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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. Yup, we got back eventually- third times the charm. Though I’m not sure the death was random, I’m pretty sure it had something to do with @RedXIII driving off a cliff. The fact I said it was fine to drive off a cliff earlier should not be taken in to consideration 🤣 @Plumbers Crack and I had a good mining session yesterday, loads of lead as we had none. The trees had all fully grown too so cut them all down for about 10k wood. After refuelling most of the vehicles were we down to our last few thousand gas cans so took a trip to the desert. Thank you @crispymorgan for your lovely map as 4km east is a lot easier than almost 8 going SE. We found a large shale vein just inside the deset as it looks like 2 spawned right next to each other. Dave dug the one while I took the other. The mining was all going quite well until I caused a small cave in which dominoed quite spectacularly to bring the entire roof down - oops. So now we have more of an open quarry than a mine for shale 🤣 Still we got enough shale for Lee to make something like 500k gas cans with some shale left over so we are definitely good for gas for a while. During all of this I wrenched a few cars, did a quest so managed to find enough brass to make some bullet casing. So that’s a few hundred more 7.62’a for horde night. On the brass front, it occurred to me that once we have the under ground base built and filled with traps we should use less bullets come horde night. Might be obviously but was a duh moment for me when I realised it.
  2. So we don’t have a chicane of death just a really long lap with 20 something corners for everyone to remember 🤣 It should be good as I (genuinely) don’t think I’ve driven this layout of St Croix though I’m sure I’ll know bits of it still from other layouts. @phil bottle is the plan to always mirror the daily races? I can grab the combos and laps etc. from the game to make the pic nice and early.
  3. Errr I meant to say, I’ve never played seaside before so we should do that one 😂
  4. I’ll say St Croix simply because I am silly fast as Dragon Trail Seaside and I’d like you lot to have a small chance.
  5. Lee mentioned set up but for the most part I'd ignore that. Setups make a difference but for most of the racing you're likely to do in GT sport, Balance of Power (BoP) will be on and as such locks you to the default setup. Further to that, setups can get you the last few percent but most of your time difference will be race craft. To give some quantification to that, all my times set in the time trials and races we've had have all been on the default set up. Some of these may be grandma sucking eggs but I'd rather include things you already know than miss something. So some basic tips; - Corners are about taking the biggest arc you can through them as the bigger arc you can take, the faster you go. So make sure you're taking the outside-inside-outside line; if it's a right hand bend, start the corner as left as you can, turn in to clip the apex of the corner and let the car run back to left hand side of the track on the corner exit - If you turn in and have to change your steering (so straighten or turn tighter) your turn in point is likely incorrect. You want to turn in and maintain the steering angle until you straighten up out of the corner. - The above also applies to throttle and brake. Ideally you should hit the brakes once, turn in once and get on the throttle once. If you find you need to get back on the brakes then you braked too late or need to carry some brake pressure in to the corner*, get back on the throttle early to maintain apex speed then you braked too much, if you're on throttle, off throttle, on , off on then you're either getting on throttle too earlier or too sharply. -Use manual gears too - Every game (or almost every, there's always going to be an exception) is slower when using automatic gears. And some specifically for GT Sport; - GT Sport has several method for learning tracks and I would recommend not using the racing line as it's a crutch and it'll teach you bad habits. The best in my opinion is the cones; these puts cones around the track as the outside apex, inside apex and outside apex with a pair of cones being used before corners for the braking point. The gear indicator will also flash red when it thinks you've passed the braking point with the number being the gear it thinks you should use. Generally these are a bit conservative but while you're learning they're a good starting point. As you learn a car and track combo you'll learn which braking zones you can take later, which corners you take fast enough to be in a higher gear etc. - Turn down Traction control (TC). GT spot is horrible in it's implementation of TC and it can cost seconds per lap. If you're not comfortable jumping straight to no TC, turn it down as low as your comfortable then as you get more experience, turn it down 1 more, then another until you're only using 1 or none. With a controller, I'd recommend the maximum being 1 but only for Gr3 and above and maybe some