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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. No show for all the big names Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo give E3 the brush off | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM Gaming's biggest publishers aren't coming back for E3's first in-person event since 2019. No doubt they'd rather run their own events which gives them a lot more control and they don't have to share the space with rivals. Pity because it was a nice tradition but hopefully this will see more independent devs and smaller publishers have the spotlight instead of the usual suspects paying for it.
  2. If anything, it does bode well for the next title at least especially with fresh developers working on the game. So many stupid and unnecessary changes made in 2042 to start with along with the utterly lousy execution. It somewhat resembles a BF title now but still a bit to go before they can say job done. Need to go back to A to F singular sectors on new maps too IMO as opposed to C1/C2 etc.. After playing MW2, guns really look like they lack punch though even when compared to previous games and I'm not too keen on the engine currently but if they can start the next game where this is finishing then maybe there is some hope for the future.
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 178 seconds  
  4. Ah good to know! The screen froze and then it shot to the end screen. Not sure what happened but I'll have another crack
  5. I got to question 8 and then it crashed and I couldn't continue. I was doing crap anyway🤣
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 6/100 My Time 120 seconds  
  7. Interesting info about how the ports were done and how they differ. It really is a travesty that the original XBLA version wasn't resurrected and used especially for the Xbox version as that was a gamechanger. I've still got that on my PC because it'll get lost in history otherwise.
  8. Well there was Halo, Gears of War, Battlefield etc. Competition may be greater now but these games have a far greater reach globally and are more accessible plus the likes of Warzone can be played for free. Overwatch, PUBG, Halo are all dead in the water now so really COD should be back up there yet it's MP player counts are less than Goose Goose Duck. It's not like people aren't buying COD now - they still mostly achieve the same figures they did back then but when the population nosedives after a month and never recovers then it tells a big story no matter how much you seek answers elsewhere as a factor. Sony are fighting MS because the acquisition could severely damage Sony's system sales going forward especially if Microsoft are to lock all the games to their consoles now and til the end of time which they will. COD is also never consistently at the top of Steam - it's barely cracked the top 5 once in 7 years and currently sits in 11th based on current but even the peak wont see it get into 5th. So sales, engagement and popularity isn't the issue but a game losing this much players so soon especially when it was two years to run is a worry. A lack of content and ongoing strategy plus the game releasing in an unrefined state certainly are the biggest factors in these huge declines. The market is there, they have their captive audience yet they persistently blow it.
  9. Well they certainly can’t hide from Steam’s tracked data (showing a decline of over 75%) plus Activision have so many open API’s running, it isn’t too hard to compile such information even if it has to come from a string of data compositions. IW and CI can brand it ‘not official’ but that doesn’t mean it’s not accurate, so at the risk of digging a hole for themselves, this is probably as far as their debunking will go rather than moving towards outright denials. Not the first time they’ve played the ‘this information didn’t come from us so it’s wrong’ card only to get embarrassed when it turns out to be correct😂
  10. I had this back in the day and tempted to get the Royal version on either PS5 or PC. I didn't get a chance to finish it back then and I think I may be struggling to find the time to do it now even with it being a 100 hour+ game but the production value is just insane even though games like this aren't for everybody. Persona 3 just released on PC+consoles and unfortunately it's the Portable version in an ISO format which is a pretty surprising and poor move by the devs. It's missing a lot of the 3D gameplay and cutscenes plus the audio remains heavily compressed which shows the devs didn't do much at all on this version. Would've been better of porting FES via an ISO on an internal emulator or something.
  11. This was taken on a regular Monday, one month after the First Strike map pack (Berlin Wall, Kowloon, Stadium and Discovery) was released. 2.9m online on just the Xbox 360 alone! Map packs really bolstered consistent retention plus with the games being finished, there was no need for them to go back to the drawing board and relentlessly balance or redo the interface. The focus was new content and maintaining the excellent foundation already in place. Although COD games were more fresh and original back in these days, even today, they still sell on the same levels yet every game after BO3 has been teetering on the brink after 3 months rather than holding a steady population or even growing.
