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  1. techno



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    phil bottle


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  4. GazzaGarratt



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2018 in all areas

  1. See the problem with these people who make these videos are going for one thing, views. I watch two YouTubers when it comes to CoD games. Driftor and Exclusive Ace. They have both been critical when it comes to the game but also have good to say. And if you’re posting Thunder videos his reputation holds zero water. Sorry just saying. All these people say the exact same this,it’s broken,it’s the worst call of duty ever,can’t wait until the next CoD. Blops 3 was broken as fuck. They all are. It’s a fucking game where people try to find exploits. Most of of the people’s hate have to do with the sprint out time. No one would of never noticed it if Ace didn’t do a video about it. Plus in reality I would say 90% of people couldn’t notice it if it was reduced. What people are bitching about is a different between 300 milliseconds to 250 milliseconds. And QuickDraw isn’t broken. Does exactly what the attachment says. It allows you to ADS faster. Says nothing about ADS faster out of sprint. It has never did that in any CoD game. There is plenty of shit I would change in this game. There is also tons of shit I would change in every CoD game. People need to understand that they will never make a more perfect game that MW2. The most fucking broken game ever
    4 points
  2. I'll stream Via the FG App
    2 points
  3. That's done. It'll store broadcasts for 14 Days. Once affiliated that'll rise to 60 days. We can of course now also take the stored broadcasts and upload the bits we want to keep longer into the highlights section. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. techno

    Why ww2 is shit

    A few videos talking about pretty much the same thing, I said last night ww2 is so broken (like destiny 1 PvP) that it actually makes it fun, if it wasn't as broken it would be just plain dull. So quickdraw useless attachment.
    1 point
  5. techno

    Why ww2 is shit

    I find it way behind blops3. The thunder video the player swapped a shotgun for a sniper at close range and killed him before it was scoped in, im rubbish at sniping but not too bad infact I can look sometimes like im optic spratt..broken Weapon balance is dire, combat shotgun godly others terrible. Gunfights are so random you hit people they turn and smash you with the same gun. No flinch or determent to.getting hit, look at killcams from someone you shot they turned and killed you, no red screen no flinch especially when you get insta-sniped. Perks that do nothing, now we find attachments that do nothing either. That's just off the top of my head. Then there's the laughable killstreaks and 50 point dom. However the game though sweaty as hell is at least playable thankfully they added war as a nice distraction from normal gamemode. I know I would play this a hell of a lot less if destiny would have been decent. These are my thought and we all see things different, I do like CoD and would defend it against unnecessary hate when it's not justified. Just noticed I posted same video twice @GazzaGarratt apologies. First one should have been this from thunder.
    1 point
  6. Im definitely down for this anytime we can get it organised.
    1 point
  7. Cool, I'll switch the pc on now[emoji106] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. And you love anal stretching [emoji16] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. This is true, there's an option in the Twitch dashboard you have to select to set it up. It's not currently set up to save the video I think. I'm happy to do it though if that's any help[emoji4] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. I think videos stay up on twitch for a couple of weeks, you can then make highlights from it and upload that straight to YouTube. I think that’s a safe direction to head in, hopefully YouTube will bring more people over to twitch. You also download the whole stream straight from twitch, about 1min after you finish streaming.
    1 point
  11. Clearly only one night of trying HC in a larger capacity and in a party, I can't make a full judgement BUT Hardcore was effing awful. Literally, so bad. I'm pretty average at best but we were going from scores like 21-15 to 6-24. You can clearly see how easier it is to camp on HC too. My only balancer to this was the HC KC after a while was bearable once you got used to the map logistics and it brought the campers out of their comfort zone.
    1 point
  12. I'd love to come but I'll be busy that Friday. First World of Darkness game that my mate is running! Via the FG App
    1 point
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