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Event Comments posted by RenFengge



    Yay! @TurboR56Mini got his completion!! Yay!!


    Also, thanks @Riff Machine for letting me tag him in. Between my hunger and knowing my dog needed to be walked (and my head just wasn't really in it today), you coming in was definitely the key to making this happen. I actually told Carl later on while we were doing other D2 activities, "yeah. my brain can't wrap itself around Destiny today." Also, relatively obvious when we ran DSC with @GazzaGarratt and I had pointless deaths lol... and that I forgot to take care of the middle Servitor after I took care of the left one. 


    See, @Baabcat , I do seem to forget about that middle Servitor in DSC if you're not there lol.

    Regular VoG raid slot

    9 minutes ago, Venom said:

    I’ve never seen someone launch themselves of the platform with the relic 3 consecutive times do it seems you must just be allergic to it.

    First time, button smashing was just.. button smashing. 


    Second time, I was trying to do something else and forgot I had relic. Or I was trying to drop it for a second to do something. 


    Third. Well. Sneezing 🤧 haha. 

    Regular VoG raid slot


    Surprised no one is saying that we improved vastly with damage when the 2 events happened at the same time: 1) Carl left the room. 2) I gave up relic. 😄 


    Just want to add my awkwardness with relic was partially due to work and Carl's meetings lol. And.. my sneeze.

    Regular VoG raid slot

    Just now, Teenwolf25 said:

    I’ve put my name down but I won’t be on my account. If people can try and get on a little bit earlier too so it gives more time at the boss for people that’d be handy as I don’t wanna stay up too late. 

    I should be "okay" by 3pm ET. But I will be doubling with work. Shouldn't be an issue. 

    VOG full run


    @Baabcat  - the run where we almost beat the boss, just when I was about to grab a brick of special ammo, I got teleported... So we had no div in that final damage lol. Blargh. 


    Not sure on @TurboR56Mini 's schedule except that he's not around/I'm single and free from June 14 to June 19. 


    I'll let him respond/nudge him later. 

    VOG full run


    Thanks for the shout to run at boss fight! As always, good times. Lots of laughs. So close to beating him! Just ran out of Div. 😞 Whomp whomp. 


    I'll be leveled up next time lol.

    VOG full run

    3 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    I see Carl @TurboR56Mini  has jumped in so hopefully i'll be around where I can tonight, even if its for another run. I think i'd like to lead the comms on Atheon next time when i'm on the next FG raid. The quieter and calmer we can all be, the more success we make (and it doesn't matter if you 1,2,3 or 4 phase it. What matters is that you're consistent with oracles 😄).


    The consistency with Oracles is the important part!


    And, as for @TurboR56Mini signing up, just FYI that our workday has barely started lol. So, let's see. @GazzaGarratt - I'm pinging you first if it ends up that he gets stuck in a meeting, because I still have not leveled up to get Breach and Clear.... and I want to watch the Horizon Forbidden West thing.

    VOG full run

    3 minutes ago, Baabcat said:

    Work is so annoying !!

    Hopefully we will still get 6 , honestly think the run up to the boss will take no more than an hour. 


    We'll get 6. 😉 


    Again, I will hop in if needed, but I really want to watch the Horizon Forbidden West showcase.

    VOG full run


    This is conflicting with the Horizon Forbidden West showcase... which I very much am interested in.


    @Riff Machine  - if I start the raid with the group, would you be able to swap in for me about 4:30PM/4:45PM ET?



    Appreciate the call out right when I was about to log off and take a nice nap lol.


    But, really, the boss fight isn't as terrifying as I thought. We just need to get the oracles done super quick and perfectly. I think we can 2-phase it with the strat we were doing. We obviously got it down to half health after 1 phase! 3-phase might be more likely in case we just slip a little in damage. 

    VOG full run


    I will, as always, step out if someone else wants in.


    So, if anyone else wants to raid, please let us know in the comments!


    Just now, Baabcat said:

     It'll be easier than getting-in middle plate on contest mode !!

    It isn't nice to lie, @Baabcat  hahaha


    Middle Plate was and is still like 10x easier than the far right plate, where you and I couldn't even get to hahahaha.



    @Baabcat  - second COVID jab? Congrats! And, hopefully the side effects don't kick in until later!!!


    You've got @Ajay in for this. Let's see who else signs up.



    I'm still debating lol. The few minutes I heard and watched the boss fight make me wary.  😂

  1. You know... we, as a team, might not have completed the contest, but I'm actually quite surprised on how far we got. I thought it was going to be as god awful as the intro where we were dying every 3 seconds.


    I want to give extra kudos to:


    @Baabcat  and @Venom  for doing a stellar job, as usual, on telling us what we need to do lol.


    @Riff Machine  for stepping in while his dinner was ready while @crispymorgan  had to go be a good friend... 


    @Therealraiser  and @Raven_13_7  for coming in on Sunday to get us where we are. @Therealraiser 's builds are quite impressive... and that's coming from someone who barely understands them lol.


    And, @Teenwolf25  for slightly being conned into doing Templar and Gorgon's Labyrinth with us. Saved my ass enough times to get us past Templar. And, showing off with his damage. Sorry, not sorry? 😄 


    Lastly, @GazzaGarratt for working with me on the rosters and leading Team 2. We will find better ways to handle this moving forward.. where both of us don't want to drink lol.

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