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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. For this comment alone I recommend a night of jetpack racing just for Thomas.
  2. The problem is group size. NASCAR allows up to 30 players, the next ones down are 16 iirc which are the jetskis, and some others I cant think of right now. Given we're almost always 12+, it limits our options. I'll do a bit of research later on.
  3. Definitely in! Will have a proper read tomorrow
  4. This! We need moar contents though, otherwise we're gonna run out!
  5. Epic night as always. Fuck you all.
  6. Specialeffect are absolutely amazing, definitely a cause worth supporting.
  7. To be honest it's not bad, it's just the vehicle construction that's ridiculous.
  8. Crossout is out. I dismantled my car and have to rebuild it. You need a masters in engineering to understand how this works, screw that.
  9. Well Star Trek online is out, @Stretch616 said it was shit but I thought I'd give it a chance, well it's probably the most boring and dull game I've ever played. Honestly I think staring at the inside of my eyelids is probably more entertaining than this shit. I'm now trying Crossout, it's not bad, vehicle combat sort of gig with customization levels that are absolutely mental. Not a time sink, bit of fun now and then.
  10. Fuck this fucking documentary, fucking fucks, the fucking lot of them. Fucking fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
  11. I think it's safe to say we're getting a bit stale of our current crop of games, so it's time to see if there's anything else out there that can bring us together like Density did. Rather than pay for new games, I suggest we try some of the wealth of games on the PSN store, this way we can fuck around a lot and nobody is left out. I suggest we have a night where a group of us (ie not just let me do all the legwork like with Neverwinter and Skyforge you bastards) log on and play together to see if anything grabs our attention. So far I'm downloading: Star Trek Online. Dreadnought. Tera. Blacklight: Retribution. If they're shit we delete them and move on, but there's a wealth of free stuff out there and ignoring it would be stupid. So get downloading and let's give them a go. All of you.
  12. Link's borked mate.
  13. Usually I delete shit like this but because I'm such an amazing person I'll leave it and I'll even complete it.
  14. The flying cars were fun, the swimming cars were shit and the jetpacks were fun for a lap and then fucking awful. What out me off the jetpacks the most was the fact it put a few people off, @techno got motion sickness for example and that's not on, we need to do stuff that we can all play. I have some footage too, some epic and bizarre crashes last night which I saved. Oh and I put a sad face on your post for no reason other than to make you question your existence. Did it work?
  15. Fuck you. I won that race regardless of what the game said
  16. No worries mate, was good to meet you Some of us will be on tonight as well, it'll be CoD, Overwatch, Fortnite or if Leigh gets his way, Destiny 2. If you're around feel free to hop in as we tend to kick ass when we work together!
  17. I hate spending money at a cinema, but if one film is worth it, it's this one. Go Gary. Go forth and enjoy the Marvels.
  18. Wait till you see Infinity War. Watched it last night, it's the first film ever to make me want to go to the cinema again. Leigh, if you don't see this on the big screen I will drive to Coventry and snap your Destiny discs in half. Yes. Discs. Both of them.
  19. Dude.... if that wasn't a dark comedy then you have too much heart where the black hole should be.
  20. I'm sorry, you what?
  22. I like this. I still cover the hosting and domain renewal but Lee goes behind my back and spends tonnes of money on features and stuff without telling me, the sneaky bar steward. I've seen first hand some of the bills he's paid and.... Well let's just say they're considerable amounts, so helping towards that is important too. I'll chip in a bit when I can too.
  23. Ofc I love the videos and plug them at every opportunity I get. Here's a positive response: https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/posts/31766278/ And here's me whoring us out to get new meat ( @GazzaGarratt would be so proud): https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/posts/31764894/ And here: https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/come-play-some-gta-v-ps4-races-with-us.18818485/
  24. Woooo, new stuff, yay, I can barely contain my excitement.
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