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phil bottle

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Everything posted by phil bottle

  1. My tuppence: I've been on the forum for two years and haven't been invited to the whatapp group. Shame on you. So, "god only knows what shit is being said behind my back", would be what I would say if I were insecure. But I'm not, so thanks, and carry on
  2. Yep, it's pretty much the same thing over and over and poor mechanics is an understatement. My hopes for Destiny sink lower with every passing Ubishit release...
  3. Nice idea man, some of those machines bring back fond memories
  4. Generally people use it to access games like Prop Hunt, Trouble in Terrorist Town etc. I've had it for ages but don't use it much as they're mostly multiplayer and I don't know anyone who plays. Seananners plays a lot of these types of games:
  5. Belated best wishes guys, hope you had a great day
  6. I've been kept away from playing both Fallout and BO3 the past week because of this mod. I like Esseker a lot. However, I jumped on with a couple of Arma 3 bods I know (they usually only play King of the Hill type stuff) and we tried out the Exile LINGOR map. Quality map, wish I'd had my shadowplay on. Completed a mission against AI, went to the crate for the goodies and got sniped by a human player from 872 metres. Bastard Currently running with an SVD camo and a Mk17. Anyone wants to try it out let me know, there's a teamspeak server we can use
  7. Great use of gravity spikes at 2.04, I love those spikes, such a satisfying feeling. You made good use of them a few times Nice vid James!
  8. Playing the Beta on this on PC the last couple of days, the game has grown on me this time round. Not enough to warrant a purchase though.
  9. That sounds about right. I'm sure when the film is released there'll be more of a buzz around it.
  10. That is exactly my thoughts on the game. It was surprising how much it annoyed me when I found out the best way to play is in 3rd person.
  11. Origin sale today has Battlefield Hardline for £9.99 It's the 'Sale of the Year' apparently https://www.origin.com/en-gb/store/deals/sale/saleoftheyear
  12. It's a bit quiet around here on the old Star Wars Battlefront section. Did anyone actually get it? It looks so beautiful I'd love to buy it for that alone...but reviews pretty all much use the word 'shallow'. Lack of decent multiplayer maps is also a common theme. Maybe DICE will turn it round with DLC.
  13. I'm about 39 hours in and I've not gone to Diamond City yet. I'm a bastard for leaving the main story until the end. I love side quests and exploring. Phil's tip: You don't need stimpacks at all. Cook all the meat from your kills. If you make mongrel stew for example (i think it's mongrel), it not only gives you back HP but also takes away rads.
  14. at that whole post, especially " I skipped the entire story and just went on a mission to kill everything that moved in the waste." I'm as follows: Fallout 3 - best story but - while the gloomy atmosphere and graphics do set the scene well - it can be a bit dreary looking. New Vegas - more colourful and nice to look at but was also more buggy and I didn't like the way the story panned out or the choices I had to make at the end. Play em both innit.
  15. I agree, very well made game. Fighting has a Sleeping Dogs feel (plus what Bart said) and the driving is very satisfying. Looks nice too. Can feel a little repetitive but it's an enjoyable game even so. According to Steam I've played 24 hours so far and I've still a way to go. Once Fallout 4 is out of my system of course.
  16. Nail on the head
  17. The adhesive one is very useful, searching for duct tape and wonder glue is now a chore to cross off the list
  18. First character tends to be balanced as well, though I favour high Intelligence, Endurance and Agility. I've also given the chap a bit of charisma this time.
  19. 16 hours in and enjoying it a lot, despite a few bugs
  20. Totally agree, seems daunting but the first time I had to change a part and add a new pci to my motherboard made me realise just how straightforward it is. Doc, you can put together decent gaming pc for between $500 and $800 depending on the quality you want. This is a really good site for estimating what you need and how much it would cost: http://www.logicalincrements.com/
  21. Ok, so I transferred to the tv and accessed the steam hub. I checked Fallout 4 on there and it tells me: Best played with keyboard and mouse. Whole point of going to the couch was to sit back and use the xbox controller. lol I'll think of something, I have 6 hours or so....
  22. Staying up late tonight, it theoretically goes live at midnight. 24gb was the size of the PC pre-load but I suspect there will be extra to dowlload upon release, we'll see. Try not to check video reviews in case of spoilers.
  23. Ha, I was being all posh using a plate, oh well, back to the trough
  24. I bought an extra long hdmi cable to hook my pc up to my tv. The tv is 42inch, 1080p and about two metres from my couch
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