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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. My dad thought hovercraft would be common place today, I think it will be common place in 20 years, my kids will probably think it will be common place when they get old.... Not sure if it will ever really be here, but it would be danm awesome!!
  2. I was a bit more interested in this game than dayz because it's more about zombies and less about random pvp. Guess I'll be waiting for another sale haha.
  3. Playertd


    Dude that super noobs vid was my favorite back then, got me and my buddies doing all that shit in S&D lobbies.
  4. I don't get the nuketown hate...wasn't my favorite map for domination but it was fun as hell for S&D.
  5. Been thinking about picking up this game, anyone here play it at all? It looks pretty neat.
  6. Nuketown and hijacked were ok for small maps, this one on ghosts is just garbage. it's hard to mess up a small fun map but they did it somehow.
  7. Never seen a derail quite like this one
  8. Hope this game stays lag free like mw2/ghosts. If so it won't take much else to please me lol.
  9. You got me imagining chewing on tin foil...I don't like you so much right now >.>
  10. That's what bugs the crap out of me, I bought the maps, I love them but I never play them because I play S&R not that danm map playlist.
  11. I played him support/tank in bottom lane last night, just fed kills to the adc all game! When I got him on one lane ARAM he felt a bit OP for that mode...you pull into knock-up and that guy will die then it's a 5v4 haha. I didn't think about playing him AP or AD, that sounds like some fun but not as safe....and I need safe because I die a lot!
  12. I enjoyed it aswell, didn't like the new AR though....the Honey badger and Remington r5 are just to beast The sniper is nice, damage wise it seems to be a semi auto USR, but with a weird scope.
  13. Anyone know a nice site/forum that has some suggested, just general builds for champs? I have this feeling I'm not getting the most out of my champs due to crap builds.
  14. I signed up sometime last year and they just send my invites every now and then, this one said I can give a friend and invite I think....try this code.
  15. Ahh ok thanks for clearing that up, hope 3arc does another ww2 game!
  16. Wait wasn't there a rumor about the next cod being a WW2 game? Or was I just dreaming
  17. No KDR as a stat, just have score per minute. Good idea. I love watching my KDR ratio as a personnel goal but it makes way to many people go crazy and care only about KD, camping and shit. Would gladly get rid of KD if it gets some people to use the left analog stick every once ina while!
  18. I must be a cod fanboy I don't like many of those ideas, I like how it is now lol.
  19. I didn't know that game had a big enough playerbase to justify a DLC....good for them.
  20. I got another beta invite for this weekend, gunna try some of the classes I didn't last time
  21. Playertd


    Still works lol, but it's useless in s&d haha. Sucks when your derp teammates get in the rock and can't plant/defend bomb
  22. Playertd


    Best cod of all time IMO, over 50 days of my life went into that game! I still play it from time to time, it's still awesome, no lag like treyarch titles, and the TTK is amazing! I play on 360 no idea what ps3 is like. Though once every 50 games or so you find a modded lobby where people are zooming around 500 miles an hour, can fly ect. Deffinantly not a problem though with how rare that is.
  23. I love ghosts, best cod after mw2 IMO. I couldn't stand the pieces of crap that are BO1 and 2, to much lag, same with mw3. Only reason I've slowed down playing it is because I'm all alone on the 360
  24. Little Nicky, still funny! Boob head is hilarious.
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