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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Can't believe Championship is slowly getting going again already, where has the time gone?? Hopefully the small break will help keep the league competitive way into next year. Its definitely been a mental year in the Championship as everyone is beating everyone. This is the year for some surprises in that top 6.
  2. I recall you saying this and I think its a great option for a free game as its not shoddy by any means. Wish ME had the multiplayer side in it...
  3. Some fantastic upsets just showing why football is loved so much being one of the most unpredictable sports in the world. Really hoping we can carry momentum into the Senegal game today. I really do think it will be a tough match and probably more stop/start than a full flowing game. Feeling positive still though so come on England!
  4. I think Tom @LordBaguette is doing the same thing. You'll probably find you'll only have the Gold challenge to do on some of the guns when you go back and check them.
  5. Welcome to FG @Tove ! Nice to see more gamers join in on the fun here and online. Mw2 and OW2 are pretty solid in groups and we certainly play both of them of late. Definitely more fun that way too. Looking forward to seeing you around the other sections here and hopefully we'll try and get a few games online too soon! We hope you enjoy your stay at FG 👍
  6. Do I absolutely need to use a wheel for this? Just thinking sometimes to hop in here and there may be just a ballache getting my wheel out every time. I picked up the version with some xpacs that were on sale so all in all cost less than 10 quid. Just need to find some time to get on over some weekends so I can get used to it. Whats a good first objective to aim for?
  7. Fingers crossed that you get better sooner rather than later, Pat @cyberninja2601 . Sending our best wishes your way ❤️
    I've missed the one round plays we used to show on here. That was an incredible Hanzo round @LordBaguette , top draw 👏👏👏
  8. Why does it feel like 'Hero' absolutely fits the block name? Such an amazing feeling when that came down and you nailed 4 rows in one go. Absolute Hero indeed! 😎
  9. Finally got the Khastov 74U done! The Point Blank kills are a nightmare, you literally have to have the person's face on your screen for it to register as point blank. Only 3 ARs to go now and might have a chance at my very first Platinum camo on a Call of Duty game lol! Moved on to the Lachman 556 to main now. I probably should check my secondary slots too.
  10. I find it a little but funny that they're targeting 12 year olds on a certified min 18 game. Although it was funny last night when we were playing it as we then discussed if your star player for your own football team was available would you buy it and i can't lie....i'd be tempted! 🤣🤣 Ohhh the shame.
  11. Its an interesting one, as coming from someone that never understood how to find challenges and camos in all of the older CoD games, this one has been the easiest to find by a mile. I think they could make some tiny tweaks to it, like seeing which ones are unlocked/locked but I think ALL the CoDs could have explained Challenges and Camos far easier. Its clearly an objective that drives people to play more so I've never understood why they don't have a separate tab at the top with all the key things you may want to focus on. Outside of that, I only find the party system a bit of a pain....and even then, its no way near GTA's version of a party system. Its pretty easy to get crossplay people in too. @Dylanimo16 joined last night and it was extremely easy and the Whisper system worked well.
  12. Really happy for Southgate and for the players he brought on throughout the game. They all played their part. Very patient and needed to be in the group stages. Senegal isn't an easy task at all considering they are the African Champions atm.
  13. GazzaGarratt


    @Laidback Lankyman I think they got taught an absolute masterclass in Rugby didn't they at the weekend?! 14 men for 60 minutes, South Africa dominated them and their defence were superb.
    ....but how?!!! 😅🤣
  14. My son completed it really quickly as he absolutely LOVES Kratos and the God of War games. I don't understand how you can cope with all the melee combat but it definitely gives some exciting feedback to the user. He said he actually got emotional at the story which was nice to hear from him and he's been going back through the game as and when for all the things you can pick up and collect. Some real hard bosses for a 13 year old but I've watched him try and try again and its a great game to just watch too. @Riff Machine , if someone was new to God of War, would you make sure they played the first one on PS4 or just dive straight into this one?
  15. Not checked it lately but it has helepd in the past. Main issue though is more that EA only seem to keep available for the last 5-10 games in the API. So once its gone, its gone. Its definitely been reduced over the past year from 10 to about 6 I think. I've also noticed some stats don't track exactly to how it pans out when playing, which is very weird. Huge area for EA to capitilise on but I just think they CBA. 🤷‍♂️ If we have simplistic template that anyone can use and then somewhere to post or send it in, it would be pretty easy to keep up with. Me too! EA don't even let us play cross-gen which is even more annoying. Miss you on the PlayStation mate! ❤️
  16. England are top of the group, unbeaten. Last performance wasn't great but wasn't abysmal either. Statistically in the hardest group so i'm not that bothered about what others think. Gareth Southgate, whatever you think of him, is spot on when he seemingly has to remind the British public that this is tournament football and you don't win the tournament in the group. You build up across the tournament. As football is our first and national sport, I understand the frustration. We all want our clubs to smash each team 25-0 every week, but it doesn't happen. Just abit of perspective needed although I'm not expecting it. English mentality dictates the backlash after evert game. I don't think many England fans understand the words 'balanced opinion'. I still would also like to see Foden at some point in this tournament too. In other games, they was some crackers yesterday. Morocco were superb to beat Belgium and I think Germany did well to stay in the game with Spain. Spain look great in the main but they didn't handle people running at them very well.
  17. Kind of, but this stuff exists everywhere now so I think its more about gaming culture changing more than anything. There are some that don't really want to work or even try in the slight to get weapons or unlocks in games anymore - this is exact same thing happens in Destiny 2 and has for years. Its really down to the company to ban and stop recoveries and people that actively play for others for money. It may be a shame that one gun is in a gamemode that some don't like or want to use, but thats not enough noise and reason to not make a reward like that available. If the game had 3 weapons and this was 25% of the available weapons then people may have a point but it won't break the game fundamentally at all. The real losers here are the people that pay money for it.
  18. Dont usually call people out but how Ramsey is still in this squad yet they can't give Ryan Hedges a place in the team, let alone the squad is beyond me. Wales have been awful.
    I love how this clip shows a good example of being selfish via @Macca89 and then the perfect example of being selfish by @LordBaguette FML 🤣🤣
  19. You've been busy @Diddums! You need to join the chat more often if you can find that button! 😅
  20. Been another few good games past few days. I wouldn't say its absolutely superb as we're still getting the drab 0-0's and many of the shocks are kind of quite boring for 45 minutes and then total manic in the next 45. Would love to see more of it though. Portugal were so lucky to get away with a win tonight. Ghana are super poor at the back but their antics through the game just always leaves you with a sour taste in the mouth doesn't it. I'd love to find a stat somewhere to see how much they've dived, rolled and stayed on the floor wasting minutes. Spain I think are a dark horse we just don't know what to expect still imo. Yes, a 7-0 win will always do wonders for morale but Costa Rica were probably the worst team here so far. It will be interesting to see if their passing game can beat Japan and Germany.
  21. Great news, finally. Looking forward to seeing if I can get an extra bit of cash to help towards those overpriced 3 legendary cars for the psn trophy now 😅 Let us know @phil bottle, if theres anything we should do before selling them e.g. washing the car, etc. Nice to also see a new track added too!
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