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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. Only part of CoD I like is the competitiveness, I found Mobas similar but not quite the same as what you get from CoD....that's why I'm still interested in it even if it may be a bit stale (is this like cod number 20??)
  2. Nah I don't think so...the big, important games won't be forgotten...I remember when I was really young, I had no idea that star wars had 4, 5 and 6...I had only watched the first one. I didn't know about Indiana jones, Halloween, Jaws ect. My dad was the one who told me about them, just like he told me about his first games, asteroids, tetris, donkey kong and others. I didn't know about old movies, or games, neither did my elementary classmates as far as I can remember, but now that I'm a bit older people my age know about the classic movies, and games. Today those older movies are not known by most younger people, they don't go out and watch old movies or play old games for the most part....but the best movies and best games are not completely forgotten. Of course some games will be forgotten completely, just like some movies and some books have been. If I had never heard of all those old, successful landmark games from the 70's 80's and 90's then yeah I would say games from today would be forgotten, but that's not the case.
  3. Cool, hope it turns out good like zombies, but not the exact same lol.
  4. Haha yeah man I've been taking a bit of a gaming break, will for sure be around more once these new games are out.
  5. I'm getting ghosts just because I want it to be like MW2 again - have me addicted and totally love the game. It will be cod's last chance for me lol. If it sucks I'll get BF4 and most likely never get another cod again.
  6. Watched American Mary on Netflix...pretty freaky/odd movie but a good movie.
  7. I'm like a kid in the candy shop with new call of duties...I just want to try all the new guns lol. Most likely won't be doing a challenge myself, but would want to watch some challenge highlight vids.
  8. What others have said, reading a book before bed helps a ton...some nights I hop on bed after staring at the computer screen for hours and I'm screwed, can't sleep at all. But if I read a book for 30 mins before going to sleep I'll pass out easy. Also If you are a midnight snacker, try not to be...eating keeps me up if I do. PS: Fuck my neighbors, they bought some loud talking Halloween decorations that go off 20 times during the night. No way to sleep around that!
  9. I've got two cats right now...after a while of having dogs, we moved into an apartment that is a little bit small for dogs. Their Missy and Prim, complete opposite types of cats lol, missy runs around like a goofball all day, and prim just goes full on couch potato mode and sits in one spot all day. I'd rather have a good dog, but having cats is better than nothing so I'm happy.
  10. Playstation exclusive = not many people playing it Wish I could play it though.
  11. Very cool stuff, I've never shot a rifle without a scope, looks like an entirely different experience. Is that peep sight working well or would other open sights do better?
  12. World war Z, was pretty good movie, better than I was expecting.
  13. You're day can only get better from here!
  14. "First" time was 12 years old on old farm roads...going 5 mph. My real first driving however was at 15 when I got my permit, learning in a mall parking lot then drove home on the freeway going 45-50 on a 65 road, pissing EVERYONE off! It's fun but a lot better if you have a parent/someone to help you learn for your first few drives, good luck have fun man.
  15. Wow! I should not be laughing this hard at 2 am.... but danm that is FUNNY! His laugh, so priceless.
  16. A mini series that covers the best champion for each role (in your opinion) and how to use them effectively would be pretty cool.
  17. Alright cool, I'll stop by tomorrow and see what they say. Uhh....why is my computer typing on the right side o.0
  18. Yeah I wasn't planning on trying a DIY job...I definitely don't have the know how for that, do I order the 5 lb set up, just the connector, or just show up at a gun smith and tell him I want a 5 lb trigger job?
  19. I've only watched my brother play the game for a few hours, but Trevor hands down! Only character that makes me laugh, and he has my name so he's awesome
  20. I think I got a taste of both worlds growing up, good and bad parenting. Age 1-13 I was raised by dad and mom in a small town, played with toy army men with my younger brother, was taught good morals, manners ect, I was a danm good kid! (A big part of it was getting slapped with a big ass belt if I was a little shit - I support parents being able to "hurt" their kids to discipline them) Then they got divorced, had to go live with my mom, she worked 7 days a week.. TV/video games/internet and friends from school were my "parenting" from then on. Thank god I was taught good values early, if I had not been taught in my early childhood I'm sure I would be one of those pricks with no respect, spoiled rotten and worse Sure I went through stages....got into bad stuff, BUT thankfully I became aware (thanks to good parenting) and straitened my shit out. My friends who had crap parents, continued down a bad path and I'm fairly sure their future is going to suck. Basically, I think all the shitty shit kids out there are the result of bad parenting. Of course sometimes the parent cannot help it, but still that is the reason IMO.
  21. Love your post's, always good info and worth reading. Ok so I've been shooting my glock 22 for a while now, really like it, BUT the trigger absolutely sucks...I didn't realize how much I hate it until I tried another glock, his trigger felt 10 times better than mine, it was lighter, more crisp break, just all around better. Looking back I don't know why I didn't ask what kind of trigger job he had, ohh well that's what you're for! In your OP you say a ghost connector improves it a lot, I went to their website and have no idea what one would be best, also I need to lower my trigger weight...it's at 10 pounds right now. I use this gun for target practice and a bed side bump in the night gun, I don't plan on using it as a carry gun or anything else. What trigger set up would you recommend? (I want a lighter pull, just don't know what an ideal weight would be)
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