of the fast road cars like N800 or above. - As Lee said, you can see your best sector times and your best lap time by pressing left or right on the dpad to cycle through the options. You can then keep an eye on your lap times each lap as you experiment to see which lines are faster (or slower). *Time is won (or lost) by minimum apex speeds; that is the slowest point of each corner. In a perfect world, you brake all the way to the apex of the corner and as soon as you hit the apex you start applying throttle to accelerate out. This is called trail braking and it is hard, and I mean HARD, to do well. A tyre has a maximum amount of grip; for road cars this is typically about 1g (race cars are more on slicks and especially so with downforce). Sticking to 1g though, this 1g can be used for braking or cornering. With trail braking the aim is to do both but it's a balancing act. The straight before a corner you're using 0g for turning, as you turn in this will increase and at the apex you'll be using the whole 1g for corner. As you straighten up on corner exit, this will again reduce back to 0g cornering. I'm making up figures here for demonstration purposes but at initial turn in you might be using 0.25g of the tyres grip for cornering, halfway from turn in to apex 0.5g and 3/4th to the apex 0.75g before hitting your full 1g at the apex. As the tyre can manage 1 g total then you can use the remaining 0.75g, 0.5g and 0.25g respectively for braking. Brake to hard or steer too much and you exceed the 1g and will understeer, brake too little and then you'll potentially going too fast and run wide - either way costing you time. Also if you want, when you've set a good time for combo save the recording and upload the video here. I'll happily take a look at it and point out where you're losing time. Or alternatively, say what combo you're doing and I'll record a lap so you can see the lines, braking points, gears etc. that I use.
  6. Surely that will reveal the whole world rather than just where we’ve been? Which would ruin the point of exploring. @GazzaGarratt I’m happy to do it. It will take several snips to cover the areas peope have been to. But if people post as many snips as required (with a little overlap so I can piece them together). I can overlay all our maps to make a combined one. As we explore more, if people provide updates I can keep the overall map updated too.
  7. It seemed silly to make more vehicles when we couldn’t fuel them. Now we have a desert and Anna and I collected enough oil shale for 25k+ gas cans I think we can go ham on vehicles 😄 I do love the 4x4’s for looting as it has so much storage. I’d also say leave tbe garage for now, it isn’t too bad to pick the vehicles up and we can build a garage as part of the new base. Steel clubs are great, as anna said I can make them. Though we need more steel club parts @GazzaGarratt can you buy them from ther trader as you get the best deal. I can only make level 1 clubs at the moment but I’ll do some looting and mining to put a some points in to making higher level clubs. @craftofboredom I’ll be around today though possibly going to see my sister today (depends on my nephew) but outside of that happy to do some looting. I think quests are a good way to do it, bonus xp and we can double loot every house then too.
  8. I read it in a book but I think all perks you get from books can be unlocked with points. The books just unlock stuff earlier than you might with points. I don’t know what perk it is but it isn’t something I thought of before. It’s worth looking in to though as it may mean you could get it without needing to find a book. Horde night for me was interesting 🤣 I took the gyrocopter to uncover some of the map and see if I could find a desert. I got distracted by some huge mountains and one that looked like a stereotypical kids drawing of a volcano with a massive caldera. Which I promptly crashed into obviously. With no way to fly the gyrocopter out the only option was digging...lots and lots of digging. Contrary to other peoples opinion I should just die and respawn, while I had food and repair kits I was going to try and get out. About 18 hours in game, totally missing horde night, and almost 30k stone later I found freedom. On the side of a mountain, I quickly built a platform form to put the gyrocopter down and fly back. For halfway home to accidentally press e and get out the gyrocopter and fall to my death. At least I now spawned on my bed, pick up a motorbike and off I went to get my backpack contents and gyrocopter back. Following on from this Anna and I did some looting and some mining. So we’re decently stocked on coal and nitrate. I think next time I’m on I’ll focus on iron and lead. More importantly we decided on a new base which I believe Phil has started work on. We decided on an underground base that has a hole in the middle for the zombies to fall in to in horde night. The location is on the outskirts of town, north of the trader as a lot of the rest of the map is very hilly and we can carry on looting the rest of the town. Now just to find a desert so we can fuel all our vehicles properly.
