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phil bottle

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Everything posted by phil bottle

  1. If they keep it first person, and stable, it'll be one to watch definitely!
  2. My thoughts exactly. Mind you, if anyone hasn't played Dishonored on PC, it's on sale for £2.49. I highly recommend, such a good game with kb+m.
  3. Christmas Steam Sale started yesterday. I had a quick gander but nothing so far looks particularly tempting. I think that for once, I'm happy with what I've got
  4. I've managed to adapt my turtle beach x12s but the sound quality isn't great and can no longer control the chat volume, so may follow you down this path fairly shortly...
  5. I get a nose bleed if I venture north of Watford But yeah, this is do-able, I'm up for a cockney jolly oop north
  6. Was thinking the same. Imagine, a £40 million pay-off from Cheatski, a nice break over xmas, then stepping into LVG's shoes early in the new year, he's a clever bastard What ya reckon Rich?
  7. The Squad does look interesting but we'll see, Arma 3 has been out a while now, it's had a lot of post-release development and the mods for it get better and better all the time. I've really enjoyed the Arma3 DayZ type mods, with all the maps from Arma 2 like Taviana and Lingor...but the actual military mods (king of the hill etc) are really excellent too. So I think I'll wait a while on this, if I've learned anything lately, it's that Early Access means that a finished playable game is in the region of 3 years away, at the very least...
  8. Did anyone ever get Excitebike for the N64? It got released towards the end of the N64's life, sooo good. As for Turok, I rented it but never bought it, I think Goldeneye and Ocarina of Time occupied me the most.
  9. Animation/graphics are improved, otherwise still the same game. But I've only downloaded the free version so far, which allows exhibition games and MyClub. I'll be looking out for the full version on the cheap too
  10. Downloaded the free version, great idea Konami!
  11. I played the beta but I was put off the game long before that. No proper ADS - no Phil. I had a go anyway and for me: it is beautiful it is aimed at a wide audience kids and casuals will love it shocking lack of decent content AngryJoe's review was pretty on the spot
  12. I suspect James may have this on PS4. Anyone else? If so, I know a few chaps who have this and maybe we can get something together. Sorry Rich, FIFA is like the anti-Christ to me when it comes to footy
  13. 2.0 gameplay
  14. Patch 2.0 released last week and I had a play about today. This game is really starting to come together and hope a few of us are playing by the time it's fully released. There's still plenty to do and plenty of optimisation is needed, frame drops all over the place when you're out of the ship...it's still in dev so I won;t moan about that, yet.
  15. Hats off sirs
  16. Watch Dogs was an eye-opening game for me. Was a shadow of it could have been, and how it was presented.
  17. Music, puts the colour into life
  18. Thanks for the feedback guys J.Owl: That's useful advice, second controller is a very good idea I hadn't thought about, cheers man!
  19. So, looks like next Tuesday I will be a PS4 noob. Black Ops will come with the console and I'll probably pick up the latest PES too. Now most of you guys have been using the PS4 for a while, do you have any tips, advice, things to do, things to avoid? How is the Sony UI, easy to use? Do you have party chat outside of games like Xbox live? PC will always be my main machine, I can't afford to but too many £50 PS4 games, when I can get them all for less than half that price on PC, but I'll be looking out for games I can jump into with other FGers. Any game suggestions? Maybe Destiny? Future-wise I'm looking forward to the new Mass Effect and maybe Division games.
  20. Yeah, I like the other stuff in 2000AD like rogue trooper but I bought it for Dredd, some brilliant stories and concepts and I love that kind of dark humour Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  21. Spidey and the Hulk when I was really young then 2000AD and then anything involving Alan Moore. I was never much of a Superman fan but the 'Red Sun' series where Superman lands in Soviet Russia is worth checking out for the lols.
  22. You heartless bastard sir cyclists have an issue with trucks turning around corners in London, it's the most common cause of death I don;t mind the rain, it's a wash innit But yeah, I carry spare underwear, and not 'cos I scare easy it's the wind that fucks me up I can vouch for this (for a fee)
  23. I cycle to work every day from hackney to barbican, takes between 20 and 30 minutes depending on traffic and my energy levels. East London is good for cycle lanes, and eventhough you have to share them with black cabs and buses, they're pretty safe. In recent years I've noticed a massive increase of hipster cyclists on their fixed wheel pieces of crap. Some of these guys have better handlebars on the faces I probably have to tell off a cyclist a few times a week these days just because they don't have a clue how to ride safely. Plus we live in a world of selfish pricks who spend more time looking at themselves or their phones than at other road users, or the fucking road.
  24. In the beta the controls felt a lot like the Payday 2 controls, just seems to be something about the shooting and movement that feels off. But I did keep playing for some reason, maybe because the rounds are short or when playing with people who know what they're doing and work together there i s a certain kind of enjoyable tension.
  25. That's a real shame, it looks kind of fun, maybe a steam sale jobby next year
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