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  1. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to techno in The FG Awards 2020   
    Well this years sucked ass and we've all missed out on things but you can always rely on this place to put a smile on your face and fill up your phone's gallery with some pretty important images and videos.
    I'd just like to add to the thanks given to Lee and the team behind this place, and yes even Dave make sure stuff is updated knibbe ( odd when I typed that phone suggested knobhead 😂) 
    Anyway we'll find all for making this place what it is and make it an interesting read. Hopefully when this shit is over we can get another meet sorted.
  2. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from phil bottle in The FG Awards 2020   
    Wow thanks a lot guys! I used to come here in the MW2 days, I've always enjoyed the banter and general topics discussed and also reading about how people's lives are getting on. I stopped playing COD and most video games for about 6-7 years. I came back on BO4 and feel privileged to have found this community again. I believe Chris (Tigerbruge) told me the forum was still going when I found him on PS4 and messaged him.
    It really brightens your day coming here, even for a quick reply on a workbreak or a well thought out post or topic you have in mind. Because here people listen and want to share everyone else's joys and tough times.
    I totally agree with Tronic that Lee is FG'er of the year every year and that Diddums is an absolute legend for starting this wonderful forum.
    Thanks a lot again! Here is a picture of a happy sleepy Dad with his daughter, as I was on night feeds all last night. 😃

  3. Love
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in The FG Awards 2020   
    Wow thanks a lot guys! I used to come here in the MW2 days, I've always enjoyed the banter and general topics discussed and also reading about how people's lives are getting on. I stopped playing COD and most video games for about 6-7 years. I came back on BO4 and feel privileged to have found this community again. I believe Chris (Tigerbruge) told me the forum was still going when I found him on PS4 and messaged him.
    It really brightens your day coming here, even for a quick reply on a workbreak or a well thought out post or topic you have in mind. Because here people listen and want to share everyone else's joys and tough times.
    I totally agree with Tronic that Lee is FG'er of the year every year and that Diddums is an absolute legend for starting this wonderful forum.
    Thanks a lot again! Here is a picture of a happy sleepy Dad with his daughter, as I was on night feeds all last night. 😃

  4. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in The FG Awards 2020   
    I shall inhabit your skin proudly like a cockney hannibal lecter, but magic mushrooms instead of fava beans cos I dont know what fava beans are.
  5. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to craftofboredom in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congratulations everyone! This is a nice roundup to Christmas with acknowledgments and awards! 🍾❤️🎉🎄
    Also wanted to say that everyone I've played with has been absolutely amazing! FG rocks!
    Also great job for arranging all of this
  6. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to TonyAE86 in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congrats all! Been really good playing with you guys throughout this shit storm ☺️
  7. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to BO7H B4RRELS in The FG Awards 2020   
    Nice job everyone!  I'm especially happy for Phil, Dave, Kenny, and Cal.  Well done, Lee.
  8. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to slamminbones in The FG Awards 2020   
    It's positiveness like this that can change a shit year and turn it around. 
    I just wish I found you crazy lot years ago. 
  9. Haha
    IRaMPaGe reacted to TheMuggySpud in The FG Awards 2020   
    I call fix!
  10. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to PrivateParts_93 in The FG Awards 2020   
    Absolutely delighted for all of the lads who won their awards ! Its important as a community to stick together and acknowledge when some of us go above and beyond. Well done lads 🥳🥳
  11. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to crispymorgan in The FG Awards 2020   
    All truly well deserved. Merry Christmas everyone.  This is still my favourite corner of the internet.
  12. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to G_dub52 in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congratulations guys! keep up the good work! keep that FG train rollin........GGFG!
  13. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to ChaosGladiator in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congrats everyone! Can’t believe The Mad Twatter ran away with an award too @TheMuggySpud 😂😂
  14. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Greboth in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congratulations to all! Every single one well deserved and great to see @GazzaGarratthonouring the right people though you deserve plenty of credit yourself.
    On a personal level, @phil bottle I can’t think of anyone better to pass the torch of fg’er of the year to...well maybe not a Londoner but I don’t hold that against you too much.
  15. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to TheMuggySpud in The FG Awards 2020   
    I love you lads so much! Congrats to all of you and also everyone who visits and makes this place what it is ❤
  16. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to jordie1892 in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congrats to all the winners, big props to @GazzaGarrattfor pulling this together!
  17. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to phil bottle in The FG Awards 2020   
    Lee, you're the FGer of the year every year mate👍
  18. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Plumbers Crack in The FG Awards 2020   
    Well done guys and all very much deserved! 👍👏👏👏👏
  19. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to tronic44 in The FG Awards 2020   
    A massive congrats to all the winners, all fully deserved! ❤️❤️
    Also @GazzaGarratt ❤️
  20. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to LordBaguette in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congrats to the winners! and Merry Christmas!!
  21. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to Middle Class Caveman in The FG Awards 2020   
    It was such a privilege seeing these awards being given out last year in person. Everyone who has one is well deserved and @GazzaGarratt has been spot on with his choices for sure! 
    Many congratulations folks! 
  22. Love
    IRaMPaGe reacted to The3rdWalker in The FG Awards 2020   
    Congratulations to everyone. FG continues to be a wonderful place.
  23. Thanks
    IRaMPaGe reacted to GazzaGarratt in The FG Awards 2020   
    In 2018, I set up the FG Awards as a way to recognise a few people within the FG family to say thank you for what they have done to help others. I hope that all will enjoy the awards and maybe start to hope one day they'll get one themselves. I feel proud we can do such things in a year which i know most would want to forget. I promised to have a good send off to 2020 and that's what we're gonna do below!

