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phil bottle

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Everything posted by phil bottle

  1. PS4 has now dropped £50 off he asking price in the UK I plan to buy one around mid-November but not sure if I should wait until Black Friday....I want to get the latest model. The hardware was updated and apparently the CUH-1200 edition is at least 12 decibles quieter and uses 30 watts less power. Special thanks to Dave for pointing me to the good deals!!!
  2. I'll check it out, I've seen mention of it on reddit - though I do kind of like Teamspeak, it's so easy to use, and can be free too (though that's a little more fiddly) - can't hurt to have a look at it, so long as it's not a trojan for third parties.
  3. My missus loves the gothic quarter too, it was one of the first places in Barna (local name for Barcelona) she ever took me to see. Getting off the beaten track is a great move, you can get a decent three course lunch/dinner for a lot cheaper if you follow the locals. Marina is in the city right now for her parent's 50th wedding anniversary, so if you bump into a loud angry woman then...oh I forgot for a moment where you are
  4. I've turned off my bullshit detector, this is going to be AWESOME
  5. Nine one, thanks guys. Just doing my research and you're a big help. I think that going from the 360 controller - which is quite big and heavy in my grip* - to the PS4 - which feels kind of flat and small in comparison - is what will take some getting used to. Kontrol Freaks look like a great option though *set myself up there
  6. I played PES for a few hours on a mate's PS4 over the weekend. I'm not loving that PS4 controller. Anyone on the forum gone for a different controller with their PS4?
  7. Never watched the series myself but it's popular among colleagues at work. Artists hired by the makers of the US show Homeland to write graffiti on one of its sets in Berlin say they wrote messages criticising the show's alleged stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-34536434
  8. I got hold of Mad max for a tenner and wasn't expecting much. Actually a very well made game, though I suspect it may get a little repetitive...I'm about 10 hours in. The sound of the car reminds me of Driver from PS1
  9. My goldfish memory tells me this was a case of style over substance. Looks pretty but poor gameplay.
  10. That was the first film i ever saw at the cinema, must have been about 6. Only remember that it was ridiculously sad laid on thick with that song 'bright eyes'. At least the next movie I watched was Star Wars
  11. Meh what a shame, it looks nice but feels shallow. Plus to the most effective way to shoot is in third person without ADS, the bullet spread etc is the same as hip fire. Boring.
  12. It's the same log in as your Origin account! That confused me as well
  13. PC beta currently downloading from Origin, It's a touch over 10gb. Watched a few guys yesterday on Twitch and JackFrags youtube critique, so I'm looking forward to finding out for myself. I'm working from home tomorrow
  14. Cheers Rich, checking it out
  15. ^lol looks like money can't buy everything. That's quality
  16. I think they misspelled Peckham lol it's pretty trendy there these days but south of the water (Thames) and therefore no mans land as far as I'm concerned. Being a propah geezah I get a nosebleed if I cross over into south London. I've only been south for Dave, but that's another story. As for Yorskshire, let's just say I have visited both Donny and Barnsley, I won't be going back
  17. Listening to Spurs play in the Europa league on the radio is torture.
  18. You can now stroll around a spaceport and mingle with other online players, this game is starting to come together but still along way to go
  19. Nice one, "I'm not used to PS4 controllers" will be my initial excuse for poor performance Going to see how the Beta goes next week for Battlefront, I hope they get it right!
  20. The closed beta on this has been extended until 4 October. Had a couple of goes tonight but I'll wait for a proper session before passing judgement.
  21. The only reason for me to get a PS4 is for multiplayer games, PES2016, BLOPS3 and maybe Destiny. So if its available for less than 200 notes I'll be a happy bunny. PC Master Race all the way other than that
  22. So, the gist of this is: Microsoft (cough cough) are saying Sony will reduce the price of the PS4 in October. They've already done so in Japan and it sells there for the equivalent of $292.00, £189.00 If it's true, and bear in mind it's their direct competitor saying this, it would be pretty sweet. To be honest I'll be getting a PS4 in November whether they drop the price or not. Still kind of fancy getting an xbox one.... but 1080p rules the day. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/ps4-price-drop-coming-october-xbox-boss-phil-spencer-claims-sony-will-slash-costs-1520577
  23. Tottenham Hotspur beating Man Citeh 4 - 1 has pretty much made my weekend. Lowest average age in the Prem bodes well for the future ( Real Madrid's future )
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