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The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!
tronic44 and 4 others reacted to Middle Class Caveman for a topic
I am genuinely so happy I’ve won a copy of that game! Thank you so much @GazzaGarratt you’re a legend x5 points -
Cyberpunk Apology and Refunds
BO7H B4RRELS and 3 others reacted to phil bottle for a topic
What happens when you let short term profit override your common sense. Personally I don't care about CDPR or how they're remembered, I don't care about corporations, I despise them. What I do care about is the people who made the game and the people who spent their hard earned money buying a dud. There's no excuse for any of it. The guys who spent years and years of hard graft and non stop crunch making it must be fucking destroyed by all of this. These people have no say over when the game is released and their work is being trashed because it was not released when it was ready. If Rockstar can do RDR2 on base consoles and make it look beautiful, then this could have been achieved for CPunk, they could have simply delayed the release. As an artist I would want my art to be presented in the best possible way...and they have been let down by their bosses. At the same time it astounds me that the workers haven't the nous to collectively organise and do something about it themselves. As for the early access thing, take a look at Star Citizen🙂4 points -
That's awesome, I'm sure everyone appreciates winning. But winning something you are really happy for is superb. Well done!3 points
Cyberpunk 2077 - First Impressions
phil bottle and 2 others reacted to AceBoogie239 for a topic
Where to begin. The good. The game is beautiful. I play almost max settings 4K, 60-70 FPS on PC and the visuals are stunning. The amount of detail in the game, surroundings, nightlife, day time, all of it looks amazing. The story. So far it’s fantastic. I’m a little bit into act 2 and so far I’m really digging it. It’s not on Naughty Dogs level but still very good. Gameplay feels good (not gunplay). I love how it flows from dialogue and transitions into gameplay seamlessly. TLOU2 did a really excellent job at that as well and I hope it’s the bar for future games in the genre. The genre. The bad. Well kind of. This game was promoted as an immersive RPG but in all honesty it’s an action adventure game. You’re naturally involved in the dialogue but it’s not like your choices effect important outcomes. The game is missing a karma like feature. Where your actions and reputation have rewards and consequences. The bad. While the city and landscape looks and feels amazing the NPC’s not so much. There’s no real interactions with normal people walking around. Everyone is just there. It feels very stale in that regard. There’s very little depth there and it’s pretty sad. They could’ve really knocked it out the park on that front but it fell flat. RD2 and GTAV are definitely the bar and 2077 is nowhere near that level as far as that goes. The bad. You wear what gives you the best armor but that best armor has you walking around looking like an idiot. Which I guess really doesn’t matter because the fucking game should’ve been made in the 3rd person. That’s probably my biggest gripe about the entire game. I’m having fun playing the game but it definitely has its faults. They should’ve just delayed until summer of 2021. With Covid they could’ve had some leeway there for sure. It’s unacceptable that they released it the way they did for PS4 and XBoxOne. If it wasn’t ready they could’ve just released it for PC then fix what they needed to to make it playable on last gen or just be honest from the get go and say hey we made a game that’s meant for high end GPUs and older consoles can’t handle it. That’s my two cents. I’m sure I left some out but you get the gist.3 points -
2 points
Cyberpunk 2077 - First Impressions
phil bottle and one other reacted to GazzaGarratt for a topic
@AceBoogie239 @phil bottle Sometimes Reddit links embed the full post - and in black - which is frustrating to say the least. I've clicked to just paste the link as Travis wanted but also grabbed the juicy bit of text, made sure pics and videos embedded correctly from the thread and pasted below 🙂: Hey CD Projekt Red, I think you shipped the wrong config on PC. Here's a guide that shows you how to "unlock" Cyberpunk for possibly massive performance improvements. Guide 💡 Since I am a C# developer and very comfortable around configuration files, I figured it wouldn't hurt to take a look at the configuration files. And found something that I didn't believe. Please take a look at the above picture. This picture shows the configuration columns for each platform. PC, Durango, Orbis. (Durango & Orbis is what XBox & PlayStation run on). Now take a look at PoolCPU and PoolGPU. These values are the same as the other platforms. This looks off. So I decided to give it a try and just screw around with this config. So based off my rig I assigned some values that made a little more sense to me. I assigned 16GB (of RAM I guess) to my CPU and 11GB of my GPU's VRAM. And howdy cowboy, my i7 finally woke the fuck up and started