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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. Yeah good games, shield and c4 is so broken haha.
  2. I know, I wouldn't have called him the religious customer but that's all I know he/she by
  3. I thought it was common knowledge not to post shit from your work on the internet... IMO the waitress should not have gotten fired...but come on you can post a million funny things on the internet that don't effect your job! As to the religious customer....I bet they worked for their money to buy the food, funny that they accept that money but don't want other people to earn money.
  4. Looks like I don't leave until tomorrow, so I'll online tonight. Yeah stonehaven and the rainy big map are sniper heaven so they get voted for a lot
  5. Danm I'm gone Wednesday - Sunday for thanksgiving, catch some games with ya next week then. Search is 100% all I'm playing atm...the spawns in other modes just make me sick lol.
  6. Anyone going to be on tomorrow night? Solo games with randoms is killing me!
  7. What made you start putting "Hi, my name's Dylan" at the start of every post?
  8. I'll join if another xboxer wants to team up....but be warned I suck ass with snipers
  9. Cranked is a whole lot of fun, one of the few modes where campers are not jacking each other off aswell! Everyone just runs and guns and has fun, good game mode
  10. Nevermind busy tonight, I'll be on the next few nights though.
  11. LMG with armor piercing rounds is about the only way to kill helicopters...which is pretty silly. They could have made the rocket launcher lock on like the SMAW.
  12. Nah I wouldn't say OP...they are strong on certain maps or certain areas of maps...but that's to make up for them being 100% useless outside of like 10 feet. On xbox I see people use shotguns maybe every 3 games or so...most people opt for longer range assault rifles on these maps.
  13. I use a sitrep class if some jackoffs on the enemy team are running 2 IEd's each, and camping staring at them.
  14. What's your GT? I can add you tomorrow Mine is Playertd if you get on before me
  15. It's really a lot of fun, but yeah really hard! I always die at the cabin when those big armored aliens start spawning. You on xbox or playstation?
  16. Do you recommend variable zoom even if I don't have the challenge? I haven't tried that attachment out yet.
  17. The other thing is I almost exclusively play S&R and S&D...so I don't deal with the messed up spawns When I party up with FG guys and play kill confirmed the spawns do piss me off lol.
  18. I feel like I'm playing a different game than you guys I love this game, aaaaalmost as much as mw2, campers are still lame but not worse than other cods IMO. C4 and stun grenades still wipe the little turds out. The connection is still my favorite part...Bo2 was just a big fucking lag fest, this game is so clean I can actually get kills, and be killed by skill, not lag BS.
  19. You get clan xp in hardcore as long as you are partied up with atleast one other clan member as far as I can understand.
  20. ^^ Last winter I wasn't doing shit all day, everyday...I started working out and running and almost instantly I got better sleep, felt better, had more energy and was more happy. Working out does wonders
  21. Flooded used to be the WORST map ever for me, now that I learned it...I actually like it Now I just hate the really big maps that cater to corner campers never finding anyone.
  22. Yeah good games, bummer they took out party games though! Will miss those.
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