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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. I agree, that was unnecessary. As Pig I often outhealed a Tracer ult, nerfing it only makes it weaker. If anything they should've slightly increased the time it takes to earn it, but even then I'm only saying that because I feel I need to say something, I think she's perfectly fine as she is.
  2. This needs more recognition. I hope it stings, cunts.
  3. You seen Stranger things?
  4. Download it. Play it. Thank me later.
  5. Dude, I would remove an egg from a carton if it meant my shopping cart could go faster than another shopper's.
  6. No. Input is either Micro USB or Applewhateverthefuckit'scalled. Output is two USB ports, so you can use whatever you want really.
  7. Mine better tho
  8. Well the one I posted is 20000mah, Bobby's one is 26800 or slightly less than 30% more for double the price. I'm not saying it's not a bad bank, but I have 6 months on mine and I absolutely love it. It'll charge an iPad from 0 to 100 at least twice, probably three times. It charged my LG G4 to full 4-5 times.
  9. https://www.amazon.co.uk/20000mAh-Portable-Charger-Lightning-Micro-USB-Black/dp/B0183K0GZC/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1523995302&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=aukey+20000mah+power+bank&psc=1 This one. /thread.
  10. Apart from being the hottest character in the Blizzard universe, sometimes played by the hottest player in the Blizzard universe, what do you guys think of her and using her abilities? @tronic44said today something along the lines of playing an offensive Mercy and this is a topic I've debated many times amongst all the voices in my head. Thing is with Mercy my primary objective is to heal, end of story. Once everyone's rezzed or topped up, I can either fight or boost, and this is the dilemma I debate often. I tend to boost as I can't shoot for shit and by boosting my magic wand of magicness focusses itself which lets me keep an eye on everyone rather than focus on killing and have you lot peg. Whatcha think?
  11. I'll life you in a minute.
  12. No. Nobody is.
  13. Goddammit Phil, I've been looking for an excuse to build another monster PC
  14. Jeep Trackhawk. Zonda Cinque (get in line Richard, there are only 5 in existence!) Dodge Demon. You sir, also want a Dodge Demon. This is completely 100% stock, right out the box:
  15. If they put another factory there I'll burn the info to a disc just so I can snap it in half. (tilted is awesome if you know where to go).
  16. I know, I know, you guys have wondered for years what it'd look like for a space station to come crashing back to earth, so have I, and thanks to the Chinese, your curiosity can be relieved. Today is the day that China's space station, Tiangong 1, comes crashing back to earth. It launched in September 2011 and stopped responding to commands in 2016. Over the last two years its orbit has decayed to the point of re-entry, which is happening today. More info here: https://www.space.com/40164-chinese-space-station-crash-last-day.html And a stream:
  17. Aaand whilst on the topic of Lambo SVs, here's a new one, Batman's car:
  18. Can't remember if I've posted one of these threads before but here's anyway. Spotted yesterday:
  19. Jesus christ lee :D:D:D
  20. Honestly last night was the most fun I've had in ages, thanks to all who participated. I think Kyla's viewing time was cut in half due to having to pause from me laughing so much
  21. You mean me? We've been, it was a great day out. I'm all up for another one. Will bring Kyla this time so I've at least got some tits to look at whilst in there.
  22. Let's be honest Phil. I'm going to spend 30 seconds in the tutorial and the next 6 weeks crashing ships in to everything and asking you for help.
  23. Fucking aussies are such a bunch of arrogant cunts. Couldn't happen to a nicer team.
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