  9. Haha yup, it’s why I’ve been loving the quests recently. Knock all the doors down, start the quest and reset the house and knock them all down again. I think my record so far is 22 door knobs from one house so far. Hopefully we can find another one or 2 of the same books as it would be so useful if more people could do similar.
  10. We have (or least had) about 10 blunderbuss’ which you’d know if you had been on 😉 Also there have been chairs but someone keeps taking them down 😞
  11. There’s been several conversations amongst varying numbers of us while in game, whatsapp etc. So I thought it best to arrange a time when hopefully as many people as possible can make it on so we can get some sort of cohesive plan. I think Rich and Anna have played 7dtd the most so they’re going to be our experts. But things to think about; - Ideas on how to build (underground, overground probably best to avoid wombling free) - Do we build one massively defended base for horde night and small bases around the map? Or build all the bases as proper defensive ones? - Where do we want to build it? This is somewhat dependent on what we build but presumably something not too far from out current base due to needing to transfer resources. Obviously on top of this we will need resources of stone, cement, iron etc. to build the base out of so that’s a given. Which I’m more than happy to focus my efforts on. Edit: Now tonights cause your a bunch of bumders. @GazzaGarratt @tronic44 @phil bottle @Plumbers Crack @crispymorgan @craftofboredom @Misneach_ @Shucker @Diddums @Emma
  12. Event Title: 7 days base discussion Event Author: Greboth Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 09/28/2020 08:00 PM There’s been several conversations amongst varying numbers of us while in game, whatsapp etc. So I thought it best to arrange a time when hopefully as many people as possible can make it on so we can get some sort of cohesive plan. I think Rich and Anna have played 7dtd the most so they’re going to be our experts. But things to think about; - Ideas on how to build (underground, overground probably best to avoid wombling free) - Do we build one massively defended base for horde night and small bases around the map? Or build all the bases as proper defensive ones? - Where do we want to build it? This is somewhat dependent on what we build but presumably something not too far from out current base due to needing to transfer resources. Obviously on top of this we will need resources of stone, cement, iron etc. to build the base out of so that’s a given. Which I’m more than happy to focus my efforts on. Edit: Now tonights cause your a bunch of bumders. @GazzaGarratt @tronic44 @phil bottle @Plumbers Crack @crispymorgan @craftofboredom @Misneach_ @Shucker @Diddums @Emma 7 days base discussion N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  13. Even if you have a sudden urge to play Cyberpunk with RT, I’d put the money for the xbox towards an RTX3000 card. It’s still a wad of cash to outlay but should perform better. I’d agree about the ps5 though there are some ps5 exclusives I want so that will tempt me. But not until there’s enough games to play to make it worth it.
  14. Nothing really to add, it was some great races last night. The race at Brands was always going to be eventful due to how easy it is to mess up and go off. Monza was .... interesting. I don’t think any of us was on the same strategy which mixed things up. I lost too much time at the start of the race but made it back with strategy. Just a shame Phil had penalties as we had a decent battle which without the penalties would have been for the win. There’s some quirks to GT’s handling which take me a lap or 2 to adjust to coming from other racing titles. I’m happy to make it a championship but I’ll leave it up to the others as it means making all the races to really have a chance and I don’t know if people want to commit to that.
  15. I was actually thinking about that as even getting the tier 2 trader is a pain in the ass. He’s only 3km away but so many hills! I have yet to find a good way to get there and back so a temp base nearer would be good. I didn’t realise it was a thing either, gives me even more reason to go looting so I can cut down all teh doors.
