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Everything posted by Playertd

  1. About the only useful thing you can buy with glimmer is ammo synthesis from the gunsmith. Other than that you can buy emblems, shaders, ships and sparrows.
  2. Danm I hopped it would get easier after that first part....guess not lol. Need everyone to watch that or else we have no chance.
  3. My schedule is pretty danm open this year, as long as it's anytime in the afternoon I can probably make it. I'll be there for the raid tonight.
  4. I'd say go for it, maybe save some important threads we don't want to lose, other than that why not. Post count isn't really important and we can always reapply avatars/signatures.
  5. I only play S&D unless you guys are on, then I'll play anything lol. TDM and FFA are my least favorite just because they encourage camping the most.
  6. So how do I join the clan anyways? I sent a request sometime last week but it doesn't seem to have worked.
  7. Didnt you say that 3 call of duties ago?
  8. Sadly I remember more adults sporting those emblems than kids :/
  9. I'll be getting it either on release date or close to it, so count me in.
  10. Yeah had to do that danm mars mission again...hate it so much now LOL. I got an exotic shotgun that is a primary, and it's long range....weird gun, gotta try it out some more to see if I like it. The guys I was with got 13 shards or 13 energies. I just really like the buff it gives you 20% xp and rep, getting that at the start of each week would help so much.
  11. I got my first exotic armor, a helmet for my Titan. It blinds enemies in my bubble so I can camp in there easy now haha. Also got this weird shotgun that is a primary, haven't really tried it out yet though.
  12. I finally hit 28 and completed my first nightfall strike, that was hard but totally worth it! Rewards range from 12-13 ascendant energy/shards, exotic weapons and more. Also gives you a sweet buff that increases xp and rep gained from everything. We gotta start doing this once a week.
  13. Collect ALL materials you find, you will need them eventually and it is very tedious farming for em.
  14. Not much of a recipe but couscous makes a good filler, cheap and faster than top rammen. I hope it's healthy because I eat a ton of it lol.
  15. Playertd


    Sunday sounds good to me.
  16. Good shit tonight dudes, that was fun, in a head pounding frustrating but awesome kind of way
  17. I completely agree with this, if I like/agree with someone's post I usually just "like" it instead of commenting and starting conversation. Gotta get out of that habit LOL.
  18. I think Auto rifles are the way to go, seems to be the most effective for me and most of the top score players I run into use auto rifles as primary. As for secondary I like Fusion rifles or shotguns, both are good one shot kill weapons at closer ranges.
  19. I think the main problem is not having a game (like call of duty) that everyone plays and enjoys playing together.
  20. Very nice, I like that we get more rewards for the strike playlist, and the engrams...guess Rahool got tired of the abuse LOL.
  21. I absolutely hated the 3v3, mostly because I ended up with low level teammates while the other team got level 28's, but after 7 loses in a row I gave up on that game mode... I think it would be a lot of fun in a party but I can't stand it solo lol. I usually just play control for my go-to have fun mode, I like it so far.
  22. I gave that dickhead 4 legendary engrams yesterday - got 4 blues...
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