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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. I used to play rift a lot...got bored with that games endgame though, no challenging dungeons like other MMo's.
  2. I use blast shield on most of my classes, especially my rushing ones, it doesn't restrict your view it just makes c4 and IED's into water balloons Much more helpful than sitrep IMO.....sitrep protects you from a few explosives, blast shield protects you from much more. One thing it doesn't stop is danger close c4 and rocket launchers, so beware of that. As for the class help...I use really weird classes so I can't help much My most slayer ones like yours would be LSAT with red dot, grip and muzzle brake uses attachment perk, quick draw and stalker, that is my main slayer class, It has crazy TTK, accuracy and range, out damages nearly all assault rifle users I encounter on large maps. (Or I use the honey badger with grip and extended mags, quick draw, stalker, dead silence/awareness and marathon for smaller maps where a silenced weapon would be smarter than a loudass LMG. I generally don't use lethal/tactical unless I'm using a riot shield, sniper or shotgun class. And marathon on this game is amazing, the maps are big as heck, I use it on nearly every class but my LSAT. Also try to not use silencers on your ar/lmg for big maps....Have at least one non silenced gun for big maps, and at least on silenced ar/smg for smaller more rushy maps. One other thing, a secondary pistol is much better than any one point perk or lethal/tactical IMO, having that secondary saves me a lot more than the small perks. So if you have one point left over try a handgun My most successful classes are a bit different, but fun and effective if you want something different than standard slayer classes. There are two main classes, my rush class which uses a shotgun (bulldog yes I know im gay for using this thing) and the riot shield class. The rush class uses k7 SMG with grip and extended mags (I find it the best smg, good silenced range and rate of fire, better hip fire IMO) or the bulldog shotgun with muzzle brake and extended mags. ( this gun is OP, you feel like a cheater using it but it puts up some nice scores haha) you can however use any shotgun or smg with 2 attachments for this setup, k7 and bulldog are just my favorite. Perks for both smg and shotgun are the same - ready up, marathon, blast shield, steady aim, dead silence and amplify. My riot shield class has two variants, one is a more traditional riot shield that I have been using since mw2, the other is an overkill one. Normal riot shield uses whatever attachment you prefer (they all have strengths and weaknesses) secondary is dual pistols, I like berretta's but any will do....just no .44's. lethal is either throwing knife or C4, their both amazing just different ways to kill people. Perks - reflex, extra lethal, blast shield and steady aim. The overkill riot shield uses an overkill bulldog with muzzle brake, c4 or throwing knife, perks - reflex, blast shield, overkill and gambler. I also have a sniper class but I suck at sniping so I won't post that garbage
  3. Nice MSBS nerf, I always felt like I was cheating using that gun, way to good. Holiday camos are pretty cool, hope they keep this up with further holidays!
  4. I feel like the dog would go from mediocre to completely useless if it showed up on sitrep...IMS is already stronger as it is but dog has the surprise factor going for it.
  5. 41 and I'm 18...that's what I get for not using twitter lol.
  6. Still dancing in my pants about this game, can't wait.
  7. I'd like some smaller more old school maps with less levels for more intense gun fights. The big ones now suck on modes that have no objective.
  8. I'll be on, been playing the heck out of this game recently My rank in S&R is embarrassing LOL.
  9. Very cool, I loved both the borderlands I hope this game turns out good.
  10. You forgot the one major thing the ghosts removed from Bo2! Lag. Treyarch has been infamous for their laggy ass games (compared to mw1 and 2) Ghosts fixed that so I could care less if we don't get some of the cool things from BO2. Ohh and you guys that can't switch so a knife as a secondary....why don't you use a pistol? It uses one point and you get to add an attachment to it for no additional points. Saves my life more than some 1 point perk or grenade/tactical would. Oops forgot to quote lol...was quoting spectre's list from page 8
  11. I could probably team up with Chris's son or Cassidy...I'll ask next time I talk to em.
  12. I thought from the way you said the connection was bad and your scores were not so great that you hated the game, I might have misread Either way yeah, when connection is bad games suck, especially with CoD. Whenever I have a bad streak of connection problems I take a small break from the game, although this cod has been great for me so far. The only cheaters/hackers I have seen are some 10th prestige guys with like 5 hours played, they didn't have any advantage over me though...just a shiny prestige emblem lol.
  13. No problem, the shotgun matches were a ton of fun!
  14. Deterioration...man, if you actually hate the game that much why don't you play a different game and just stay in party chat with these guys? That's what I would do if I didn't like cod.
  15. I never use it on my LSAT or MSBS...but I have it for my K7, and honey badger. I want to silence my sniper class but only after the chrome barrel challenge. For long range maps my MSBS and LSAT tear people up because the majority of cod players use suppressors on long range maps (lol). Then I have my silenced weapons for close range maps.
  16. I'm with Tommy on BO2, amazing game but crap connection
  17. I use a razor mouse http://www.razerzone.com/gaming-mice/razer-deathadder/ No idea if it's good compared to other gaming mouses but I love the thing.
  18. The worst game ever made that I personally played would be civilization revolution on the xbox...I loved the heck out of the old civ's, bought this game and wanted to cry lol. Horrible game.
  19. Yeah I don't run into odd numbers of campers...people camp a lot but they camp as much or more in bo2, bo1 mw3 and mw2. On release week it felt like there were a lot of campers but I just didn't know the maps, now that I learned the maps it's better. It's like this with every CoD, maps are fresh and you have no clue where people patrol, camp at or move around....then you learn the maps and it's easy.
  20. What do you guys play on? PC or ps3? Because xbox is pretty smooth, lot less lag than bo2.
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