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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. Yeah you can buy any perk or gun, at any level as long as you have enough squad points. Pretty cool compared to the set level unlocks of other cods.
  2. Karma is a bitch, we must have died to hundreds of IED's tonight haha
  3. You can spend a few squad points to buy quickdraw early....takes a game or two to get it.
  4. I like the ied to...it's like a claymore and a C4 all in one. Offensive and defensive!
  5. Ohh nice, I thought it was some sort of bug with a helmet on
  6. My connection has been shit whenever I tried to play today...not sure if it's my internet or ghosts, will have to see how it is tonight with you guys. Ohh and Tommy what is that thing on your avatar? Been curious all day hahaha
  7. I've done about 3 or 4 missions so far...not nearly as good as mw1/mw2 and mw3 but it's ok.....if it doesn't get better soon I probably won't finish it.
  8. I'm done playing kill confirmed solo, teammates avoid tags like the plague...they much rather camp and lose the game for me.
  9. You have to buy all the guns and attachments, they just share camos and red dot reticules. Also patches and backgrounds. As far as I know
  10. I prefer this way, especially because I get to keep camos and other things that I earn. I plan on just working my way down one by one, not going to work on more than one at once.
  11. Anyone know a good shotgun class setup? I've always loved shotguns in cod but can't get em to do good for me in this one. I like the FP6 so far, gets lots of one shot kills, just dunno best perks and whatnot for a running gunning shotgun class.
  12. Do you click use lForever Gaming'sl Clan tag That's the option I click on and it throws the tag on for you.
  13. Wow that is really sweet, does it work on people who use off the grid? If it does then yeah it might be one of the best perks in the game. If not then meh - half the people use off the grid so it's to unreliable.
  14. Ohh cool thanks, I didn't know about that Not the best but better than nothing.
  15. Just checked, 11 hives in my record....my team carried me is all I remember haha. Really excited to see what DLC's will have for extinction
  16. I honestly forgot...I think it was 8 hives destroyed, I've only played it twice haha.
  17. Where do you see weapon stats? I can't find it.
  18. It's a lot of fun, a lot more to it than zombies....zombies was just shoot, kill, move on. This mode will keep me entertained a lot longer.
  19. First of all...I love the hell out of this game. I do have a few complaints though 1. The challenge system SUCKS. I miss the old version, I can't complete some unless their "selected" which is retarded. 2. I miss weapon stats, I want to see how many kills I got with the lsat, how many headshots with the msbs ect. 3. I miss cool guns. Like the ak47, M4A1, desert eagle, colt 1911, M60,UZI, barret .50....you know all the badass guns lol. 4. Ghosts/elite what ever the fuck is annoying, only available for phones, nothing on the xbox or computer....bad business idea on their part. I was missing S&D but their returning that game mods, so that's all good.
  20. Well connection and everything is just as solid as it was the rest of the week...patch didn't seem to change anything for me.
  21. Yeah they will fight and kill eachother Some mean SOB's lol.
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