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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Especially as it’s the only paid portion of the game.
  2. I love how Mark was bragging before the game how solid their defence was🤣
  3. Yep, all they’ve done is take away content potential and put it into other modes spreading the game thin. You would’ve thought with so many resources, they could make each potion absolutely laden with content and post-launch support. No new 6v6 maps in 5 months so what’s the excuse there and half the non-6v6 MP content is just siphoned off the Warzone map which was made by a developer completely unrelated to the MP aspect anyway. Vanguard had 20 more maps this time last year so there’s no consistency with the content being delivered across the franchise. IW have been largely anonymous since launch and it’s not like they work on Warzone or DMZ either so there’s no excuse for such a poor showing. It’s caused the majority of players to leave the entire game and Activision to radically change their 2023 approach so clearly it’s had a major impact on what should’ve been a very safe two years of COD. Fortnite already has its 2025 content compiled and these clowns don’t even know what to release in 6 months🤣
  4. Picked this up again today, this time on PC along with Beyond Two Souls which I didn't get round to playing. Although I know the story of Heavy Rain, I'm looking forward to giving it another go after a good 13 years. Along with The Walking Dead game, I think it will go down in history as a very important and unique game of its time.
  5. Man Utd are well and truly back! Masterclass from Erik Almost-Ten Nil Hag
  6. Personally, I'm not bothered about the era or whether the new 'game' is just that or an expansion - I just want a product that is made to the best potential possible from the most lucrative franchise in existence with 3000+ developers at their disposal. Really isn't asking too much especially when they are demanding £60-110 for the privilege once again. Sadly, this likely wont be the case based on these highly credible early reports - developers being bounced around pillar to post, timescales being completely unreasonable/unrealistic and Activision executives still toying with how to release the product for the best payoff and to hell with the community or credibility. They are only in this position because of their non-existent post-launch support on MW2 which was a perfectly fine game under the hood despite some questionable design choices. COD 2023 should have been an absolute cert that built upon the foundation its predecessor but instead, it's nothing more than a shareholder pocket filler and a second crack and not making the same mistakes after the population has nosedived. I can see SHG being thrown under the bus and being made scapegoats once again. They are the weakest developer as it is, so its one hell of a responsibility for them to concoct a full game that lives up to the name out of what was originally a tacked-on expansion. Either way, the community are going to be getting a very inferior product or one that's not been developed in the correct way. Activision really take us for granted but they are really beginning to make a mug out of the community if they think they can pass this shitshow off for full whack. With 3 mainline developers and another 8 side studios on their books, it's just insane how they are in such a messy position. Maybe Sledgehammer can salvage something especially on the launch content front but I can see this 'spin-off' really struggling and franchise fatigue will really set in especially if MW3 is expected to be released the following year. If they had a clear forwarding strategy for each game post-launch, they wouldn't be in this mess.
  7. Anyone else felt that earlier?l Made the windows shake in my house Mystery as residents around Leicester and beyond shocked by loud bang or sonic boom NEWS.SKY.COM Police have sought to reassure the public that there is no concern over the incident as it was reported it was a RAF Typhoon aircraft scrambled to intercept a plane that had suffered radio failure.
  8. Rise of Industry FREE on Epic https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/rise-of-industry-0af838 Figment FREE on Steam Save 100% on Figment on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Figment is an action-adventure game that invites you to explore a unique surreal universe filled with music, humor and multi layered narrative. Join Dusty and his ever-optimistic friend, Piper, on an...
  9. We're basically gonna be paying full price for an expansion dressed up as a full game. If MW2 performed well then it would've been an expansion but as it's not doing so hot, they have to brand it a full game because they know it would be a hard sell otherwise. I don't think people are going to swallow it though and it all looks a bit desperate. On the plus side we may get some original content but certainly not worth paying a premium for, especially if it's produced rushed and in an inferior way. They should've just taken the hit and skipped this year. It's their own fault really and all these bad decisions will just end up impacting future mainline games on top.