    Young FGer of the Year
    We've played years with him but its only over the last 6-12 months where we've able to really get him part of the group where he has shined through many raid completions on Destiny 2. Not standing for just making up the numbers either, he has been able to help many inexperienced FGers to their first raid clearance ever on Destiny and other more experienced folk to get their first ever clearances for newer raids when it was virtually at its hardest point. I can't wait for him to get more involved with everyone, as he has fantastic skills and extremely mature head on his shoulders that really helps explain even the most difficult scenario to most inexperienced team player. You should be real proud of that boy, Bob @Baabcat . Well done Charlie!
    Winner - @Venom  - Charlie
    FG Noobie of the Year
    Its been a joy to have this guy around after joining FG in April and has embraced everything about what we are since. Getting involved on FG Fridays games, offering to be part of teams where possible to help achieve goals, putting his views across the entire of FG, including creating his own PPR for his trials and tribulations on PS Trophy hunting! He's always up to give anything a go and his positive attitude is what we've needed over such a turbulent year. FG is a better place with the small Welshman (who'd have thought it?). Well done Paul!
    Winner - @slamminbones  - Paul
    FG Guardian Down Award
    The FG Awards wouldn't be awards without one being about making funny moments happen, even if they didn't intend it! When I think of every FG Friday this year, I always wanted to make sure he was there. He'll play some games even if he's propping the bottom of the leaderboard up, getting shotgunned in the face every 2 seconds, or getting smashed off the GTA track. His deadpan way of life is brilliant and we'd be lost without him to be honest. His love/hate relationship he has for games is just incredible as he will play through any type of crap to have fun with anyone here and that attitude and commitment you just can't buy. Don't ever change Gary. And thank you for all you do outside of this for FG. Always massively appreciated.
    Winner - @techno  - Gary
    FG Archbishop of Banterbury
    This award was most jovial and joker of the pack this year. He's been in the FG Wilderness for a while now but since coming to the BIG FG meet up last October, we have been graced with his ever present glorious self in a multitude of colourful goop. He has a funny knack of being able to bring the fun whatever the occasion, in his sexy accent and possible beer smelling mouth. And even though he usually doesn't know what the hell is going on, I don't think this man doesn't ever not care about any FGer in this place. If he could, he'd do anything for you - and guaranteed to put a smile on your face via his 1 minute game videoclips of something completely random. We're extremely lucky to have you Cal!
    Winner - @TheMuggySpud  - Cal
    FG Skills Award
    This could've gone to a few people this year. @Greboth still knocking it out the park in whatever he makes in Minecraft and Artwork, @Teenwolf25  and @FallenDark200 making strides in solo/2-man runthroughs on Destiny 2 activities and raids, @datfroggieguy 's capacity to eat all the camos and cod challenges for breakfast, @tronic44's clever base antics in 7 Days with everyone else chipping in.....the list just goes on. But for once, I see a guy who is relentless - and i mean utterly relentless - and finding enough clips of mini plays to cause anyone to go into full panic if we had to make him another montage video of just the past week (you should check his PPR out as its pretty darn amazing). He has a great attitude towards how to tackle certain challenges and shares what could work for people. I'm sure having his newly born premature daughter home for Christmas is a way better present than this could ever show, however Kenny's skills won't go unnoticed any longer! Top stuff, squire!
    Winner - @IRaMPaGe  - Kenny
    FGer of the Year
    When I can't do stuff around here, it gets to me. And i've learned that even myself can lean on people even when I didn't need to. Not just keeping FG going, but moving it forward to something even more can enjoy in a year that we'd all want to forget is remarkable really. He's helped out massively with under the hood stuff, like moderation, donations, game days/nights, event creation...more than you people will realise. But above all, he's a geniune man that wants us as a family to achieve all the things we want to, on a personal and family level. He'll always be interested in what you have to say and probably felt like he's sacrificed many years of his life to this place in doing so! Like FG isn't the same with most of you all being around, it certainly isn't FG if Phil isn't around. Thanks for all that you do Phil, you sir a gent and a Legend.
    Winner - @phil bottle - Phil
    FG Hall of Fame
    Each year I try to honour the achievements of people in the FG family that will show on paper, not just in real life that they will always be FG no matter what and rightly should be invited into the Hall of Fame. He is outspoken, volatile, random, hilarious, caring, hilarious, OTT, crazy and damn right impossible not to love (trust me, i've tried many times). It was never going to go much longer until this chap got into this because he built the foundations of FG. He built what why we're all here in the first place. When you realise at first hand the stuff I see in what's involved in everything that FG does, its incredible that we even started to exist in the first place. He lights up the room when he comes online, he even makes people laugh on the amount of times he then leaves the controller for his 53rd Poo of the night. But we wouldn't change him. And neither should anyone as that what we get with Diddums, right? Dave, thank you for all that you have done and also continue to do for FG. It never goes unnoticed in my book.
    Winner - @Diddums - Dave
    And with that, we're done! 2020 has been a dick of a year. But you're all here. We're all together, fighting the good fight and i'm sure 2021 will bring the best out in FG.

  24. Haha
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Happy Birthdays!   
    Rigged! Nah just kidding, fair play bud have a good birthday! 
  25. Like
    IRaMPaGe got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Reverse Boosting   
    Yeah Chain feeds is probably the worst culprit of the lot. These people with like 4-5 even 6-7kds and most of the pro players can barely hold a 2kd.
    Back to what I was saying, if harsh Sbmm exists so does the reverse boosting. So Activation ain't protecting that vulnerable/disabled players bracket at all if these YouTubers just find ways around it.
    I believe that Sbmm should still exist, but not as strong or consistent as it is currently. I like competition, but when everygame is a sweatfest when your trying for camos and challenges it's tough.
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