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  1. phil bottle

    phil bottle


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  2. GazzaGarratt



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  3. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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  4. techno



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2024 in all areas

  1. So I finally watched the beekeeper, now it's a Statham film so you know what your getting but for me that's fine as I like his stuff and it's pure brain out entertainment. I also watched, back to back the new road house and the original. Now for me it's the original hands down but I have to say the remake wasn't as bad as I expected if you can get past Jake Gyllenhal fighting Connor McGregor 🤔 however not sure we should see McGregor acting again either 😉. However not a waste of 2 hours.
    2 points
  2. Plenty of companies still release games on PC for around £35 and without microtransactions. If people want to pay to win in single player games that's up to them, sad but I don't care to be honest. Pay to win in multiplayer is obviously a massive no no. Paying for skins, again, I don't care. And gating or deliberately removing game features simply to make money is shitty imo it wasn't always like this, so it kind of tarnishes gaming for me personally.
    2 points
  3. Quite looking forward to seeing where we go with this ^_^ I didn't think we would end up in the position we are at the end of the last one but could make for some interesting scenarios with Cal returning as well! @GazzaGarratt also need's to get his name down, he's had enough notice.
    2 points
  4. phil bottle

    Dragons Dogma 2

    Stupid name for a game if you ask me, but looks interesting enough. Hope it comes into GamePass otherwise I'll be waiting for a sale.
    1 point
  5. I've asked Lee to spend £10 on a Tarkov expansion just so he is allowed to play offline coop with me. You have no idea how shitty that makes me feel. That kind of shabbiness and anti consumer exploitation is a fucking disgrace and should not be part of our hobby.
    1 point
  6. There’s a clip online from a former Blizzard developer, I can’t remember what game he was referencing but it was something along the lines of them spending months and months of time, and millions and millions of dollars developing a substantial piece of DLC content (similar to the likes of the upcoming Elden Ring DLC), but when they released it, it made significantly less money than a single simple cosmetic microstransatcion did on World of Warcraft. I’ll try and find the full quote for you as I haven’t summarised it well, but essentially developers move towards microtransactions as they are time and cost efficient, and can often result in significantly more income than a substantial piece of content. My personal view, they don’t bother me as I know I won’t buy them unless I really love the game and want to spend money on that game and developer (I buy the occasional Marvel themed skin on Fortnite). Do they have a place in single player games? Personally I think it’s a bit greedy but at the same time the developers want/need to make a bit more cash, and I know I’m not going to buy them so it doesn’t bother me. My issue comes when they go further than simple cosmetic items, if it’s something that significantly impacts the way the game is played or is pay 2 win on the multiplayer side. I haven’t played Dragons Dogma 2 but if they are charging people to create a new character, then that crosses a line for me. Keep them as fun, cosmetic and non essential items then people can buy them if they want to have them, or can ignore them and carry on playing the game without it affecting them.
    1 point
  7. I don't mind them much really - you don't have to buy them. I think sometimes gamers aren't able to take a step back and put themselves into the developer/programmer company side of things, just to help give some balance. No doubt about it, its income for a company, but i'd suggest thinking about what its used for. If I had made a great game and there was an outcry to add certain cosmetics or even extra enemies then I'd have to think how do I pay for the devs to make it. Thats just common sense. There is a reason we're seeing not many AAA games being made now and its purely down to cost. People can say 'it wasn't like that back in the day', but we have to be mindful that gamers expectations change and shift over time. Demand for the best graphics, the biggest games, the largest content drops, etc...its relentless and I don't envy any company that makes games these days. Social Media and the way we gorge content is just something that can't be matched in terms of delivery of content in games. I may be widening the discussion but I hope you can understand why I try to take in both sides of the story before thinking immediately from the gamer side that 'they're just crap'. However, you still need morally correct businesses to choose the right reasons to implement MTXs. That's my initial 2p anyway.
    1 point
  8. GazzaGarratt

    GT 7

    Honestly, if the Ferrari I now need to Platinum this game sells out before I logon, I will be screwing so badly. I've just found a website where they'll send you an email once the car is available in the Legend shop. It updates daily so can't see it selling out by the time i get the email. Might wanna have a look mate. Legend Cars - Gran Turismo 7 GTDB.IO The complete list of legendary cars in Gran Turismo 7, with all the details – including what's appearing next. Any other way of getting invitations other than just reward tickets?
    1 point
  9. Some more Binary Domain
    1 point
  10. Riff Machine

    Dice To Pixels

    Episode 90 is LIVE!! We discuss the story behind Anti-Monopoly, the stardew valley update, and some modded skyrim adventures.
    1 point
  11. IRaMPaGe

    Season 6 - BF2042

    I think everyone forgot it existed. 🤦
    1 point
  12. phil bottle

    GT 7

    Of the 494 cars available in this game, i currently have 491 🤗 One car, a Porsche, is locked behind an invitation, so that's in the lap of the rng gods 🙈 The other two, a Ferrari and a McLaren, I'm waiting to reappear in Hagerty's Legend Cars. The Mc was there last week but very annoyingly it had sold out by the time I'd raised the 20 million required, so will have to wait for it to rotate around again...
    1 point
  13. Binary Domain (2012)
    1 point
  14. J4MES OX4D

    Dragons Dogma 2

    Another promising game that's had a miserable launch which will sour it permanently. This time a disgusting amount of microtransactions along with aggressive Denuvo implementation and performance issues. Literally charging $2 just to edit your character! Never got the original despite it's cult success but it just defies belief how companies literally ruin their new game for the sake of greed. It's not like Capcom need the money either and it's a full price bloody game too!
    1 point
  15. Season 7 Lots more maps in the game now but i kind of forgot it existed 🙈 Might give it a go...
    1 point
  16. A mash up of two different videos....very good!
    1 point
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