  12. Activision have supposedly revealed the exact worldwide current player counts for COD at an event in Spain covering all systems. Not sure why they’ve done this as they have done their utmost hardest to censor such information when possible for many years previous but it was captured by a few content creators and it does not look good. 184,000 playing core MP is remarkably low - you’d rarely see MW2 2009 slip below 275,000 even off-peak more than halfway through its existence and that’s just on the PS3 system alone. Xbox 360 would rarely sink below 350,000 at any given time even at the end of the games run. Considering how many copies were sold of MW2022, you’d anticipate at least 1m concurrent players across platforms for multiplayer. 424,000 for Warzone is about right and steady enough but definitely not the growth expected like Fortnite gets every chapter. Between 1 and 3m were playing Verdansk daily with over 100m accounts created. Considering the state of Warzone 2, that’s probably not as disastrous as it could’ve been but I reckon Actvision were likely targeting up to 3m online at peak per day based on hype and other games within the genre. COD Mobile figures I can’t really determine but looking at other titles, it’s probably less than expected. Although this is just one day at a time when content is dry, the 75% drop of players on PC has likely correlated similarly on consoles too and these figures back that up. I doubt there is a radical difference any other day of the week either. If you split it 70/70/40 between the systems, those numbers are really unsustainable and with two years to run on this game, I can see why there is concern. It’s not quite as tragic as Battlefield 2042 struggling to keep 12,500 players at a time but it’s disappointing all the same
  13. It depends what your prior target objective is going in and how many runs you want to take in that session IMO. If I'm just experimenting or playing risky, I'll just go in with junk or even barebones especially if I intend to have another couple of cracks. That way you don't lose your weapon out of the gate and are then feeding on scraps for more major runs after or having to do dud runs just to accumulate gear. My tip is don't bother grinding too much close-season because it seems like they are doing the seasonal wipe format. CoD: Warzone 2 Will Wipe DMZ In Season 2, And Some Players Aren't Excited - GameSpot WWW.GAMESPOT.COM A seasonal wipe is coming to DMZ mode, and not everyone is happy about it. Just grab persistent gear you can use elsewhere and then don't worry too much about grinding out everything else because it wont matter.
  14. Really not sure why they didn't replicate MW2019's which provides exactly the same information, just in a more user friendly and logical way. It's nothing special but navigating is fluid and everything is easily accessible. Could've easily done this in-house rather than trying to drum up marketing by hiring streaming service designers. Without examples, it's really impossible to say whether it will be an improvement but it surely can't get much worse!
  15. Switch version seems worse than the Xbox one - doesn't appear they even updated the UI or anything in that whereas the Xbox has some refinements in that area Xbox has the controller on the interface screen Switch however still shows the N64 pad and offers no customisation.
  16. Game modes are nothing like maps and bare no resemblance in terms of content. People don't really wish for new modes - the are largely happy with the core playlists provided and any EXTRA modes that may come along as a bonus. The core playlist alone probably houses over 90% of players and about 80% of those just play TDM. Maps are the key to sustainability and retention - something COD MP has struggled with since 2013. Maps also don't have to be cut - playlists however are always shrunk especially on non-core playlists because they are not viable when they have less than X amount of players. Kill confirmed was also introduced as an extra mode - it DID NOT replace any existing core modes and that is something you cannot understand - the main gripe with Tier1 is that it REPLACED a flawless and staple mode rather than sat aside it. Had it done that, people would've ignored it and like all the other removed modes, it would've been taken out the game come January. There is a huge difference between adding new content and replacing existing ones and that you still can't seem to fathom that has being the main complaint. The uproar when they removed SnD in 2013 - a mode which 35% of players regularly participated in was a shocking decision and Tier1 is a comparable error of judgement with an even lazier and unjustifiable change in framework. I can also freely criticise a new mode especially if it replaces an existing one particularity if it fails to innovate and is objectively worse than its predecessor. If they want to bring in new modes then fair play - just don't remove proven concepts and do something that actually has credibility rather than change something for the sake of it without being able to provide one counterpoint as to why you've made this radical overhaul. There are content creators on Activision's payroll who have absolutely lambasted this on Twitter along with slating both IW and Acitivision for the lack of map content and a forwarding strategy. It's a pretty standard complain for a game teetering on life support already with over 2 years to run.
  17. Keep your eyes out for this The best Dishonored game goes free on the Epic Store next week | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM It's the best because it's free. Such a good game!
  18. Stop twisting my words and making up bullshit scenarios to suit your ignorant and nonsensical argument. There is no contradiction - I am wanting new and original content to compliment the existing content - not the removal of staple content to be replaced by a very poorly thought-out mode. Comparing maps and modes is literally the stupidest thing I have ever heard. There is nothing wrong with new content including modes as long as its actually new and innovative plus it doesn't replace existing core modes. Kill Confirmed was a prime example of this and it's been in every COD game since. This is the standard and innovative design we'd expect - not some shitty variant that probably attracts a minimal amount of players. Tier1 is inferior in every way and replaced a very successful and proven concept which is why people were very disappointed with it and why IW did a rare u-turn. Last time they did this was when they removed Search and Destroy (LMAO) from Ghosts and replaced it with Search and Rescue. That did not go down well either. You're basically saying just because I want new map content, I have to then accept and endorse every new mode even if it comes at the expense of staple material and cannot criticse despite the overwhelming majority of the community sharing exactly the same feelings. So if they suddenly replace TDM with some variant that 99.9% of other people didn't like, I am then not able to vent my opinion because I have automatically signed up to your strict ethics that I must embrace all new content or none at all? Even the most hardened Activision-pampered COD cocksuckers are allowed to share such opinions