kicking in second gear, now working at 85 - 95% CPU usage. My 1080Ti also now uses 230 Watts on avg instead of a sad 100W. Booted the game and et voila, I am now rocking a solid 60+ fps on: High Settings No Film Grain, No Ambient Occlusion, Lens Flare etc. 80 Fov 1440p My loading times have gone down from 20 seconds to 2. I can't put the emotion in words how I felt when I discovered this. It was something between disbelief, immense joy and confusion. I can confirm GOG patch 1.04 and Steam patch 1.04 have this borked configuration file. If you need guidance on what to assign in your config: PoolCPU: Use half of what your RAM is, make sure to leave 4GB for windows tho. PoolGPU: Google your graphics card on google and see how much VRAM it has. For example my EVGA 1080Ti has 11 GB GDDR5X, so I am entering 11GB. A fair bit of warning 💀 These changes can possibly crash your CyberPunk and Windows. I do not take any responsibility for any problems resulting from this. CyberPunk will complain that it crashed, even when you close it. This shouldn't matter too much though. Mileage may vary. I can't guarantee this will massively improve your performance, I can only say mine did a huge leap and the response from my friends has been very positive. If anybody is more familiar with the configuration I am touching, please let me know and I will adjust it. I am merely showing this around because it looks like a promising starting point for many who have weird performance issues. If this helped you, please let us know with a short comment how much your FPS and joystick ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) went up. Update: What we've learned.2 points -
Cyberpunk 2077 - First Impressions
GazzaGarratt and one other reacted to AceBoogie239 for a topic
Not sure why it didn’t just post the link instead of the wall of text 🤷♂️2 points -
Cyberpunk 2077 - First Impressions
GazzaGarratt and one other reacted to AceBoogie239 for a topic
@phil bottleI’m not sure if you’ve seen this but this guide can help you get some more performance by making some changes in the configuration files Reddit Config PC Help Link2 points -
The Big FGFGF Xmas Has Begun!
tronic44 and one other reacted to GazzaGarratt for a topic
Well done to Elliott @Middle Class Caveman who wins Wreckfest from 15th December!! No excuse to miss out on these FG Fridays now! 😎 Enjoy bud!2 points -
Cyberpunk Apology and Refunds
GazzaGarratt and one other reacted to Greboth for a topic
It certainly is a method that I'm happy to support especially as it seems helpful for smaller developers to make games as it's in essence crowd funding. The issue is that it can't work for all games; something like 7dtd works as it's a survival game and while they can add more stuff (either as new mechanics or actual things like vehicles) it will remain a survival game. How does that work for a story driven game though? The only real way to do it for a single player story driven game is similar to Destiny and release content periodically that continues the story. Though that then runs in to the problem that, for a game like CP2077, how to put in enough content to span the months between releases. Comparing to Destiny, even that struggles but has a lot more (raids, pvp, special events etc.) that do help give 'content' over a longer period of time. This whole situation reminds me of No Mans Sky and Hello Games. Sure the game launched badly but Hello Games sorted it out and from what I've seen so far, it looks like CDPR are so far doing the right thing and I hope they continue to do so. The first impression is the most important sadly, NMS is still remembered more for it's botched launch than the game it's become and I think CP2077 will be remembered similarly.2 points -
December 15 - Xmas FGFGF Giveaway - Wreckfest
GazzaGarratt and one other reacted to Middle Class Caveman for a raffle
2 points -
Cyberbugnk 2077 (funny bug/glitch clips)
J4MES OX4D reacted to TheMuggySpud for a topic
So Lee had the amazing idea to make a thread for any and all bug videos you've collected from the game! I'll start 🙂1 point -
A Funny Video
techno reacted to J4MES OX4D for a topic
The beginning of this is hilarious with Drift0r1 point -
YouTube Recommendations
Plumbers Crack reacted to Laidback Lankyman for a topic
For fans of John Wick series, I just saw this trailer and figured I’d share.1 point -
Cyberpunk 2077 - First Impressions
phil bottle reacted to J4MES OX4D for a topic
