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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. It is only 2 months. The first few months for any live Online game is to fix bugs post launch. That's the same with any system release so I can see why we haven't got anything since then. They shouldn't with many returning bits of content, but that is the way games work now, whether we like it or not. The reason for that is really gamers in a nutshell have changed habits - we gorge games and effectively overplay until we get literally burnt out and if we had all content we then would know that nothing is coming in 2 months and move on quicker than we do now. To dripfeed, timegate content when you think of it with those words feels painful and wrong. However, it is what keeps us coming back to the game so we don't burn out as quickly as we used to do years ago...that was when everyone would moan we would be getting nothing or maybe 1 update/DLC in the entire year (and probably have to pay for it). Back to Season 2, Infected and Gun Game is back in the game in a week's time which is awesome from an FG Private Match point of view. I'm super hoping they add One in the Chamber considering that worked really well in MW2019. It'll be interesting to see the tweaks they make to the UI as mentioned in the different threads we have going. I'm hoping the Groups functionality can expand a little more to at least connect the Clan Tag together as thats the most logical step to make. Weirdly somewhat intrigued for a new Season in CoD for the first time. Its nice to actually feel good about the franchise for a change.
  2. Good point, I suppose its because I like to own the game anyway so if I ever go back to it I can (and clearly some collector disease is stuck within me too 😄). Once my gaming space has had a revamp its likely that it will have a specific place to be easily switched on more often. Until then, when the wife stops giving me a hard time about spending money (even though 3412% less than her) I'll keep this on the PSN wishlist.
  3. Haha! I was gonna post the exact same thing @James5497!🤣 We just need them to confirm One in the Chamber and Private FG Matches will be perfect for this.
    Not bad going considering the PDSW takes a lot of bullets to kill someone! Seems to excel at nearly point blank range. Good video, Kenny
  4. Sorry its late @TurboR56Mini but it was a very enjoyable read I must say. I think you certainly hit the ground running on the writing side. The pictures are done extremely well and compliment breaking down your trip nicely. You could even see here that you could mini-reviews that break down stuff even further, such as a car review, watch review and cities/states to review. Make sure you try and get another one done soon as its certainly something you seem passionate about through the words you used. ❤️
  5. Next time it goes on sale for PC i'll try and take a look. I'd be happy to try it out on PC with a few FGers. Let us know how you get on @phil bottle and @Spacedeck!
  6. Would love to go back and try it but it feels inferior to MW2 right now still. I wasn't a big BF player anyway but the reintroduction of classes make sense and worth an update to my game next time i'm on.
  7. You know me, especially with a game with an offline mode makes total sense to have the physical version 😉 I do still have my Xbox One so I suppose its on that too. I just don't fancy another subscription to add to my list just yet!
  8. GazzaGarratt

    FG France FIFA 22 Cup

    Lets see if we can find a really cheap copy of FIFA 22 for you! Surely theres someone who don't want it in London for a fiver?!😅
  9. GazzaGarratt

