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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. Blast shield works against normal c4 and any other explosive, but when they put danger close on it doesn't matter. So basically a riot shielder with c4 and danger close is invincible on objective game modes.
  2. I do xbox aswell...I think it would be worth buying some XBL, just not as much as steam or psn.
  3. My main complaint right now is riot shield + c4...that shit is uncounterable! I can deal with campers, noob tubers, snipers ect. But riot shield and c4 = dead me. Of course when I use it I do good, but it's because it's an easy class lol. Yeah xmas noobs remind me of the first week, no camping everyone just running around having fun.
  4. I'll pop on cod tomorrow to have some fun with the xmas noobs
  5. Not sure if it was a hack or glitch, but a lot of people started using it!
  6. Glad they fixed the unlimited perks BS, that was not fun lol.
  7. My family used to watch some really old Christmas movies...but we got bored of them so now we just watch the home alone's
  8. I love ghosts, I have always been an MW2 fan, so this game is perfect for me. Awesome connection and TTK just like mw2. I could care less about it missing some of the "neat" features from black ops series, I'm interested in the gun fights. Bo1, mw3, and bo2 all were slowly making me hate the series though, between the stupid high TTK, horrible lag and other assorted bullshit. That being said I don't think I'll play ghosts as much as mw2 (50+ days) just because I am a little burnt out on the series. Sure this game is danm near perfect, I just like a lot of other games these days Just like Tommy posted above, PC gaming has a huge huge selection of games. Forgot to add the cod community is still crap, but I haven't played any major online game with a good community....only smaller titles have decent communities IMO.
  9. Nice man, I went through the clueless challenge and actually liked it! Sooo satisfying getting a kill (200 kills!) with the worst weapons in the game
  10. Complaint thread is mostly the usual complaints, bad spawns, noobs camping ect. there are like 3 guys that complain about laggy games consistently. Compared to our old mw3 complaint thread where a lot more than just a few guys would complain about lag. I just don't get how you lag so much!
  11. I really liked it, didn't know he had more though! It isn't some boring survival handbook, it's actually an interesting story, lots of good tips and a glimpse of what it might actually be like. I'll have to get a couple of his other books soon.
  12. Any good survival oriented books to read? Really interesting subject, I read one book a while ago called patriots, about an economic collapse...it was a mix of story and survival facts/ideas and plans. I would be interested in reading more.
  13. You might have something wrong on your end....the majority of people say this cod has the best connection since MW2, I can count the number on laggy games I've had on my hands and I'm in my third prestige.
  14. The only weapon in this game that was Op (puts up high score games every time, fastest TTK, good at close, medium and long range) was the MSBS...but IW did the smart thing and nerfed that gun. Snipers are subpar...their like the bulldog, extremely good on certain maps, or certain areas of maps but overall not even close to OP. Can't really figure out why they would want to kill snipers....anyone who plays more than 5 games will realize that assault rifles dominate this game.
  15. I would but honestly I have way to many games to play, I don't need to buy anything for at least a year haha. Plus I still need to finish oblivion one day
  16. What are you using that doesn't kill in 2 bullets? Most of the guns kill pretty fast without many hit markers.
  17. gah makes me feel so silly buying far cry for 60 bucks on xbox
  18. I have one of these in the trunk of my car...water, sleeping bag, blankets a few camping supplies, car tools of course, flashlight ect.
  19. I second the idea to get a glock(s) I have a model 22 a love it! Of course I'm really biased...the only handguns I've shot a lot are a .40 and 9mm glock, and a .45 1911. For buying glocks, police trade in's are really cheap, in the $300-$500 range, they almost always work perfect, just have slide wear from holsters. Hi cap mags are legal in my state...no idea if it's the case in other states though. I know next to nothing about ar-15's but they are fun to shoot! Post pics when you buy your guns.
  20. They should make a sat com skin that makes them look like Christmas presents!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0Od2lbw9N4&list=PL7pGJQV-jlzCPBUy9uAXQUXZ4UBaDLKS5 Pretty cool lore series for the elder scrolls, makes the games make a lot more sense I've only played Skyrim and a bit of oblivion so I missed quite a bit of lore from earlier games.
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