I know there's been several discussions on here, in game chats, in the whatsapp group and in person about FG streaming, videos and generally getting FG out there. Following on from Nutty asking for the angry Scottish peanut, I was talking to Lee about this a little last night gave me this idea. It was somewhat also mentioned in the whatsapp group earlier too - generally for streaming or youtube videos there needs to be an identity, a brand. Obviously this place is FG so there is the FG brand; the logos, the colour scheme etc. and that will still exist and be used. Though we each have our own indentity too so following on from making Aaron's minigun toting angry Scottish peanut I'm offering to help anyone with any logo's or graphics they want for their avatars, for videos background and end cards, for logo's, for twitch overlays etc. that will help you go out there and promote yourself and this place. I don't really have the personality for fronting videos or streams but what I do have is a particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over too long in front of my PC so I'm offering those services to you.
So whats possible;
2D Logo's, avatars, backgrounds, end cards etc. Basically 2d still images and I can do general jpg's or if neccesary vector images.
2D Animation - Currently no though it is possible and I have some ideas to do with it so I shall be looking up some tutorials on it at some point soon.
3D - General 3D logos, icons etc. are easy enough to make so I'm happy to make these. Even pushing to more detailed models though the more detail the longer it takes but I'll try to model antyhing people want.
3D Animation - Simple logo animation like the rotating FG logo or the FG logo used at the beginning of videos are easy enough so any ideas you have for the FG logo or if you want your own let me know what you want. Unfortunately more complex animation is out as it simply takes too long (for example, a 10 second video of 360 degree loop round a car took about 12 hours to render)
So on to the logo's themselves, I plan on updating this OP as time goes on with more and more things.
FG Logo
I have the video clips still for the rotating FG logo and the one used for the intro to the montage's Rich has made. Unfortunately I have lost the 3d files for the FG logo though I've almost finished remaking it so if you have any ideas on it's used or a better video intro shout up and I'll (try to) make it.
FG Logo (1080p): https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gihwo2vrc08qzk/FG Logo.jpg?dl=0
FG Logo Vector: no plans for this currently but if someone wants it, I can make it.
FG Logo video intro: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ml6z9xji031n389/FG Intro.mp4?dl=0
Rotating FG Logo: to be added once FG 3D logo completed
Nutty's Angry Peanut avatar and banner
Middleclass caveman avatar, banner and signature.
Current Work in Progress:
Capn Underpants 3D Video intro
To do list:
So you lovely lot of FG, let your creative juices flow and let me know what you want.