  19. I still can't get my head around that it's £20 more than Elden Ring!
  20. I'm pretty sure Infinity Ward are more than capable of releasing a basic quantity of maps. My level of expectation is at least 16 original maps at launch with at least 4 per season and if they want to throw in a rehash as a bonus then that's a reasonable return. It's not like they have to concern themselves with Warzone or DMZ either. Instead they are busy fixing basic shite like the interface and pissing around with game modes. Really isn't too much to ask for £60 - even Vanguard managed to deliver a pretty respectable amount so fair play to Sledgehammer. If they can do it then why can't the highly experienced and massively funded IW do it? But releasing the same old maps over and over and over is not? 🤣 How the hell are you still comparing maps to modes - everyone is happy to play the staple modes - this was the case 10+ years ago and it'll be the same in 10 years time. Kill Confirmed is the only post COD4 mode that has stuck so people don't really give a monkey's toss on all the other failed attempts. Most new modes don't even last the duration and are never seen again. If a developer is to explore a new mode then it has to be something original and not some watered-down or illogical twist on an existing one to make it look like you're trying to innovate or produce original material. Praise for what? There is not one single positive the mode offers and people right from the get-go were very disappointed at its implementation. It's not like Infinity Ward completely overhauled the mode with justifiable means and created new skill-sets and gameplay styles - all they've done is make the most needless and unjustifiable changes imaginable. So? At least it's new content. If you don't like 3 of the launch maps then you don't like 33% of the maps available. New maps, more quantity is welcome even if the quality varies. You're basically saying 'don't release new maps because if they are bad people might complain'😂 That is complete and utter bollocks and I cannot fathom where or how you are coming to these conclusions. If they release poor maps then they can release new maps after which will hopefully be better. We've had bad maps before many times and we've also had failed modes which have been removed altogether. If you fuck up a mainline mode then you can alienate a huge portion of your playerbase and in this case, they've had to revert back to the familiar fan favouite format because it's perfect as it is and cannot be improved upon by design. It can only be worsened through negligent changes and this has been the case. I really don't even know where the argument has come from - it really isn't hard to expect more original content by now and failed modes should be replaced by proven concepts as they have done countless times previous anyway. There's probably upwards of 15 modes in 11 years that have been taken out the game or replaced so it's nothing new or offensive to the developers. I'd be full of praise for IW if they actually tried with Tier1 and justified their changes but just like the perk system, they haven't provided conclusive reasoning for their decision. People crying out for new modes has never really been a thing either. New maps however..
  21. I played the Championship Manager series religiously from CM2 all the way until it split into FM/. CM04/05 was my last and I never really got into FM partly because of burnout and although it was made by the same people, it just felt a bit off. Haven't played one since. 01/02 was king because it was CM3 perfected after years of work and experience. CM4 was a bit of a change in terms of interface and the introduction of the 3D map but I quite liked it in the end. Cannot beat seeing your players with 20's all over their stats. My mate from school once played 144 seasons and ended up blowing his hard drive after going on an insane grind - ended up in the Hungarian league with Phil Scholes, Robbie Giggs and Thierry Harry as the algorithm was stretched to the max trying to generate new players. I didn't see him for the first 5 weeks of the holiday and I don't think he had a bath in that time either🤣 CM2 was a great introduction for me and I was often mesmerised by the background pictures. You can get the games from *cough *myabandonware for ease - I still think I have all mine boxed in storage.
  22. Tier1 radically changes every aspect of the mode which is why it's proven so unpopular. It's literally turned into a blind sandbox and for no logical reason. You cannot praise something so fundamentally flawed by design that has literally alienated the community and driven them to even do a dramatic u-turn. There is not one key benefit, innovation or positive change they have made with Tier1. Like everybody else, I expect certain core and hardcore game modes as a franchise staple. Don't fix something if it ain't broken. What I don't expect is for one COD game to have 21 original maps on release and then another one having 7. Comparing COD game modes to map is an absurd viewpoint - that's like you expecting every COD game to have 12 new modes. When a game is released I expect it to have TDM, DOM, HC, KC, HP and HC and I expect every single Call of Duty for the next 10 years to have this standarised playlist. What I don't expect is having Nuketown and Shipment given every other year at the expense of other content on a game that has 9 maps at launch. It takes no skill or innovation to rehash modes so that is where the original content lies in terms of the maps and that is what should be fresh and original for every £60 release. I don't mind paying for the same old modes because it's ingrained in the franchise and has been for nearly two decades.
  23. Keep on diggin! The Day Before developers now say the launch delay was planned before the Steam takedown | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM Fntastic initially blamed the eight month delay of The Day Before on a trademark dispute.
  24. No, the overwhelming majority of the community including me are saying they don't want Hardcore in its current form (which IW accepts) and we are also not very tolerant of being issued with old rehashed maps on top of being starved of original content for our £60 purchase especially when compared to older titles and even Vanguard last year. You can't cherrypick two unrelated instances to form some sort of argument like this. Staple game modes dictate the framework of the game and is expected by the community as a minimum. Hardcore has a huge community and its own skillset and their Tier 1 interation was an needless and illogical change of a proven formula. This change is crucial to the game's sustainability going forward as is new original map content to bolster retention. Imagine if they changed TDM into a mode called 'Shooty Shooter Shoot' and instead of kills, you were given gold starts and the mimi map was removed along with perks. You can't then complain at users for wanting it reverted back and then further wanting new content to support the game because it's literally two different things.
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