    FG France FIFA 22 Cup

    YAY! Is your version the PS4 version yeah?!
  10. I'm not getting dragged into the side stuff from a game perspective. In life, we can't ignore these topical issues and we have to appreciate other people will see the other sides which will be valid in certain individuals to whats been said cos we all should have a voice in this life - as the issue doesn't impact me personally, I see it as that will be for them to discuss and not myself on here. If anyone is against it all, not buying the game will be the best thing you can do. I have got it on pre-order so will sharing the game pros and cons on here for sure. I'm pretty sure about 99% of the population is going to do that at the start of the game! 🤣 The combat system looks extremely solid and quests are hopefully deep in content so they'll be enough for us to chew on me thinks. They've got over 20 spells haven't they? Be interesting to see when they unlock through the game and hopefully some of the best ones will be unlocked early doors to use throughout the content.
  11. How does it shape up against old arcade games like TOCA Race Driver, Ridge Racer and Need 4 Speed? It sounds similar to TOCA which was addictive as hell back in the day, even the career mode was fun to do. Its sitting at £17 on PS4 which I might take a chance on after that review @Riff Machine 👍
  12. I agree we need more challengers to enter the gaming market against the bigger players. Although, its clearly not that easy as we've seen the past 10 years nearly all of them fail. Only one that has had the closest FPS gameplay and feel to breaking them is/was Titanfall/Apex Legends. Apex does alright, but hasn't evolved much since launch. Actually makes you realise how games like CoD and Destiny still do extremely well. Even Halo now is going down the pan somewhat. This looks more of a competitor against Counter Strike for PC imo. Definitely looks decent and a market could be there for the next MLG FPS given CoD isn't doing very well in that category. In fact it looks like it wants to take some of Overwatch's competitive league off them more so than the casual playerbase.
  13. It doesn't need too many changes imo - The Friends and Group pages need the overhaul mostly. I wouldn't have said no to an easier way to show camo and challenges on an independent page too. Other stuff is pretty easy to get around tbh.
  14. A wholeheartedly agree - the only point i'd make is that everything in life should have a level of common sense lens on it. The fields asked weren't critical to the deal so I'd say in these instances they should review the forms and make it clear what is absolutely needed for next time. Loved seeing that yesterday, for all that England fans and other teams say that he's not World Class, I just frankly disagree. No other top English striker has matched his record across multiple years whilst he's been around.
  15. View this giveaway February 2023 FGFGF Giveaway 2 Prizes this month! Prize 1 - A £10/$10 Game voucher of your choice! Prize 2 - A £5/$5 Game voucher of your choice! Choose either: Playstation Voucher Xbox Voucher Steam Voucher Available to all Members that are part of the FGers Group and above (FG Rank 'Apprentice' and above). This is being made available as part of the Forever Gaming Feel Good Fund - to support and help us give more back to gamers this way please consider donating via our FG Memberships or a one-off donation! Good Luck FGers! Submitter GazzaGarratt Expiration Date 19 days and 6 hours Submitted 02/06/2023 Category Monthly FG Giveaways  
  16. Type: Giveaway


    • 2 Prizes
    • 13 Participants

    2 Prizes this month! Prize 1 - A £10/$10 Game voucher of your choice! Prize 2 - A £5/$5 Game voucher of your choice! Choose either: Playstation Voucher Xbox Voucher Steam Voucher Available to all Members that are part of the FGers Group and above (FG Rank 'Apprentice' and above). This is being made available as part of the Forever Gaming Feel Good Fund - to support and help us give more back to gamers this way please consider donating via our FG Memberships or a one-off donation! Good Luck FGers!
  17. until