  16. A little update from today; I think I may have found the best book ever! I get the brass door handle from every door I knock down so all the brass for us 😄 Crispy and I went to do a quest which turned in to more of a hunt as we found a few chicken, 2 deer and then I found a bear on the way back so about 140 meat and we weren't even trying to find animals. I think you're right about food though, I have the first level unlocked but moved on to unlocking other things. I want to get the next tier of extra meat then I think I'll put some points in to master chef so I can cook all the food I'm bringing back. I've also made an iron pick, so I think I'll go mining as I've marked so many iron, lead, nitrate on coal on my map it should be easy for me to dig some up.
  17. So the server finally finish building the world and it is HUGE!!! I spawned in a nice green zone and completed the initial quests for making some plant fibre clothing and bed and the trader it sent me to was in a large town / small city so plenty of loot to find. I originally hid at the top of a Sham foods factory to survive the first night but Rich said about it being a bad place to set up our temporary base so he found a better building to set up in. Rich, Lee and I have gone through plenty of bounty's to get that all important XP to the point I think we had 3 or 4 each to hand in to the trader at the same time. We've also found too much loot so we've had to place storage on the outside of a building to store stuff in that we can then come back to later. Though on that, we found out the hard way that if you loot a building before starting a quest that resets the building, it will also delete any storage you place in the area too 😞 We've had some fun too, the building Rich picked had a couple of zombie bears in so lots and lots of arrows later they were dead. Unfortunately I also found a house that a wolf and boar in the back but I thought they were in a cage. Turned out they weren't so that was almost instant death 😞 Lee has made a few push bikes for us so that will help with getting around. I think Lee has spent his points on getting the bikes where I've gone more in to hunting and cooking. I think Rich has done something similar to me too but not quite sure. I think both Lee and Rich have got up to Tier 2 quests where I'm still on Tier 1 but I've done quite a few so I must be close. I'm hoping it will only take 1 or 2 more quests for me to also get to Tier 2 so that's what I'll be working on.
  18. Damn Philly! That is not what I expected the prizes to be - far too generous! Can I have Age of Wonders please?
  19. Mandatory acceptance? Like I'm going to miss out on any racing! I've heard back about my pedals today and they said they'll send me the replacement part so hopefully it won't take too long to get to me and fix the problem then I can be even further ahead 😁
  20. I almost cocked up last night when we were talking last night about the Sony event. You do so much for all us mate, you’re the best of us so only right we occasionally do something for you now and then. Don’t apologise for nagging us though mate, you keep this place together with your nagging. They say about herding cats is difficult but some how you manage to herd us cunts and do we need it.
  21. I can’t really add more than what others have said. This place would ve dead without you and determination. Well deserved in my opinion, you are FG and in the immortal words; GGFG.
  22. I agree but then I’ve never bought a console day 1. With their desire to support old consoles hampering the new, it isn’t usually until a year+ that the new consoles take over and we see the new hardware truly leveraged. Also...PC master race 😂
  23. Yes, a complete reset. We can’t play right now as the server is loading the world which should be done soon (could take upto about 10ish tonight).
  24. The more the merrier.....just don't beat me else I might definitely hold it against you 😆 It would take a bit of fabrication but you could certainly use an old kart as a rig. I don't know about Thrustmaster but certainly Logitech and Fanatec CSL pedals can be taken out of their housing so you could easily mount the throttle and brake separately in the kart frame. The wheel would be a bit more trouble but I'm sure nothing you couldn't work out. It sounds like the only real question is where could you put it that doesn't end in divorce....
  25. You told me where to go so I went, you didn’t expect me to actually be looking where I was going did you? 😂 I think the funniest of this server was running over the bear. Watching as the bear gets flung up in the air, getting back up just to be hit by whomever was driving the second car. It was perfect comedy timing by accident. Hopefully the map will have loaded by tonight so we can start getting all that juicy XP.
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