from the Community Manager tweets: Rao and Paik shall have their traits updated Sundance has also received some fixes to their Grenade Belt, allowing for better Anti-Armor Grenade target acquisition within their immediate vicinity rather than things football fields away Ribbons have been tweaked in order to allow easier unlocking across modes such as Rush. XP for Support Actions and Teamplay within the game have also been balanced to ensure teamwork remains king Vehicular Warfare balancing alongside targeted tweaks to the likes of the Bolte, to ensure that Infantry/Vehicle counter play still has some bite! Bug Fixes towards the ADS bug when exiting a vehicle and reviving near obstacles are also in this Update. Attachments shall also receive an overhaul in Update 4.0, with a focus on ensuring they feel unique and have an impact on your loadout choice and gunplay. He signs off saying "While this merely scratches the surface of Update 4.0 in #Battlefield 2042, we do appreciate the patience afforded to us with getting this update out there. Again, truly looking forward to your feedback as the update goes live, next week. Stay safe out there folks 🐧" I mean, I think its worth a stab back on it considering its a game I've barely even touched and had so much potential. Problem will likely be just the population and getting a full game I imagine! What's people thinking? Anyone hoping for something big in the patch they haven't mentioned yet?
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