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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. That looks really cool, never played amnesia or any survival game like it but I'm interested in this.
  2. Watched the remake of Carrie, was ok.
  3. Yeah I wish I was on ps4 to, but ohh well Pc and xbox are more than enough to keep me entertained! I've only put a few hours into the first borderlands, would have loved it if I got it when it was new.
  4. I decided to keep my membership - I forgot how fun borderlands2 was! I'll probably buy the cod DLC and start playing ghosts again soon.
  5. You could get about any old dog just for the alarm reason, the dog will bark if anyone is nearby, we had a little jack Russell terrier...that little guy would go nuts and bark nonstop whenever there was a deer, mouse, person ect outside. Dog barks, then you grab your gun. I don't really have experience with big dogs, but I would be worried about them hurting someone who doesn't mean any harm (young kids).
  6. That was a nice vid by driftor, I agree with nearly every point he made, only things I disagree on are nerfing AR's and IMS....if you nerf AR's it will be like every single other cod, SMG and sniper fest, and I would much rather have assault rifles be dominant than halo jumping SMG spray and pray users being dominant.
  7. Thing I don't understand is that the few people that keep complaining about this game keep saying the same things OVER, and OVER again. We hate lag, we hate campers, we hate things that are explosive we hate snipers we hate stuff. I got the idea 10 pages back, don't see why each of your issues need's to be repeated over and over
  8. Alrighty...looking like I probably won't renew it. Yeah, If I do upgrade consoles I will 100% get a ps4, not even considering the xbone. If I do that it will be sometime later this year...school is expensive lol.
  9. My membership just ran out, not so sure if I want to renew or not...you guys plan on playing much xbox 360? I could go either way, plenty of PC games to play.
  10. That's weird you find a lot on cranked...ohh well at least I don't have your bad luck
  11. Brede you need to try different game modes, very few campers on S&R, cranked, and hunted. TDM, Dom, KC and FFA seem to have the most.
  12. Can't farm FFA and DOM for those KEM's anymore if spawns get fixed, that's the youtubers life slipping away. Hope this is true though, I'll start paying other modes than S&R if it is
  13. Blast shield stops all but danger close explosives.
  14. Welcome back, I remember seeing your name but never talked to ya
  15. That is a nice feature, I just don't think it's worth it using one attachment slot and your grenade slot for a noobtube or a shotgun.
  16. yeah I checked it out on youtube, nah I have better games to play.
  17. One of my friends on smite told me xcom is good, anyone here play it?
  18. It has...started out as a little thing but now you're at a huge disadvantage if you don't roll with shield classes. Really wish I liked other game modes haha.
  19. I am so bummed out right now....I'm loving this CoD so much, except for one major issue, riot shield and c4! It's gotten so bad I haven't found a single lobby without those little fucktards in a 6 hour day of playing. There has not been such an OP issue like this since OMA noob tubers in MW2. The only way to counter them is to use shield and c4 yourself, and press RB and detonate faster than them. Or use danger close and noob tubes. But using those two classes over, and over and over gets really old, fast. This wouldn't be an issue if they didn't bring back danger close. Blast shield only counters normal explosives, it does absolutely nothing against danger close users (which is all of them) The really shitty part is I don't think this will be patched...it's only really bad in S&D and S&R, other game modes are fine. So most people don't have to deal with it quite so much.
  20. There are 300,000 online for the 360 right now....no idea what it is on other platforms though. I know it is a matter of time until CoD is outdated and forgotten but I dunno if it has happened yet.
  21. Is battlefield more popular than ghosts worldwide now? Or is this just a trend on our forums...I'm genuinely curious. Either way if/when I get a ps4 I'll probably buy bf4.
  22. Xbox(US) #88 Steam (US) #11 Really cool of you to do this man, props!
  23. Something that may have caused confusion, the squad member killstreak has extra health, and he looks just like a riot shielder. I love this killstreak btw, he gets kills, picks up dog tags and even picks up your own tag in S&R...so good. Also a good bullet sponge
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