I've clocked about 25 hours now and I'm not sure how far in I am but I believe the main story is very short so I cannot be too far away from the conclusion. I'm already beginning to feel burnt out and the lack of quality is really taking its toll now where I may have to force myself to finish it or completely uninstall it, never to touch again irrespective of patches. I have compiled a list of issues, technical and conceptual which have hampered my experience throughout and will impact playing the game going forward:- - Lifepaths are nothing more than your spawn location and a few alternate lines of dialogue despite these being promoted as an integral aspect of your character's background and personality - The gameplay format is about as original as any generic Ubisoft game we've seen over the last decade - RPG elements are exceptionally weak in every aspect - Dialogue choices are merely an illusion and have no impact whatsoever - Interface is needlessly convoluted - NPC's are brainless and are only there for decoration - Pedestrians and vehicles vanishing into thin air - NPC's often collide with scenery - Vehicle collisions incredibly bad, physically and visually. Some of the worst I have ever seen - Audio dialogue overlapping and general sound balance issues - Assets floating in the air such as weapons, chairs and items - The city lacks a dynamic feel - Police spawn out of nowhere when alerted - they can even insta-spawn on rooftops if you're up there or behind you in empty rooms - Law Enforcement do not patrol the streets despite the devs promising this https://gamerant.com/cyberpunk-2077-wanted-system-corrupt-police/ - Poor selection of cars which seem to drive around the city aimlessly at a really low speed - Too many on-rails/scripted movements especially when you're the passenger in a car - Driving representation in-car is laughable especially in cut-scenes - Combat is significantly worse than Deus Ex Human Revolution 2011 - Inventory management worse than Deus Ex from 2000 - Missing triggers in some side missions resulting in them to break entirely and cannot be restarted unless you have an old save - Many visual bugs in cutscenes - Enemies are absolutely hopeless in combat as is their awareness - Bullets fired by AI are sometimes invisible and it's hard to tell if you've been hit or if you're being shot at - Melee combat is extremely ropey particularly with fists - Gunplay is very sloppy irrespective of stats - Crafting is dreadful as is the menu - Environment clipping in interiors if there are items on the floor or dead bodies - Character struggles to walk down steps properly - Not enough skill points to make specific builds - Skill tree is bloated beyond belief and many choices are pointless as items can offer far greater benefit - Braindance feature is mind-numbing tedium - Too many mundane side missions and filler inspired by Ubisoft and other generic Ubisoft titles I am still blown away by the visuals and the sheer scale of the city but the more I see from a gameplay perspective, the less impressed I am with the experience on offer especially if you break all the issues down. The wealth I've encountered has been a relentless immersion-killer and I'm seeing bugs at literally every turn. Also knowing that the game lacks considerable depth and that choices don't matter, it is so demoralising especially considering how this game was marketed to us for years, up to recently. It's a game that was solid on sheer bullshit, No Mans Sky lies and broken promises with a level of execution associated with the scum of the industry. I am getting so sick of being disappointed in games these days.1 point -
Cyberpunk 2077 - First Impressions
GazzaGarratt reacted to phil bottle for a topic
That's cool, we prefer text over links in general 🙂 Cheers for that, hadn't seen it but I'll check it today👍1 point -
Cyberpunk 2077 - First Impressions
GazzaGarratt reacted to phil bottle for a topic
That's a great write up and totally agree with the last bit too. Also, I'm on 1440p with 59-64 fps on a mix of high and ultra. It looks great but hoping optimizations allow for higher frames in future.1 point -
Cyberpunk Apology and Refunds
GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D for a topic
Yeah definitely. The Witcher 3 had some issues that required work post-release but there was no pressure or expectation on that game and if anything, it exceeded on release and then got better. This game however will go down as being in development a very long time, massively bankrolled, heavily marketed and ultimately disappointing a huge amount of gamers with technical and conceptual issues. CDPR's reputation as being one of only a few trusted developers left is well and truly shattered and I'm not sure if they'll ever recover no matter how many copies they sell or how much money they make. To date, I'd say The Witcher 3 is their only good game that is proven and deserving of its success. I regard it as my favourite of all time so it's a bigger shock that they've ballsed up with Cyberpunk not just technically but from a RPG standpoint too. With many gamers being let down relentlessly by publishers and developers these days, the disappointment here is even more exacerbated.1 point -
Cyberpunk Apology and Refunds
phil bottle reacted to GazzaGarratt for a topic
