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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Reviews are in and although they are largely positive, it doesn't appear anywhere near as good as the last game. Also it seems to be very short and has some other disappointing flaws. I will probably wait until this is heavily reduced as £50 is way too much.
  2. Anyone know the price?
  3. Although the visuals are pretty spectacular in places, the lighting and overall affects are quite bland I found. It's also a much brighter and colourful game that 2016, Doom 3 and the classics. I did find a lot of the core elements associated with Doom missing from Eternal which is why it felt totally off for me.
  4. I hate losing downloads especially when it's porn.
  5. World War Z is FREE on the shitty cunting Epic Store.
  6. Coronavirus: Atalanta vs Valencia Champions League clash was a 'biological bomb' and 'infected 40,000 fans', claims Bergamo mayor TALKSPORT.COM Bergamo mayor Giorgio Gori claims a Champions League match between Atalanta and Valencia in Italy ‘infected 40,000 fans’ in attendance...
  7. Child of Light FREE on uPlay Buy Child of Light for PC - A fairytale inspired RPG STORE.UBI.COM Child of Light for PC - A fairytale inspired RPG
  8. Blasphemous is currently 40% off and £12 on Steam ending March 27th.
  9. I think motion sickness affects people differently and that's one of the risks with VR. Seems Valve have done their best to try and mitigate this as there are 4 different controller types from full room movement to simply sitting down and teleporting. Many others have said they've experienced no sickness and that is is a very smooth in-game experience although some have mentioned something about 'smooth turning' which affects some. It'll be interesting to see more feedback once people have really got into it. I'd hate to spend £400 on a VR kit and £45 on the game only to get motion sickness after 20 minutes!
  10. 3,000 likes and 144.000 dislikes😂
  11. Masterpiece according to IGN
  12. Drawful 2 FREE on Steam Save 100% on Drawful 2 on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM For 3-8 players and an audience of thousands! Your phones or tablets are your controllers! The game of terrible drawings and hilariously...
  13. J4MES OX4D


    First screenshot out It's not much but it is a start at least.
  14. For me, the platforming wasn't the worst part of the game but it is certainly way more prominent and linear when compared to 2016. This time there are a lot of fixed wall-hangs and reverse-dash boosts off of them which all become to predictable, convenient and nothing original or ingenious like we saw in Titanfall 2.
  15. There's people who survived two world wars which took around a decade out their lives of normality and now people can't even even respect simple requests of staying in for a few months at most. If it means ridding this quicker and protecting people in the process then it sounds like a great investment yet all these ignorant clowns who want to live for the moment or who just think nothing will happen to them are just a disgrace to society. If the army get drafted in and the police are given extra powers, anyone caught flouting the restrictions will just end up getting tasered, rubbered or even shot for realz yo. If that's what it takes to get through to people then bring it on I'd say.
  16. Thousands of Australians ignored severe warnings and visited Bondi beach a few days ago - now hundreds of them are reporting to have caught the virus. CLAP CLAP CLAP! I call that Corona Karma - just hope innocent people that came into contact with them aren't affected.
  17. I've played a couple of hours so far and it's an amazingly beautiful game however I don't think it is very good at all. I'm hoping things will change but I fear there are too many problems built into the core design of the game. This is Doom by name but not by nature - for some reason they've made ammo very sparse which means you can't go in all guns blazing. Instead you have to conserve ammo and trickle bullets to trigger a glory kill on practically every enemy. The AI is insanely brutal and a complete mess - you can be overran from every direction in places and your health shredded with no hope of defending yourself. The melee function is so weak its pointless and the game seems to want you to use the chainsaw which is hopeless against 10+ enemies and also require fuel. I spend a lot of time evading and scavenging rather than shooting. The environments are stunning but bland, and there is now a newly added emphasis on platforming which adds nothing other than more jumps and less open areas. The story is non-existent, the hub is horrible and the user interface is one of the worst I have ever seen - it's more colourful than a rainbow and looks like it's been ripped out of a game from the mid 2000's. Key information is not presented clearly or where you can see it mid-combat. The menus are not intuitive in the slightest and a lot of the story is played out through text logs which further takes away from any action. The game also has so many upgrade systems in play that it's now bordering on being an RPG. I can't believe this game has been given so much praise from the media as it's a terrible Doom game and an awful FPS in its own right. The developers have basically tried to innovate Doom 2016 but have inadvertently just created another generic modern shooter we've seen so often in recent memory. Why the hell they couldn't have kept it as a traditional FPS is beyond me. Everything about this game feels off, flawed or just underwhelming.
  18. Tomb Raider 2013 and Lara Croft: Temple of Osiris are both FREE to download on Steam and keep forever.
  19. The likes of Amazon and eBay need to make it a violation of terms of people reselling supermarket goods for profit. It should also be declared illegal in times like this.
  20. Played through the demo - takes about 20 minutes and is quite small but you can tell this is going to be a good game again.
  21. Demo is live on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1173690/Resident_Evil_3_Raccoon_City_Demo/
  22. This one also looks good Vigil: The Longest Night on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Battle through the longest night as Leila, the last member of The Vigil. Uncover the truth behind the eternal darkness, Leila's mysterious... Currently a demo available for the next 3 days in the Steam Game Festival event. Definitely worth a try I'd say!
  23. Xbox Series X specs look very impressive but PS5 will likely have the games and that's what matters. I will likely be able to access the entire Xbox catalogue on PC anyway. The Xbox One X didn't exactly strengthen the caliber of games available or encourage devs to maximise the hardware there and whilst it will be different right off the bat here, it just goes to show that if you don't have the games available then it wont matter how powerful the console itself is. Fair play to Phil Spencer for turning around the Xbox brand after the total shitshow that was the original Xbox One but I fear they don't have enough in-house studios or acquisitions to make the Series X a worthwhile purchase. They can only milk Minecraft so much - we've had 'next gen' then '4K' and now we have 'ray tracing' but there has to be something concrete other than that and Gears of War 5 with the old Raymond Tracing. One thing for sure though, I will not be buying a console at launch this time around.
  24. Oh god, they've named the two lead characters (non-binary of course) 'Snowflake' and 'Safespace'😂 Marvel Fans Are Upset About Safespace and Snowflake From The New Warriors COMICBOOK.COM Marvel fans are super upset about The New Warriors reveal, especially concerning Safespace and [...] Fucking cringe! The announcement is getting absolutely ridiculed online it's quite funny. At least they can blame Captain Corona for when it fails and costs the Marvel brand heavily!
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