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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Looking definitely better thabn anticipated. Hopefully they'll deliver on time in December.
  2. Glad you got one mate, welcome to the next generation so you can play all the last generation games still like we do, just quicker! 😄❤️
  3. Cheers for the heads up @Lurchzy, picked them up this week 👍 Good few games on duo and trio quickplay last night. Felt like SBMM was on for Quickplay though? Maybe just our luck that we came up against some good teams making my brain work too hard 😅
  4. They can both eat poo from the gutter for all I care 😄 This was really helpful tbh. Its good to see what works where. I may have to go and try some Tier 1 with some SMGs soon, although it doesn't sound like fun at all....
  5. Jesus @phil bottle, I know I said i'd be in to more survival games but this would probably blow the whole of FG minds rather than just @Diddums! Impressive, but i'd have serious anxiety issues trying to keep all the bars at 99% so I remain fully healthy...and then get picked off easily by a sniper somewhere i'm sure. Big question surely must be....do they have bicycles??!
  6. Zelda fans love this regardless if it looks exactly like the previous game. A mate of mine is an avid Zelda fan and he's waiting for his Nintendo delivery this morning. I think the key for me if I want to dip and get this one will be to get over the breaking weapon mechanic. Once people find out how many weapons are unbreakable in the game, if there's quite a few I'd probably be more looking forward to this one than the last. The Fuse option does look like we can get around it a little easier and in fun ways too. The new Ultra Hand option is extremely well done. Very, very impressive.
    It was a great time indeed. After getting your head around it, it was starting to get to a stage where I could make an impact by the time I got off. Thanks for sticking an event up in advance @TurboR56Mini ❤️
  7. Plan is to make it for a little bit today around going to watch some of the football club Yara is connected to 🙂
  8. I love the thought that @phil bottle dreams have now been fully realised. I think its crazy that the main devs won't put them in the game, and aren't likely to so it will have to be a mod added to use them. Have they ever said why they wouldn't add them in the past 26351538 years?
  9. I do rate what SkillUp said about the overall impact this has on Xbox/Microsoft from a gaming POV. This is the latest AAA game from them compared to the last one on Playstation being God of War Ragnarok and Nintendo's Zelda. They have now unintentionally added so much pressure onto the launch of Starfield that Xbox could be in a continued downward spiral for the foreseeable. You never think one of the power giants could go one day....but then you look back at what happened to Sega when they were up against Nintendo and then new emergent Sony - it really can be a possibility. Game Pass rental service just for me is not worth the pennies and Redfall doesn't do anything to give me reason to pay monthly for it.
  10. Yeah, love the idea @Luseth! Over time I've wanted to use the 'Solved' feature we have here when people ask questions but probably would require a little change to have a subforum as an FAQ styled section. It works on regular topics too so I think we start here and see what pops up and go from there. I've moved back to Everybody's Golf and working through that now as I went back to get the Platinum on Astrobot recently. Trying to build momentum and have more fun on existing games i've bought is my plan first but I know i'll get sidetracked soon by a massive long RPG game like the Witcher or something 😅
  11. Its good to get your opinions @phil bottle as its difficult to always know who to trust out there. SkillUp is my go to for most of late andhe has absolutely hammered, and in fairness backed it up with evidence in his review. Some bits a re quite funny but leave you with the overall sadness on how it ended up how it has, especially as its being classed as a AAA game. A hard but funny review review overall below.
  12. What's kind of ironic about the gamers and the gaming industry is that no one wants a power player to take advantage of the others (effectively become niche) and we all want crossplay but in reality what keeps the excitement going about games over the years has mainly been exclusive games that you can't get on other consoles or platforms. I don't have a preference either way on the matter, and I don't talk much on here about backing exclusive games because I fear people here will just think thats me being naive, but in actual fact its looking at the bigger picture on games across the board. The more diluted and available games become, especially in a cloud environment, the connection and draw into top games will soon fade away. When that happens, effectively means we all accept lower standards in games (lower graphics, functions, gamemodes, etc) which effectively dominate the F2P market right now. If the block keeps multiple console markets going in the long run, then I'd be happy with that. Crossplay should still be a thing btw, I just don't like the cloud rental game space.