Whilst I lol'd at a response on Twitter to the apology that said 'Imagine if this was Bungie' which is another story entirely, I think there is a way to muddle through the crap that has followed this ambitiously well-hyped game. Concept = Great World Setting = The best possibly ever Ultra PC version = Great albeit fiddly with settings PS4/Xbox One version = Shambles and not acceptable Crunch Mentality = Not great although thats culture all over the world imo not just a gaming one It seems a game that without last gen promises and recent bad leaks about their culture, this game would be up at 95ish on metacritic. Whilst they felt they had to release eventually because of previous promises, they still could've saved face by saying last gen would have to release at a later date, or, never at all. The more I talk to you all it was never going to be a new defining genre in gaming, the hype was brought along by their last game, Witcher 3 and rightly so. The phrase 'You only as good as your last result' starts to spring to mind. I'd like to think this will still be a super game to runthrough even if its just another open world game because the setting, scenary and story is well worth it. Maybe we need to start to look at gaming in a different way moving forward if this has took 7 years in the making. Early access games and more of an acceptance of bugs could manage expectations of how gamers react. I'm not saying thats a good or bad thing, btw.1 point -
Assassins Creed Valhalla tips & tricks
G_dub52 reacted to ChaosGladiator for a topic
Don't know how many FG'ers have the game, but I figured one of these threads might still be helpful to some people. Sure, youtube and google covers pretty much everything, but there's always something that's left out and then there's also the dangers of spoilers when looking something up. So for my tips I will try to keep them spoiler free or at least add a warning when there is one. If you play AC Valhalla and have some useful tips to share, don't hesitate, post them up! Here's what I've found so far: 1. Synin the raven. This avian companion of yours is actually really useful. He's a bit clunky to use but he also has some pretty good sides. If you are in an area you haven't synchronized and want to know if there is anything to explore or any dangers around, simply summon Synin and take a look around. He will give you a very nice view of the surrounding area and can fly pretty far from your location to seek things out. You can also mark locations with him which will make it easier for you to get there. The other good thing with Synin is during certain instances you'll have to seach an area for an ally, location or enemy but the game doesn't tell you where that is. Summon Synin and fly around and it will show you a big blue circle. That's where you want to go! 2. Flyting. I thought this would be just another pointless minigame like the drinking contests, but it actually gives you more charisma which at times will help you out with dialogue options. So they are actually worth doing. 3. You can steal money back. If you have to pay an npc for anything, you can steal your money back off them if you are standing behind them. You might get caught, but if you spent a tidy sum and need the silver for other things it might be a risk worth taking. (Haven't checked if it works with shopkeepers) 4. Treasure hunts. Those golden dots on your map and compass? They're worth getting. I think I spent 90% of my first night playing this just hunting treasure. Some are easy to get to, others more complicated and I'll happily admit I had to youtube a couple of them, but down the line I'm glad I did. These treasures can be anything from suppleis for your settlement, materials to upgrade gear or just gear and are all worth taking the time to get. 5. Gear. There seems to be no "oh this piece of gear is so much better than this piece of gear" mentality in AC Valhalla. They all have their strengths and depending on playing style and what skills you pick you can run whatever set of weapons and armour that you want. Look on the bonuses the gear gives you and what bonuses the skills you pick gives you and find what suits you. I quite like this because it means you can use just about anything as long as it suits how you play. 6. Skills. You can reset your skills at any given time! This is actually quite huge. There's no complicated thing to get in order to do a full reset and no feeling of "Shit, I messed this up and should have picked something else". As I said about the gear, pick what suits your playing style, or what aligns the best with the gear you have equipped to maximize your stats if you want, got a new piece of gear that has a different bonus and needs you to reskill from light armour into heavy? Not a problem at all. Just reset! 8. Power levels. Grind, grind and grind some more. Just about anything gives you xp in AC Valhalla, and you'll need it. Getting your power levels up takes a bit of time and I've been to areas I really shouldn't have been in to get high level gear early on, which while worth it to me also took me hours because I was way in over my head against pretty much every enemy. So grind up power levels either by completing quests, exploring, fighting or treasure hunting. It'll make it a hell of a lot easier for you to explore the map early on. That's about the only things I can think of just now, but when I stumble upon something else I'll jot it down! Hopefully this helps someone out 🙂1 point -
Assassins Creed Valhalla tips & tricks
G_dub52 reacted to GazzaGarratt for a topic
Just to say that this is an ace read Sebba @ChaosGladiator . I haven't got into it at all as of yet but i'll be making sure I take all of this into consideration and revisit it once I get more into it!1 point