This is the right question all along on the back of sharing those videos Gaz @techno . And based on your answer I would expect a few maps to be coming in a months time as it'll Season 2 out by then. So when we get a few more maps soon, what else do you think it needs? Genuinely interested to know because I'm enjoying the fact that the game as multiple gamemodes, in Multiplayer but also outside of that with Warzone, DMZ and Raids. Equally it has the Campaign they had to make along with the rest (I finished it last night and i'll post thoughts separately - tldr, I really enjoyed it).
This is totally where I stand. That doesn't mean its an unbelievably amazing game. However, based against previous CoDs its miles ahead of them. Outside comparisons to other FPS games with other modes, I actually think it still holds strong too. Destiny 2 is a fantastic shooter but its PvP is in a horrible state and has been for about 2-3 years. Overwatch 2 doesn't feel like its changed much from 5-6 years ago. Still feels good to shoot but limited on gamemodes and now reducing party size to 5 for me really is lost a lot some of their shine due to it now feeling very harsh when its not going your way.
This CoD is the most accessible game for casuals they've had - and I feel this is why those people who create content or play exclusively these games and nothing else will feel that way. Same way if you played Destiny 2 exclusively. Its not the games fault if you don't play Campaign, DMZ, Warzone, which is a large chunk of it. But even then Multiplayer rotates maps extremely well, and it has Tier 1 if you want Hardcore - even though really I feel like this games Core MP is the best from any i've played in the last 8 years. The guns have lots of variety with tweaks that can be made that do make differences, at the same time being able to use stock guns and not feel like a loser straight off the block.
Those content creators are focusing on the 1% crowd that is themselves and not thinking of the playerbase. They exaggerated 10-20 minutes of video to just say the menu options aren't great, and to tell us 'ah, I don't play them modes'. They come across as salty to me because essentially they're 'work' isn't getting them paid.
Only place I'd say it needs a lot of work is Private Games as we need better options to choose from. Currently no proper Gun Game, One in the Chamber, Prop Hunt, etc which would give people hours of content to make if they wanted a revenue from it.