  13. @Middle Class Caveman, a few deals on Game currently: PS5 with Hogwarts and free extra game - £515 - This bundle saves about £15 quid on Hogwarts as its £48 on Amazon separately right now. https://www.game.co.uk/en/playstation-5-console-hogwarts-legacy-free-human-fall-flat-2908755 MW2 is £40 separately so even though there is another deal on Game with MW2 and a free headset thrown in, i'm not sure how good it actually is and saves around £5 if you forget the headset in the deal. If you wanted the console on its own, looks like BT are selling the physical version for £10 less than most places at £469 right now Queue | BT SHOP.BT.COM I'll keep a look out for other deals...you may be able to haggle a way to swap God of War in a deal for one of the games too perhaps?
  14. From the games we played that night, my overall lasting impression was that it was fun to trying it out and a refreshing change, without setting the world alight. The actual map and world looks extremely impressive on PS5 but i'd have to agree with @phil bottle that my I'd take crossplay with PS4 players over a slight graphical change now that map sizes have been made smaller anyway. I did feel I was running in a few games like forever, only to be shot - I think most FPS games though there is abit of map awareness you have to learn before immediately dismissing the frustrating marathon parts of it. Guns felt pretty good to use, even it felt like I didn't get one properly working for me. Class wise, I didn't notice anything specific which I would love to find out more on. I used to enjoy just going around and fixing stuff on BF4, 5 & 1 so more to help the user feel like they can do that more would be beneficial. Breakthrough was a decent mode, although naturally I wanted to have the ability to 'win' rather than just defend so Conquest was still good to play. I think if some spawns were better it wouldn't feel like you had to run miles to get some action. I know they won't want to see a huge group take on lots of randoms but I still think the Squad size of 4 holds it back for me somewhat. I need more time to understand what guns are available too so I can feel like I can properly contribute. You wouldn't be shocked to hear though that on one game I ended up Top of the Captures Leaderboard 😅. Still can't take that objective play away from me.
  15. Does this mean we now have 2 Formula 1 cars in the game? I'd love to see more released, its one of those modes we very rarely touch in GT games.
  16. I need to not run around as much as the Hemlock does feel like its the easiest to do out of all of the ARs. Difficult though when there is a Flag needing to be capped 😅 I think for Polyatomic, you don't have to do every gun, 51 Platinums are required I believe. I was hoping to miss most snipers out if thats possible to do. Kenny would know best, @IRaMPaGe?
  17. The IGN review explained most of it and looks decent enough for a try. Mental that Gamepass as it on launch, makes me feel like it will have a 2 week stint in most peoples gaming diary but may drop off quickly after that.
  18. Its always good to have it downloaded. Really easy to pick up and play a few games quickly.
  19. This is the only Vinyl I own too! What a tune this is 😎
  20. Let us know if you can be available in advance as I couldn't make the last few as they went up as soon as you were on 😅 I'm thinking next Saturday or Sunday so shout up and i'll see if our times crossover @TurboR56Mini
  21. Thinking of starting some mini projects on the longstanding FG Realm we have. Everyone and anyone is welcome so let me know if you'll be on around the same time by RSVP'ing below. I'll probably be in Game Room 1 chatroom on PlayStation unless we get some PC folk as we could do discord in Game Room 1 if that helps too.
  22. Going to hop on BF2042 tonight for abit once i'm home from Yara's football training so could be a little after 8. I'll jump in Game Room 1 on Playstation - anyone and everyone are welcome. Its not cross-gen so i'm installing PS4 and PS5 versions just incase someone wants to group up on a certain version.
  23. Yeah i'm getting into a space of putting random events up to play lots of games and hopefully people can join up if they want to. Will check my BF2042 as i'm sure it needs installing again.
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