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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2018 in all areas

  1. Greboth

    Fortnite Videos

    Anyone sends me, tags me in or lets me know it’s shared on their psn account then I’ll make a compilation video. This goes for fortnite, OW or any other game.
    2 points
  2. GazzaGarratt

    Fortnite Videos

    @tronic44 @Greboth guessing we need a video section for Fortnite. I'll help out later so people xan upload to that but also worth thinking about a Fortnite FG compilation too?
    2 points
  3. Just watched this Really fun movie, serious Jackie Chan is much better than comedy action Jackie Chan
    2 points
  4. Misneach_

    Fortnite Videos

    Feel free to dump all your Fortnite videos in here for viewing pleasure.
    1 point
  5. Amazing deal https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly Subscribe for the month and get the game plus two DLC and more on the way. You are free to unsubscribe at any time too. For just $12 you get $100/200 worth of games a month so it's definitely worth checking out each month especially as a lot of the games are expensive packages.
    1 point
  6. G_dub52

    Fortnite Quick Tips

    Well your advice helped! 6 games in and I got a top 3 finish which I’m made up with proper addictive and enjoyable.
    1 point
  7. I’ve had it a few times but like you thought I was pressing square. I’m guessing that’s when the game can’t even explain what happened
    1 point
  8. I'm pretty much Core all the way. I will play hardcore but my go to is Core. I've never really understood how HC fixes the lag issues people complain about in Core. Out of choice I would only wander into HC to do gun challenges, and even then I would feel like I was cheating 😄. Just got the Karabien one hit kills done in Core, even though that is basically 100 headshots, would have been a breeze in HC. Not saying I won't do pistols and shotguns in HC but then I'll be pissed off by people running around with SMGs. My issue with HC is that it's half a game. The difference in weapons becomes smaller, so they are less individual. The perk list becomes smaller as some become useless. People get more campy. No mini map, I paid for a mini map so give me a mini map!
    1 point
  9. Same as me, then. I've played HC pretty much all the time since BO2. I'd much rather play Core but it's just too annoying for me. There's just too many bullet sponges, insta-deaths and shoot-first-die-first in Core. If it seems like I'm dying with just one bullet then I may as well play a mode where I kill in one bullet.
    1 point
  10. It would go away if people didn't buy that shit. If eververse went back to emotes etc then no problems but locking loot in there fuck that. I feel that the game is fundamentally flawed and it's gone too far to be brought back by patches. The loot is crap and worthless, the token system sucks, the progression system is pointless as enemies track with you and endgame stuff has it turned off because you know feels. They will tweak stuff and add the odd thing but I can't see it reaching the heights of D1. Maybe we're burnt out on it too.
    1 point
  11. Mikepjbell

    FG Mobile App

    Calendar event up
    1 point
  12. I’m afraid that one and only thing will bring me back to Destiny,Eververse must go. Like completely gone. Like they need to kill that bitch off. Then I may consider coming back to Destiny. I feel very betrayed by Bungie at this point. They had every chance not to screw this up. Well they did. I didn’t have a major problem with the micro transactions in D1 as it was mostly cosmetic stuff. Now they are locking every damn bit of the best stuff behind it. For what,greed! I don’t know who thought this was a good idea but they need to be fired.
    1 point
  13. G_dub52

    Fortnite Quick Tips

    Epic advice! Game Is on download so should get some first trials in tonight. I will defo try the tactic of don’t die!
    1 point
  14. The fixture list was ridiculous this Xmas, I’m all for then playing lots of games but 1 day break before another game is harsh on the teams that don’t have two squads worth of players.
    1 point
  15. As much as I am enjoying this game I just realized that this years game is 3Arcs year 😍
    1 point
  16. Yep my 6 man flamethrower kill on the forest map was beaten out by mr XxX420_ChocolateStarfishLickers_tinkywinky impressive hardscoped 1 kill...
    1 point
  17. So, last night the scum drew with the scum. They both dropped 2 points. Sweet. Tonight play Spurs play against the scum. This particular scum could get relegated but would call it a good season if they played one decent game against the mighty Spurs. Sad fucks.😂
    1 point
  18. It wouldn't be cod if we didn't moan about it 😆 You missed off what to do about the fact all the maps suck 😉
    1 point
  19. OK, reading all this and listening to the people I party up with I think I'd like to lay the following out for consideration (and this is not aimed at anyone at all, not matter what you think).... You don't like Carenten? Don't play it. People won't die in core? Try hardcore Got a guy holding down a street with an AR (legit tactic as opposed to camping in a corner)? Choose another route Shotties are overpowered? Change you style and try to use one Certain maps (or all maps) are sniper friendly? Try using a sniper rifle yourself Getting crappy connections/lag? It's CoD, you knew it would be like that when you bought it Trash talking 8 year olds in the lobby? Start your own party chat, turn CoD music off, put Spotify or similar on and play to your own music Don't like microtransactions? Vote with your wallet and keep your money in your pocket Game getting frustrating? Find another game/play private matches with your mates Getting major rage about it? Keep venting on here and find another game Remember, that all the tactics, weapons , classes that you feel are overpowered/unfair, etc are open for you to use as well. The only thing you can't do anything about, and which can be a major ballache, is connection Just my £0.02
    1 point
  20. Mate I get so fucking irate. I’m a heart attack waiting to happen with this poxy game. I would play the the crash bandicoot game I got for xmas but that little red cunt will push me over the fucking edge. No way was it that difficult when I was a kid!!!
    1 point
  21. An end of year report from the DayZ team. Video below my brief ramble Now, of all the people entitled to be cynical about this game, I think I have the right to make my own report. I played the DayZ mod back in the summer of 2012, on a work laptop. Other than Civ, I hadn't really played any PC games for quite a while. I had to buy Arma 2 to access the 'free' mod. I fucking loved it. I cannot overstate this. The way the game drew you in right form the first moment you spawned on the beach. I've never before or since found a game quite like it. Though EFT has elements that elicit similar feelings, there's nothing quite like that DayZ mod back in 2012 and 2013. Well, people clamoured for a standalone version. The mod was buggy as hell, my first death was from falling a few feet off a ladder, and yeah, everyone demanded a standalone game, with it's own team, rather that relying on a couple of modders. So, we got what we asked for. Dean got the go ahead from Bohemia to begin working on DayZ, separate from Arma. But this wasn't enough, already after a few months people were demanding to play the version of DayZ they were working on. Dean and co were kind of noobs here and provided dates to try and placate people. They didn't meet dates and the hate starting to generate was pretty mental. When they finally released an early access version of the game I think it was a bad decision and under duress. Diddums might remember the DayZ forum in this times, fucking mental people on there with a ridiculous sense of entitlement. So they released aversion of the game, on a engine that couldn't cope. It was a bastardised version of the Arma 3 engine. What happened next? Dean left and after a period of time Bohemia bit the bullet and they decided to switch to a new engine. Dean leaving the game's development was ultimately the best thing to do, he was a good modder but not a great lead developer. Then massive decision to switch to a brand new engine came alost too late, might still be too late, we'll see. But, as the video says, I think 2018 will finally be the year of DayZ.
    1 point
  22. Also is play of the game sometimes some random gunfight that wasn’t impressive at all? The only reason I ask is I got a 5 piece grenade and yet the play of the game was someone get a single sniper kill????
    1 point
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