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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. 23 hours....lvl 20 first prestige.
  2. I haven't really been watching any rant videos....but what exactly isn't competitive about the game? Ohh and as for strikezone and dome being a little similar...who cares? lol they play different, are on different games...
  3. I use grip on almost every AR/LMG I use, and either muzzle break/silencer/extended mags/red dot for the second slot.
  4. No I mean it isn't slow in cranked, it's slow everywhere else still. I'm tried so my posts might not make sense LOL
  5. I use it quite a lot in cranked...it is very nice in cranked because you get to move fast, getting rid of the slow LMG feel, and everyone is running around crazy so hipfire is good.
  6. But....it has a chainsaw grip.
  7. It's crosshairs are very tight with steady aim, almost like a lazer sight.
  8. Spawns are pretty good in S&R
  9. Yeah I like blitz a lot, it makes everyone stick to 2 parts of the map....so the maps feel a lot smaller and fast paced.
  10. Those were some good games today, Blitz and hunted are really fun! Just not as much xp as KC.
  11. Not nearly as bad as mw3/bo2 but still not perfect, but yeah I don't think they can make perfect spawns.
  12. LOL that is funny, glad that shit doesn't happen here
  13. Cool I was missing the option to mute specific players, instead of al of them.
  14. I like http://www.zappos.com/asics-gt-1000-2-black-onyx-lightning~1 for running, been using them to do runs ever since my freshmen year, love those shoes!
  15. Good games tonight, tommy you missed out man!
  16. My credit union ALWAYS has some old person talking to the teller...not the most fun thing to watch someone have social hour while I want to make a transaction lol.
  17. What other automatic/3 round burst gun puts out more dps?
  18. Never seen or heard of that clan or the people in it, that's weird stuff man. The IFGI clan tag is working now
  19. The MSBS is pretty danm crazy, if you're accurate ( I am sometimes, sometimes my aim sucks) it kills people stupidly fast. I want to get better with this gun lol.
  20. S&R is really fun, I like the mode...but I like the old S&D better, I don't see why they couldn't have both modes.
  21. I get the most points in Cranked and Kill confirmed, cranked games are a lot faster so overall you rank faster there IMO. Ohh if you play in a party, domination gives a lot aswell.
  22. If you use the armor piercing rounds and a powerfull AR/LMG they drop in seconds. Whenever I hear one being called in I swap to my LMG and it shreds them.
  23. I don't have a lot of extra money...but I have a couple months worth of xbox trial codes....if people would like those
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