  10. Call of Duty 2023 reportedly was Modern Warfare 2 "premium expansion", now standalone release WWW.EUROGAMER.NET This year's Call of Duty will be another Modern Warfare game, just a year after 2022's Modern Warfare 2. That's accordi…
  11. I haven't got round to either of the Bright Memory games yet but they are an impressive achievement considering both were made by just one person. Definitely seem very polished titles and look amazing technically.
  12. Shameful display from Spurs really. That was Sheffield United's second string on top! Sanchez is a woeful player and Perisic is finished. You knew by the hour mark that Utd were going to win because Spurs offered nothing throughout and there was no sign of them improving. Just like the Middlesbrough game the other year, it was always going to end with such a predictable outcome. With so many weaker sides left in the tournament, this was a real opportunity for Spurs too.
  13. Unfortunately the BDO which Walton, Adams, Hankey and OG Barneveld were part of is the equivalent of non-league football. The organisation (which I believe is now disbanded) was relentlessly stuck in the 1970's and failed to adapt to growth opportunities in the decades that preceded it. Tournaments were limited to one major a year and earning potential was non-existent unless you were top class. Most darts players had day jobs such as plumbers, builders and being postmen. The Lakeside was a iconic venue but one annual tournament was never going to help bolster the sport. The PDC came in and offered players the chance of competing in several highly established tournaments each year, full time leagues and other competitions where prize money was significant. It allowed players like Mervyn King to go full time despite not being exceptional and he was making more than a in one week with them than what he would've got winning the World Title with the BDO. The PDC has also earned major sponsorship's and TV rights as well as forming global bodies. There's World Cup, European Championships and even Women's darts has florished massively plus regular Premier League darts and other smaller events. There's also only been one televised 9 darter with the BDO whereas the quality the PDC offers is insane in comparison and this is what happens when you grow the sport and allow its competitors to do it for a living. I will never understand why the BDO kept darts in the stone age - a lack of foresight and ambition from the ageing and clueless board I bet but the PDC really delivered the game into a premium setting.
  14. Great bundle for a fantastic cause inducing Gotham Knights, Ghostrunner, Pathfinder Kingmaker - these games alone are worth quadruple the lowest donation so it's a great deal for something really important Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle WWW.HUMBLEBUNDLE.COM Support vital earthquake relief efforts for the people of Turkey and Syria by purchasing this bundle, with 100% of proceeds going to charity.
  15. Thankfully Puffin did a u-turn after mass criticism and the books will remain as written. I just hope the integrity of stories from source, not just from Dahl but other authors will remain especially in e-book form. Too many deranged snowflakes working in such senior publication capacities now and the irony is the majority are unhinged clowns on Twitter. Literally tried to censor things related to obesity whilst trying to insert blue haired non-binary queer characters into the narrative replacing timeless culture icons.
  16. Nice little video about this absolute classic and how it was made
  17. More info Diablo 4 beta dates for early access and open beta | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM The Diablo 4 beta weekends include the prologue and the first act.
  18. First major expansion announced
  19. Fun fact; Real Madrid and Ollie Watkins have scored more goals this year in England than the entire Chelsea squad😎
  20. This game came out a month ago on Steam and has earned a 99% overwhelmingly positive score across over 7,000 reviews and is regarded by critics as one of the best modern platformers ever created. Costs about £16-$20 and has been in development since around 2018. Feels like it's gone under the radar a bit but is gradually blowing up in popularity now after a few big releases have passed. I'm very tempted to pick this up soon
  21. They've been doing this at Millwall for decades but with coins thrown on the pitch😎
  22. 12,000,000 copies sold generating $850,000,000 Seems the boycott backfired just a bit😎
  23. Duskers FREE on Epic until March 2nd https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/duskers-672fdc
  24. More Metal Gear Rising e
  25. Emerson Royal with cheese😎
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