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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. Yeah funny to start with but kinda took it to far.
  2. Playertd

    Hate Mail!

    The amount of hatemail you get in online games is basically a skill meter, the more the better
  3. Nice looking artwork man, I'm not a huge pony fan but the art looks great!
  4. Part 2 of the hobbit, really enjoyed it.
  5. Ahh I thought he would be more fun, still haven't decided who to save up for first, just using the free champs for now.
  6. Yeah cyber, thanks I didn't know that! The auto aim auto attack is nice, no need to aim or anything, makes it easier to get going in games. So far I've been enjoying Warwick and Ziggs, Ziggs nukes like crazy and Warwick just lifesteals for days and won't die. Only against bots so far though haha. Summoner name is The Trevinator Is Yorick any good? he looks pretty cool with all his summons.
  7. Well...all my IRl friends play Lol, most of you guys also play it, I think it's time I gave this game a real try. I absolutely hate the click to move, prefer wasd keys for my mobas but I'm gunna give it an honest attempt. I'll use your sign up Tommy for the refer-a-friend stuff.
  8. I don't think I will ever understand buying skins...in ANY game. MMo's, MOBA's and FPS games, their all 100% pointless wastes of money.
  9. Running bulldog is fun, it's kinda the most OP gun in ghosts...but is for sure a blast!
  10. So far I enjoy it a lot...the main thing that concerns me is the whole hybrid class thing, I like a more traditional MMO where there are tanks, healers and dps...not everyone being a jack of all trades. But I think I'll grow on it lol. Character creation is pretty danm sweet, step up from Skyrim so that's good. The tutorial area looks like shit, but it's supposed to haha, after that the game gets pretty good, amazing graphics. Quests are fun, everything is voiced (no more reading boring paragraphs from quest givers if you don't want to) and so far I enjoy the combat (melee more so than magic). Combat in other MMOs felt to mathematic, standing still and less like I was actually fighting something and more like I was adding up damage calculations to get the best dps/healing. ESo is more immersive combat and I like that. The only other MMO's I have actually put a lot of time into are Runes of magic and Tera, so I don't really have much to compare to, but ESO beats the heck out of them so far Ohh yeah the loading screens are long as fuck, not sure if that's because its still beta or not, but it sucks.
  11. This is awesome, as long as we don't get another treyarch game for some time lol.
  12. I got a beta key for this weekend but it's invalid.. Whoops never mind I was copy pasting the wrong thing lol!
  13. Haha great story, my brother got a kick out of it!
  14. I don't see anything wrong with remakes...some are good some are bad. The original film will always be there it's not like it get's replaced.
  15. I don't get what's stopping the kids who are getting online bullied from turning off their facebook/twitter page....it's easy to bully online but it's also super easy to ignore it.
  16. I think I'm missing something....dumb people will always drink and get them selves/others killed or injured. If they don't play a drinking game they drink another way and still fuck up.
  17. I was checking this out yesterday, super excited for it. Only thing that has me scared is that monolith made it....last game I played by them was riddled with connection problems and abandoned (guardians of middle earth). It was an amazing game though, just crappy online multiplayer experience.
  18. Ohh wow I thought you had to be in a party of 4 to play this...I'm for sure going to give search a try in the 4v4, no amplify, danger close or riot shields will make for some fun games.
  19. Gun game is a lot of fun, just like in past CoD's...glad they got it in
  20. Lol I was thinking about it...this is the one game that I think I could get my dad to play, he hates modern games but this one captures the alien atmosphere so well (he loves the movies) plus it would be funny as hell to see him scream like a girl when it gets scary.
  21. Could you add Ghosts and borderlands 2 to mine for 360, and smite and minecraft for PC? Also my time zone is pacific.
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