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Everything posted by Diddums

  2. Starling has been around for much longer than Monzo which is why I went for it. Monzo also has waiting lists and we all know how patient I am. Monzo is lacking many features and doesn't even have a current account whereas Starling does. Monzo looks good but it's still a bit wobbly for me, no chance I'm putting money in a company like that yet. I'm not sure of the features but you can sign up in less than 1 min and it's 100% free so download the app and give it a go! I love disruptive technologies and absolutely despise our thieving, corrupt, predatory banking system so anything to get away from it (hence my massive Bitcoin venture but let's not talk about that). Go download the app. Do it now.
  3. Do it tonight. And no, I'm not joking. With the resources you have available you can have that baby up and running in two hours flat and that's taking it slow. You'll have all of us on call to help you out as well as millions of youtube videos. You don't need a wristband, build it on your cooking island and you'll be fine. I've built enough PCs to build a stairway to the moon and I've never worn or fucked anything up. They're mainly for very heavy staric areas and surfaces like shaggy carpet and stuff. Do it.
  4. So now that we have a few more converts to the PC master race I was thinking of doing a WoW night just to fuck about on. You can download the game for free which I think is a trial for 2 weeks or level 15 or something although this may have changed (been 4 years or so). For me personally it's hands down one of the best games I've ever played but again this was many years ago and apparently it's been dumbed down to cater to filthy casuals, which makes it easier for us idiots to get in to. The beauty of it is that not only is it free, but because the graphics are straight from 2005, it'll run on a calculator. What say you? You guys up for it? @GazzaGarratt@Stretch616@Amnotright@crispymorgan@phil bottle@tronic44 - Please tag anyone I've missed.
  5. Just got my Starling card, can't wait to use it. For those of you scratching your heads right now, it's a pre-paid credit card which you top up whenever you want and it keeps track of your spending with an app. The app automatically categorizes your expenditure into things like travel, shopping, fast food, etc. Basically if you're like me and just buy everything you want all the time and then have to eat beans on toast for the rest of the month and are too lazy to do a proper budget, it's absolutely superb. You can use the card worldwide for no extra fees whatsoever, and above all, it's 100% free. It also has a "card freeze" facility which disables your card instantly and unfreezes it at your command. Great for if you're prone to misplacing stuff or just for extra security. We signed up on Thursday and the cards arrived today ready for use in what is hands down the coolest card delivery method I've ever seen. This guy demonstrates it at 40 seconds: Sadly there aren't many vids of it on the 'tube yet and most of the ones on there are crap but this is probably the least crap of the lot: The only drawback I can see so far is that you can't top it up with credit card which I prefer as it gives me the credit card protection stuff (for the Muricans out there we have protection on credit cards, so if you buy something and the retailer is a dick, the credit card company will refund your money and take care of it, dunno if it's the same Stateside). Then again, as it's Mastercard it might have this facility already, dunno. Anyway, just thought I'd share it, Kyla and I are gonna give it a go for a while and see how it goes, will report back later
  6. Fuck Bungie. Fuck them in the eyeballs.
  7. LOL! We were literally in the middle of clearing out some drawers and Kyla kept asking me what I wanted to do with stuff and that's where it started. I forgot it was your birthday too so this was completely unrelated and NOT meant as a birthday present. A few bits and bobs I thought you might find handy.
  8. until

    Dunno. I'm too inconsistent and enjoy a beer whilst gaming. Plus Murky isn't really league material (unrelated: we need more good healers in the group because I also want to fuck shit up from time to time :P)
  9. And?
  10. For SP it has to be HZD, hands down. For MP it's Overwatch, followed closely by Fortnite.
  11. I use it every single day of my life, why?
  12. What the fuck are you gonna do with a Noctua cooler? You gonna overclock? If not, bin it and save the wedge. Intel's coolers are perfectly adequate for the job (never ever heard of a CPU overheating with a stock cooler). Edit: NOPE. Ignore the above, I bust saw you're going with a slimline case, in which case the Noctua will be valuable and they're one of the best. Inno3d have been around forever, in fact I think my old 6600GT was from them, although I wouldn't be surprised if their history goes all the way back to the original Voodoo cards. Very well known in Holland. The only differences I'd make are nothing more than personal preference however I'd say swap the Barracuda from a WD Blue or Red or if you're really feeling flush, a WD Raptor (don't do this). Looks ace dude, lemme know when you've pulled the trigger 👍
  14. Imma just stfu right now because anything I say will only be extremely inappropriate. Thanks for locking me in a corner you cunts
  15. Fuck you, I got a UAV this afternoon. And that's my quota for the month.
  16. So far I'm really enjoying it. The maps are fantastic, so much nicer than all that futuristic jumpy bollocks. The gun play is ace, War is fucking excellent. The hit detection and connection issues are textbook cod, nothing new there. The social space is shit, no point in it, get rid. For the first time in fuck knows how long it feels like the devs have done it out of love and not for shareholders. Let's see how long it takes for Activision to fuck it up though.
  17. Here are a few thoughts: I haven't done a single flashpoint since the game came out. The nightfalls feel more like a chore than anything and I have no intention of torturing myself over and over to beat that stupid timer, which in all honesty is the dumbest move in gaming since quicktime events. The raid is meh, I'll do it if I'm on and there's a spot but it's not amagahd I must do it. The light system is fucking stupid. There are like 5 ways to raise your light level and most of them are a once a week gig so if you're not lucky, FUCK YOU LOL. The banner is fantastic and it'll keep me coming back but the PvE element of this game is just boring, old, tired and not innovative enough for me to continue.
  18. Epic fun. I think I bruised some ribs from laughing. Needed that, thanks all 😘
  19. You are merely a shadow of your former self Lee.
  20. Great post fellas, always good to have new faces around. I think we (well, me in particular) can be a bit intimidating at first and I can usually tell within 3 mins if the new guys / gals are going to fit in but then I'm also a great ice breaker so whatevs. My most memorable recruit was @Amnotright and @LordBaguette. Tom was fairly civilised but Naereet was absolutely shitfaced. Good times
  21. Fucking LOVING iron banana again. It's so much better on control, they need to just keep it like this. I don't even know what I've bagged, I have a filthy habit of just shredding everything because I can't be arsed juggling shit (still don't even know what the vault looks like). It's great to have some of the old maps back, even the snipycunt map is fun with the snipers now being heavy ammo. I must say that contrary to what I originally thought, the 4v4 format is actually ace. Supers don't feel so OP any more becuase the most they can kill is 4 rather than 6. There are also only 4 people moaning which seems to make the game feel less negative, if that makes any sense at all. Really enjoying it, I'm off this weekend so will probably play the fuck out of it, looking forward to playing with you lot. Oh and pulse grenades are LOL.
  22. Life. A paint-by-numbers space movie. Watchable but nothing spectacular. I can't say anything without ruining it so see for yourselves:
  23. Thoroughly enjoyed the brief stint I had last night, definitely a repeat game. I just need to learn how to not fuck up falling out of a flying bus.
  24. Not much I can add to this really, you're a fucking machine! Love u big guy.
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