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phil bottle

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Everything posted by phil bottle

  1. Ha, living in London I have an english accent, when you say the first line in an englsh accent it sounds positively evil. I don't have a moustache to twirl however...I'm not a hipster. Game-wise, finding the right balance is pretty elusive, but that's life in general
  2. I had completely forgotten about Batman, I'll check if it now works ok on PC, cheers man
  3. You may be in luck, there's some LoL guys on here who helped me when I started out. I'm a serious noob so I'll leave it to them
  4. So the wait until November and all the goodies that month will bring...but I need something to fill the space in between. Currently looking at the following: Metal Gear Solid 5 But have I got the patience for it? PES 2016 Last year's was a return to form and I think this must be a definite purchase BloodBowl 2 Jury's out as it doesn't seem much of an improvement over the last one.. Witcher 3 Steam sale closes tonight I think so I'm very tempted. Anyone have any suggestions or plans themselves?
  5. Any reviews from anyone who's played this a lot? I know James has smashed it and I'm tempted as I get paid tomorrow and the money's burning hole in my pocket already
  6. I was going to suggest Mulder and Scully but I'm seriously shit at making jokes
  7. A lady, on the forums, with OUR reputation, oh dear oh dear oh dear... My partner Mina likes Call of Duty, Minecraft, Civilisation and Rocket League, she just thinks its all a waste of time, eventhough she has a blast everytime. Welcome aboard Mrs Owl, Mr Owl has always been a very nice guy with me
  8. I thought Christianity was all about love and forgiveness. If you believe in god then let him do the judging, no? Judge ye not lest ye be judged thyself... and all that. There's a lot of people out there not very good at minding their own business.
  9. ^you absolute bastard sir. I'm going to do a run-through now and blow up Megaton just to see the spectacle.
  10. While not being able to play FOOTBALL is obviously very frustrating (I've hit my 40s now and it gets harder to play every year) more important is your ankle long term. $50 dollars a week is expensive, but I'd at least get a check up and then see if you can do your own physio after that.
  11. Maybe, if I was 9 years old.
  12. Oh man, I've actually booked a week off work for this. Not expecting any launch issues (yes I do remember New Vegas) so fingers and legs crossed on that one innit. I played Fallout 3 on the Xbox360, it was one of the games I bought with the console. But I've recently been playing it on PC and didn't realise how much better it looks even without mods. I'm 20 hours into my PC run-through and I just went high in medicine, small guns and repair to begin with. Now I'm bumping up science and lockpicking. I have a scoped magnum which I'm relying on a fair amount. I too I have never blown up Megaton
  13. That's brilliant, particularly as Carlito's Way is a favourite film of mine, mostly for Sean Penn's portrayal of a coke fiend lawyer
  14. I had a slim PS2 which was really portable, loved that little machine, have the slim Xbox360 too, though it's not all that slim. For some things in life smaller is better. That's what I tell the missus anyway.
  15. You know what, I only ever played it single player. I had no internet for that or world at war but I'm intrigued now, I might try it out later!
  16. I used to love Rust sooo much, the most insane COD map ever. Also the best COD map for a private free for all against mates. Some of the re-done maps have been poor choices, I'd love them to re-do Kowloon. My all time favourite.
  17. Fixed it slightly. That ending is a nightmare, I have to do the same. Funnily enough I'm going to a house party in Tottenham tomorrow night
  18. Sorry I had to jump off, especially after going 19 - 6. I'm finding PC players less savvy playing COD so far compared to the sweatiness of the 360. I have to pop out for a few sherbets but I'll be back on later.
  19. Yep, I was 10 and 2 at one point but idiots in our team didn't have a clue. Isn't that always the way it's usually me..
  20. Ha ha honours were even I think, you caught me with my pants down on one occasion, shooting a man in the back....deary me....lol....you managed to top three all the games we played
  21. Played for an hour on PC. Five games and two game winning kills later I'm liking it. Without messing with the settings I've been getting 80-90 FPS. Stuck to the first submachine gun, can't remember the name, and it tears people up. It runs really well for me. I'm playing on my 360 controller and the aim assist seems to be doing its job. I'm off work until Tuesday so I'll be playing this a lot.
  22. Funny, I didn't need to pre-order the game. Steam have given me beta access just for having another COD game installed. Downloading now!
  23. I will no doubt pick this up. If Ground Zeroes was anything to go by this will be excellent.
  24. For some reason I had it in my head I was getting PC access without pre-ordering but I think I confused myself with the Doom beta access. Silly boy I've been practicing Blops2 with KB&M in anticipation (I've always used my controller in the past but I'm determined to wean myself off it). So yeah, hope they make it open access on PC too because if I pre-order it will be to take advantage of an offer a week before release, or something like that.
  25. It's a real shame but I only see the option to invite Steam friends to private matches. I play with and against PS4 players every match but it's just random.
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