    Was great to get back to racing again. Nice surprise to see @slamminbones and @Bluebear turn up later in the evening which wasn't expected. Hopefully if we can get the numbers up we can get this show back on the road.
  18. I actually got the MX9 Gold already when I switched on last night @NCA-Paendrag 🤣
  19. What a Monday Night Football. A huge night of games - 15 in total, which included many laughs and near misses, epic fails and glorious winning moments across the whole night. Not sure i've ever had to over 9 minutes of highlights but it was well worth it. An incredible start with free flowing football gave FGFC 3 wins on the bounce, with big Dennis Rodman @James5497 hitting the 'Money shots' or headers to be precise from @Macca89 Maccaroon's corners. Matty @Luseth was chipping in too from the right hand side, blinding the defence with his ridiculous fluorescent blue curly hair...and moustache. In fact, the scores could've been higher if some incredible flair shot went the other side of the post but where's the fun if you can't play some 'Overkick ball' with some sitters flying way over the bar. A little blip from some crazy games, one game somehow losing from a winning position, 6-4, the FIFA script was feeling like it was just around the corner waiting to inject some losses into the rest of the night. The team stayed resolute, especially after we found Martin @Findmartin later on at the back with Maccaroon playing a blinder at the Any role. @Ally was whipping dangerous balls in from the left and was unlucky not to get some assists as FGFC went on to rack up another 4 wins in a row. The last 2 games, scoring 14 goals across them. Teryiaki Sauce @Antpool84 put a killer display in CAM and Midfield alongside playermaker Pat De Groyne @jordie1892 with some incredible double X passes splitting the defences - and some Kung Fu Goals to add to the incredible scenes. Getting promoted on a subsequent Monday meant that FGFC starting to feel the skill level jump whilst the FIFA 23 Pros were still accumulating skill points and punching way above our weight. 4 end-to-end high scoring draws brought a super long evening of football to a close, not without a hilarious moment from Kilma Self @LordBaguette having an Eric Dier moment rushing to the toilet mid-game and forgetting he has 2 hands that can work independently at the critical moments (the highlights say it all below 😅). It really felt like MNF was back this week. Even @jordie1892 was falling for the top shelf Dad jokes. GGFG
  20. I find CEX not great imo, more because of my personal experiences and the inflation of prices they do. eBay seems the only place easily accessible, buyers cover if the game doesn't arrive or not true to the advert however you have to look massively around for a good deal still on there. Usually buying in bulk is the only way to get a decent deal on games on eBay. I'd live to go to more Charity shops but the one I go to, theres never much stuff in there. A lot of those shops are now also selling stuff on eBay too which is a shame. I need to go to more car boot sales on a Sunday morning. They are likely the best deals but unreliable as you won't know if the games work or not. Make sure you share these as you're not far from me. I may take a trip one weekend. This is pretty decent too, whilst he won't be super cheap, it won't be overinflated too. Just depends on what they upload (was helpful for the wife to get me some Xmas presents last year!)
  21. We made an absolute balls up of the Transfe deadline day. We were looking to get 2 deals in really late, and we missed the 11pm deadline. Rovers fans were quite acromonius online and whilst there is definitely blame internally, the information on why the EFL rejected our paperwork on the 2 deals just before 11pm is quite laughable really. Lewis O'brien has an agent with the surname Sharpe. Apparently we wrote Sharp instead. The other deal for a up and coming star at Rochdale, the lad unfortunately didn't tick the 'White and British' boxes on your background. When we submitted updated forms it was past 11pm. For once, if this is absolutely the reasons, even though the EFL have never accepted an appeal on late paperwork, I would like to see some precedent set to these deals. Whats really sad is that O'Brien is now out of the squad officially at Nottingham Forest so he can't play for the next 6 months which I find unacceptable considering this is his job and livelihood. Fwiw, I think this is a good watch to explain in front of the camera from a Director of Football.
  22. The sign of gaming times will definitely mean people move on quicker. Its interesting the stats though. What I see on the Steam one above is that it shows a larger than normal playerbase initially and what they did was gorge content extremely quick, which the hours played shows. I'll die on my iceberg hill by admitting that Battle Royale is a great addition to games, but it is just one game mode after all. I think those stats also show that 6v6 multiplayer is either played by ultimate hardcore MLGers (Counter-Strike) or casual core players like all of us. Players are making the BR games the next MLG scene, or at least trying to do that. Warzone imo, wasn't built to be able to compete with them. Not yet anyway. Its like the casual core version of the hardcore games, so you will always get more random from time to time. Its why casuals get drawn to it because higher unpredictability means more chances of winning a BR match. It would be interesting at some point if we found all the 5v5, 6v6 FPS Multiplayer games and stacked their stats alongside each other. I see Overwatch 2 is not on there at all, completely free too. I'm probably concluding I don't think these figures dictate if CoD has landed well or not. I listen and see many of us playing CoD way more than we ever have and that I believe its not just coincidence.
  23. Looks like a perfect buy @Greboth. Is the Battery Bank independently made or something that Valve offers too?
  24. 🤣 In fairness after not liking it at all at the start I seem to have found the right attachments to make it work really well now! I'm probably only 8/10 done for the Gold challenge - I should probably share the attachments that have worked for me shouldn't I 😅
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